Chapter 107- The Two Of Us

Mumut immediately went downstairs to prepare a cup of coffee for Bian. It happened that Bima had also finished taking a bath, but he immediately asked to be fed. Bima was a little fussy maybe because he was hungry. Mumut immediately picked him up and took him to the room to be breastfed. Mumut was sitting on the sofa while breastfeeding Bima when Bian came out of the bathroom. He only wore a towel that covered part of his body. Seeing Mumut breastfeeding Bima, Bian immediately approached her and kissed Bima's little cheek. Bian's kiss annoyed Bima, he immediately removed his mother's nipple and started crying again.

Mumut immediately pushed Bian away a little and began to bring her nipple to Bima's mouth. The boy immediately devoured it greedily.

"Put on your clothes first!"

"Ready, my queen!" Bian chuckled, his gaze was fixed at his child's face, which looked cute while nursing.