I broke down my wall
You watched it fall
I did it for you
And you knew
I thought this was true
That our love would mean something to you
I guess I was foolish
I know I blew it
From the moment I decided to trust you
You said all the right words
All the things I longed to hear
All the things that would make my pain disappear
You were being sweet in front of my face
But was laughing behind my back
Saying to yourself 'didn't know she would be easy like that'
Then you hurt me, not once but twice
But I was still at your feet
Like mice running behind cheese
I got stuck
Stoop so low my knees couldn't hold me up anymore
I keep asking myself
What did I see?
What made me so blind
When I knew what was already on your mind
I guess that's what I get for being smart but naive
I guess monkey do know how to find their trees to climb