Chapter 75 - Don't want to lose

Actually, I still have the flu, but thank God it's getting better. Thank you to readers who had given power stones and stars to support this novel. Thank you for the reviews and comments from readers, which have made the author even more enthusiastic about writing. So, for your sake, I am writing again. Hopefully, you will love this novel even more, like Bian's love for Mumut.

Happy reading ...


"I don't want to lose you," He whispered in her ear. He then continued his kiss to her neck which was still covered in her headscarf. Mumut laughs with amusement at Bian's mischievous behaviour

Bian smiled and looked at her wistfully. He took off his wife's navy-blue headscarf and started kissing her neck.

Rio entered his car with a smile. Once inside his car, he stared at a contact number on his cell phone. Earlier he had persuaded Via to give him Mumut's cell phone number.