The End?

Arthur drew back when he found out that the child is no longer in the car and so that the police will not be able to tell what was really going on. Back up of the police had arrived three police cars from every corner of a crossing.

Guns kept on firing from two different locations!

Everyone is engaged in what is transpiring, and they did not notice that Zon had already taken off with the child. The police don't even have the impression that the situation is involving a child and since all are absorbed on the gunshots from everywhere! The two men that the police where chasing was already apprehended from incoming police officers in the patrol cars also on the way to that location.

Zon and the girl are three blocks away and not stopping for anything!

The shooters have surrendered after fifteen minutes of a shoot out. A bullet graced Phantom and the man that came with the minion that Zon hired. Everyone had been apprehended, except Arthur, because they did not find something that can link for the shoot out. Emiel and Phantom were charge of attempted murder to Arthur's life and the other party where charge also of attempted murder, for Emiel, Phantom, and Arthur.

Arthur's plan for the child who will give him immense human energy by just letting her alive! And she is just gonna get transferred to a safer house. Because the child was too afraid and was getting sick, getting weaker each day for the last twenty-six days.

Zon said to the kid! Are you hungry, their's food and water at the back, hurry don't be shy? Get some rest also later we have almost eight hours to travel before we reach my house, he said while smiling and laughing really hard.

The child took the food and water bottle from the back and started eating. She was really famished, and she saw Zon then said, Shir, why are you smiling and laughing? Speaking while her mouth is full of cheese bread.

I am sorry! Then speak and eat at the same time, take your time, hehe. You know, I've been planning everything in order to save you from those people for almost a month but, every preparation I did seemed for naught! I can't really fathom anything of God works and will that happens! Some are hidden or mysterious! Some are already right in front of you, and some are you think it's really something bad, but the end of it is still good for the better of us. I don't know if you understand me but I'll explain it once we arrived at our new house with your new family, okay!

The girl nods while crying and smiling! Tears of joy and happiness are what shows in her face at that moment!

Zon: By the way! What's your name?

I'm Dárce Orka, five years old! My mama and papa are already gone, I'm all alone huhuhu.. then teardrops again fall from her eyes.

Zon: What's the reason they took you?

Dárce: I've been roaming around anywhere because I no longer have a house after mama and papa where buried. Then they took me because I can give power to anyone!

Zon: Ohhh! That's the reason why! Oh wow! I can't imagine God's way of showing this kind of mercy and gift for all of us!

At the same time, Arthur asks every one of his goons who he knows are loyal and afraid of him to find the little girl! He also asks the help of the police and traffic enforcers to get all of the recordings of CCTV's surrounding his building and where the shoot-out that occurred. But there's no news even a slight murmur of the child. It's lie vanished without any kind of trace. He said he still has some chance with those people that were taken by the police.

Both of them exchanging stories, until Dárce got sleepy because of being too tired or exhausted. A couple of hours have already passed and two more hours they will be arriving at the house and while driving he saw the forearm of Dárce. The seven colors bar is fully green and the percentage says three-thousand percent. And he asks her after you go under the sun, what are the numbers do you see in your arms

Dárce: Seven, then zero, zero, zero.

He said in his mind, that means she gets every shine through is two-point-five times the usual human energy than what we received!

Zon: Hello kids!

His children were dumbfounded looking very confused, he left and said everything will be the start of their new lives and then came back together with another child.

Zon: Come here, everyone! Her name is Dárce Orka (dárce means giver in Czech and orka means energy in Icelandic), and she will be the newest part of our family and also the answer to our problem for Bryse!

Zon introduces them one-by-one to Dárce and said Zolice, help her to take a bath, Zunce, your clothes will be an exact match for her, and Bryse, make me a cup of coffee and orange juice for the four of you! I have here mongo bread let's prepare to eat!

Zolice took notice of the percentage and color bar on her arm, and she gave a huge smile, looked up the ceiling, and said thanks to God!

They're all seated at the table, Zon asks Dárce to look at the number percentage on Bryse's arm and said, Dárce can you give him two-thousand percent from your energy.

Dárce complied, took Bryse's arm presses the number percentage bar with her thumb fingerprint.

Zon said, we are bound to each other we are a family, we are the Brillar Family now till the day we God take us!

Zon's family are happily living together with Dárce for six-months when news came that the sun is already having a problem not able to give it's light to Earth, indefinitely! Because of the dimming of the sun and unstable suns rays that keep on fluctuating since three months ago.

Bryse said Dad, what now! is it really gonna happen?

Zolice said Dad, we've just finished all of our problems! What do we do?

Zunce said Dad, are we going to all die?

Dárce said Dad, are we gonna be okay!

Zon said to them, everything's gonna be alright, let's just wait what God is instore for us! If it is really the time for everything to end! We are grateful and thankful for the lives that we have all shared in our lifetime!

Thanks, Be To GOD for Everything!