Chapter 177 - A Surprise for Mumut

Mumut often can't bear to see her husband, who works very hard. Usually, she asks Bian to rest when she delivers coffee or accompanies Bian overtime in her office at home, but Bian always says 'bear' and tells Mumut to rest first, so Mumut doesn't get sick.

Sometimes Mumut unconsciously falls asleep on the couch while accompanying Bian overtime. Usually, Bian will move Mumut to their room when Mumut was asleep, but tonight he let her sleep on the sofa with her head on her thighs. Bian is relieved that his work in the next two weeks is finally done, and the day after tomorrow, he can calmly take Mumut away on vacation.

Bian smiled at the beautiful face below, his thighs felt stiff, but he didn't want this moment to end. Caressing his wife's face that looked innocent, he never expected that this simple and innocent woman named Mutiara Azzahra would enter deep into his heart and make him always want to make her happy.