Episode Three:- "Happy holidays...."

TINTINA:-... Excuse me can I help.. You seem lost...

UNKNOWN GIRL:- yes I am.

TINTINA:- ok. What's your name?


TINTINA:- wow I love that name.

DIANE:- ( she blushed) thank you... What about you, what's your name?

TINTINA:- Tintina... Tintina Henry Harrison. But you can call me Tintin...

DIANE:- (she laughed) I'm sorry. Your name is kinda funny.

TINTINA:- haha... I get that a lot. Your Contact lens is beautiful.

DIANE:- Thank you but that's not contact lens. That's how the color of my eyes are...

TINTINA:- what!!! No way... Seriously!

DIANE:- yes. I'm surprised you noticed.

TINTINA:- what! Who wouldn't notice it?

DIANE:- well people don't notice my eyes because I wear glasses. ( Tintina moved closer to her and tried to remove her glasses to see her eyes clearly) no!!.. I need my glasses to see well.

TINTINA:- trust me... Nothing bad is going to happen. ( somehow, Diane knew she could trust her, so Tintina removed the glasses and it seemed as if she saw the eyes of an angel. Then she began to tear up. And gave Diana back her glasses). Wow...

DIANE:- (she put on her glasses)... Why are you crying?

TINTINA:- no don't worry... I cry whenever I see something beautiful.

DIANE:- awww. Thank you... Nobody has ever told me that before. They just think I'm weird.

TINTINA:- no! Don't ever say that. You are not weird. You're just too beautiful for them to handle.

DIANE:- are you sure you are not just fulling my head with lies?

TINTINA:- hmmm... Maybe... But I have nothing to gain if I lie to you... I don't even know you.

DIANE:- ( she laughed) Yeah... That is true. You are one of a kind Tintin'. ( her phone rings and she saw who was calling) oh my God my mom. ( she answered the call ) mom... You have seen her?... Ok... Ok... I'm on my way.... ( she cut the call ) I'm so sorry. We were carried away I didn't tell you who I was looking for, I have to go. My mom has found my sister to the school hospital so... It seems I don't need your help after all ( she then smiled)...

TINTINA:- shit!!. I also forgot I had to get something for my friend from the hostel... I have to go too... ( Tintina then started walking towards the hostel leaving Diane )

DIANE:- ( she begin walking away and then paused. Her eyes are wide as she placed her hand on her chest, feeling her heart beating fast) I think I'm in love....


"ANCHOR":- written by Isa hafsat hamtin

🎅 ho ho ho!!...😉

2024. .

Tintina Arrived in Mr. Riley's mansion in Long Island wearing all black. She parked the car near the fountain And walked towards the entrance and the automated door slides right open as it sensed her gaze. The house In Santorini was white and the first thing she sees is a Rainbow colored piano and a piano stool beside it. Mr. Riley came out from a door and then stepping down the staircase Which looks like the one in Titanic. Mr. Riley is wearing a black suit and black shoe but has on pink and yellow bow tie.

MR RILEY:- wow. Tina. You look perfect. ( then they both hug softly)

TINTINA:- so do you. Love your bow tie...

MR RILEY:- well thank you. It was a gift from my fiancé.

TINTINA:- awww that's cute. Where is he anyway? Where is everyone? Did I come early?

MR RILEY:- actually you are late. Come on follow me( They began walking pass a hallway which has many white doors at both sides leading to a big brown wooden door. They reached the front of the big brown Woody door in the middle of the hallway)

TINTINA:- wait... Why is the place so quiet? It doesn't sound like there is a party.

MR RILEY:- a party!! Who said anything about a party?

TINTINA:- excuse me what?!. ok now I'm confused.

MR RILEY:- Just follow me Tina...( he placed his hand on the door and the door opened itself) come on follow me inside..( he held Tintina by the hand as they both walked inside)

TINTINA:- what is going on here? ( they walked inside the Hall and all eyes were on them as the hall went silent. The Hall is large which looks like a church and Everyone is wearing black. They began walking slowly towards the altar. As they both walked closely to the alter Tintina realize that there was a yellow coffin In front of them) What! you Invited me to a funeral on Christmas week... Unbelievable...( Both of them now standing in front of the coffin and in it, is a very handsome black man. His face is Bruised up like he was beaten before he died. He is wearing a black suit with a rainbow-colored bow tie and a diamond ring on his left hand and a tattoo "RILEY MURPHY" On the backside of his palm ) oh no. James... ( For the first time, Tintina saw sadness in Mr. Riley's eyes) what happened?

MR RILEY:- hmmm...


A day before everyone goes home for Christmas. Usher is standing at the front of the girl's hostel gate waiting. Then Destiny passed.

USHER:- Destiny!... Destiny!!! Hey!!! ( he raised his lips to his nose showing annoyance and she still didn't hear him) look at this girl...DESTINY!!! (she turn to him) abeg come [s1]

DESTINY:- ( walking towards him) what?

USHER:- please can you help me and call Lea?

DESTINY:- ok ( she took the stairs and entered the hostel) Lea! Lea! LEA!!

LEA:- ( from her corner ) yes!! What is it?

DESTINY:- Usher is calling you downstairs.

LEA:- why?

DESTINY:- How am I suppose to know? Go downstairs and ask him yourself.

LEA:- ( she looked through the window and saw him winking and smiling at some Girl Guides passing by) ugh..please tell him I'm not in the hostel.

DESTINY:- I'm not going back downstairs. So go and answer him. ( she walked to her corner)

LEA:- ( she dressed up in her compound wear and walked outside to Usher) Usher! Why did you send for me?

USHER:- can we talk? please?

LEA:- I have nothing to say to you Usher.

USHER:- please hear me out. Please! ( Lea seemed calmer) look, Lea. I'm a fool okay.

LEA:- Thank God you know...

USHER:- I'm being serious here... I made a mistake by breaking up with you. I'm so sorry.

LEA:- You know what Usher, I don't believe you at all. Not even with one kobo[w1]. You are a selfish good for nothing idiot. You know what, I'm glad we ended things because I'm tired. I'm tired of sharing you with all the girls in this school and your stupid reputation. I'm. just. TIRED!

USHER:- Lea, please... I can change...

LEA:-no no no...I'm tired of hearing that too... You!! Usher West Jackson can't change. And even if you can change, I honestly don't care. Because I don't want you. I don't even want to want you... So please Usher, let me be... Please...

USHER:- But lea...

LEA:- No but Usher... We are done. ( the general school bell rings for evening lesson as she walked out on him as he went to the opposite way )....

After the evening lesson. Tintina is alone in the class doing some of her assignments before she goes home for the holidays when Sam walked in.

SAM:- Harrison!

TINTINA:- Sam! how many times I don tell u make u stop dey use my papa name call me?[s2]

SAM:- you know I can't call you by your name without laughing... So just go with it...

TINTINA:- hm. Fine... But call my last name with respect ok?

SAM:- deal. Anyways. The Scoutmaster wants to see you.

TINTINA:- what! Why? Am I in trouble?

SAM:- I don't think so... But just go anyways... It seems important.

TINTINA:- ok.. ( she put all her books in her bag and walk straight to the scout zone to scoutmaster Michael's office. Scoutmaster Michael is a very tall dark man. As always he is wearing his scout uniform which is the scout uniform of Kenya.) Mon sir! ( she Salute )

S.M. MICHAEL:- ( Kenyan accent) At ease...

TINTINA:- You wanted to see me sir?

S.M. MICHAEL:- Yes miss Harrison. Please take a seat. ( Tintina sat down on a chair) We received an email from general A.k. Babajo that they require Scouters to assist the Nigerian army with some minor scouting of the area on the whereabouts of Boko haram. So I wanted to tell you this face to face. You and about 57 of your troops have been posted to Maiduguri in Borno State for two months. Here are their names ( he gave her a green paper ) This is your Final tax to become an Eagle Scout.

TINTINA:- ok sir. When do we live sir?

S.M. MICHAEL:- tomorrow...

TINTINA:- tomorrow!!!? You mean, no Christmas for us?

S.M. MICHAEL:- I'm afraid so. But when you guys come back, the whole school will see you guys as heroes. You guys will be like celebrities. And the school will take care of all your classes when you guys are gone. It will be like you never left.

TINTINA:- ok sir. ( she stood up) Permission to fall out sir!

S.M. MICHAEL:- Granted...


Tintina and Vero are both in Tintina's dressing room Drinking coffee when Bob entered.

BOB:- you wanted to see me miss Harrison?

TINTINA:- yes. Please take a seat.

BOB:- (he then sat down and noticed Tintina and Vero rigidly looked at him) is everything ok?

TINTINA:- look, Bob. I'm going to be real with you... You are fired.

VERO:- finally!! ( Tintina gave her a Stare) watin I do?[s3]

BOB:- I'm confused. What exactly did I do wrong?

TINTINA:- well according to the reviews of opening night and last night, people say you are overacting. I waited after opening night to see if you could do better, but the reviews came out worst. So I'm so sorry we have to let you go.

BOB:- You can't just drop me like that. who is going to play Bello in the upcoming shows set up for next week?

VERO:- One of the backup dancers has already volunteered and has agreed to play the part till we get a suitable replacement ( she stood up and stretched forth her hand) No hard feelings man...( Bob then handed over the keys to his dressing room and then he left. The room is now silent) So how did Mr. Riley's party go?

TINTINA:- it wasn't a party...( Vero then gave a go-ahead look) it was a funeral.

VERO:- Excuse me wait. what!. I'm confused.

TINTINA:- you know that name he has tattooed on his arm "JAMES JOHN".

VERO:- yes...

TINTINA:- well James John was his fiancé. He hosted his dead fiancé's funeral in his house.

VERO:- oh my. Did he tell you what happened?

TINTINA:- He didn't tell me because he himself doesn't know. He showed me an unopened envelope his fiancé left for him before he died. He told me he wasn't ready to open it. To see, and I quote "the last words of the love of my life".

VERO:- wow... I always used to think Mr. Riley was that kind of happy guy who was selfish and self-centered But this changes things.

TINTINA:- That is Mr. Riley for you. He is full of surprises. ( The room was silent for a moment) well... I'm off (She picked up her coat and wore it)

VERO:-Where are you going?

TINTINA:- I just want to go outside and take some fresh air, Walk around, think, Then head home. Lock the whole place when you're done, ok?

VERO:- oh. Ok...Don't forget your coffee.

TINTINA:-oh thank you ( She collected her coffee and then left the room. She walked back downstairs and follow the front door through the auditorium and went outside. After closing the door, she then bumped into someone and spilled her coffee all over her coat) Goddammit my coat.. (Looking Down at her coat as the person tries to apologize) Don't tell me, sorry you just ruined my...( She then look up and saw who the person was) Bello?...

BELLO:- Happy holidays Tintina...

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[W1] kobo / ( the name of Nigerian coin)

[S1] abeg come / please come.

[S2] Sam! how many times I don tell u make u stop dey use my papa name call me? / how many times have I told you to stop calling me by my last name?

[S3] watin I do? / what did I do?