Scorching summer weather! A man's thoughts had already reach cloud 9, thinking about how he should get enough funds to provide for his family when a notification from his phone chimed. Tutut-tutut..., he was slightly startled and reached out his hand towards the phone and taps the message written, "We need to have your payment or ELSE! After the shine through let's meet up okay, your buddy Arthur!"
The man sighed after reading and said, "not wasting any time huh! and you call me your buddy, what a smug! Then the phone rang "again Arthur why? The man answered the call, Hello! Ahhh just gave a missed call! The caller making sure that the message will be viewed by the receiver a tactic that everyone is doing these days.
The man places the phone down the table and moves his forearm in front of his vision. There is a bar like a cellphone design on the top surface of his skin showing seven bars the smallest one is red, then red-orange, orange, yellow-orange, yellow, yellow-green, and a blank that only shows its border. Another one is a digital showing the number five and the percent sign near it.
The man gave another sigh and said, "It's almost time for a recharge, kids let's go!" He took his son sitting in a wheelchair, pushing him outside with his eldest daughter beside him holding the twin-sister of the one in the wheelchair.
They are the Brillar (means to shine or emit light) Family!
Every 1st of the month, from 10 am to 2 pm of every timezone. Everyone needs to go bask in the sun for about one hour, to get 2,800% of human energy which is good for 28 days or 1 month, following the Hebrew calendar. From newborn to the elderly, they need to go outside and bask in the sun to get their human energy which is likewise the energy available with the food we eat. A person has control of the percentage he/she uses up until the next shine through. The remaining unused human energy can be used anytime a person may need it because it is reserved and can likewise be stored in an item called HEPS (human energy portable storage).
The power meter is located in the forearm showing 2,800% and reserved is like a bar. you can pay almost anything using your human energy, it is exchangeable as money, and can even be paid for your salary. There are two ways to transact, one is to use HEPOS (human energy POS) and transfer it in a credit card if you want to be careful but if you trust the one you are transacting with you can just press your fingerprint to each others level bar in your forearms
The father brought back his son inside the house after twenty minutes, his son gets sunburns and sore wounds if stays more than twenty minutes basking. The dad came back to where he left his two daughters, and they still need to stay for forty more minutes under the sun. His son only shows 933% of human energy while he and the two girls are almost 2,800%. Even you stay in the sun for more than an hour, the percentage doesn't change to more than 2,800%.
The father already made preparation after the shine through, and go to the loan sharks and pay his debt to them. He doesn't want his children to see those guys that might do something bad to them. I'll be back kids, and will buy some food!
He rides his electric bike, that is charged up and can reach to and fro the location of Arthur, his smug friend! There was no traffic and was smooth riding, almost there, he said.
Screech his bike slide a little and miss hitting the car in front of the building. Whoa, that was close! I'm here...
Clag, clag, clag, he passes through some of the goons of Arthur giving him a nod to enter the premises.
The door is a little bit open, and he taps the door really hard, knock knock knock!
Zon, come in! I've been waiting! The door opens wide, it moaned and it creaks! Arthur points his finger on the sofa while holding the landline phone on his other hand, and said feel at home, I'll just finish this one.
Zon sat on the sofa for two minutes and Arthur put down the phone and started to write something in the notebook.
Zon right away spoke when he saw that the conversation on the phone is done, and said. Hey Art! I want to pay for it completely! And this will be the last time we see each other!
Uhm, I see, you are in a hurry huh!
Yes, I am! You know I'm just using an electric bike and I have to return back to my children. We're leaving this place in a couple of days, and we will definitely not come back!
Zon hand over his APM (Automated Power Machine) card to Arthur and uses it with their HEPOS, enters the last remaining amount of energy to be taken out of the card. Tap.. tap.. clank...
There it's done! Arthur said and gave the card back while asking Zon, we're you not okay here? But he answered his own question, oh. yeah, I see! Forgot what happened between your family. I just hope you find happiness wherever you're going! My wish as your old time friend! Remember we grew up together in the same street, and here's something for old times sake.
Arthur brought out a new and fully charged HEPS! This is for your son, go ahead take it, don't let me change my mind. Go on! And whenever you may need to loan again! We are always here, okay!
Thank you, Arthur! Zon replied.
You are always welcome my friend and take care! Let yourself out okay, need to finish something here!
Zon is walking out and almost at the door when he saw one of Arthur's henchmen holding a child, his left-hand locks the child's two hands and his right hand forcefully covering the child's mouth, this kid seems to be the same age as his twins. The child moans and tears heavily falling from its eyes.
Hmmm, hmmm, hmmm... sob, sob, sob...
Zon saying in his mind, what is this, kidnapping for ransom?
The henchman tugging the little girl really hard and saying! Get inside the room!
Hmmm, hmmm, hmmm... sob, sob, sob...
Zon and the little girl's eyes met, the child's eyes screaming and asking for help! Zon's tears gently crawl down involuntarily. And said "it really breaks my heart seeing this kind of thing, it's like looking at his children! His will wants to plow down the man who's holding the child but his body is not responding. His body knows that it is not his business and he needs to let it go for his children's safety. He can't just do something reckless!!!