Chapter 59 - Please keep it a secret

Nesya looked at Mumut, who came out of the secretary's room, and she then realized that Mumut was very beautiful. She thought that the uniform she was wearing hid her true beauty.

Mumut never dressed up during work, and she just put some powders on her face so that she wouldn't look too pale in the office. Many men are chasing after her, but Mumut always avoided them. For Mumut, the most important thing for a poor girl like her was to finish her studies. Mumut had never been seen close to any man except Hari, and that was because Hari always tried to be close to her.

Nesya still felt her chest beating faster when she met Mumut earlier, she was not intimidating her, but Mumut's relaxed attitude made her feel intimidated. Nesya was sure that Mumut must have heard blasphemies from her friends, but Mumut didn't try to deny it. Mumut maybe had her reasons for that.