Chapter 245 - The Crown Prince (1)

There was excitement in the office this morning because the employees had just arrived at the office. They were shocked by the presence of two very handsome people who looked like brothers and sisters. They immediately recognized that the older man was their boss, Bian Harton, and they suspected that the younger man was Bian's child because, as far as they knew, Bian was an only child, so he didn't have a younger brother. And they are sure that it is not Arjuna because they will immediately recognize

The handsome man who walked with Bian looked younger and more handsome than Bian. His slightly long hair was styled with little bangs on his forehead. He walked hand in hand with his father with steady steps, and they walked towards the special elevator for company officials.

"Good morning, sir," said someone to Bian.

"Good morning, sir." said anyone else.

"Good morning, sir,"