It's 3. o'clock in the afternoon. Dianna walked inside the theatre. Both the stage and the auditorium were empty. Nobody was in sight.
DIANNA:- Hello!! ( her voice echoed through the theatre) is anyone here?!!! ( her voice echoed again)
VERO:- (from behind Dianna) hello...
DIANNA:- ( shocked) wow! You scared me.
VERO:- believe me, I'm more scared than you. ( Dianna seemed confused) anyways, forgive my manners. I'm Veronica Disweet, but you can call me Vero.
DIANNA:- nice to meet you Vero. I'm Dianna Martin( they shake hands)
VERO:- I know your name already...God. you really look like her up close.
DIANNA:- "who" up close?
VERO:- the original Lea. The person you are acting as.
DIANNA:- wait. You mean the character I'm acting as is real?
VERO:- yes. Don't worry. When you read the script you will know the whole story. OK?
DIANNA:- Yeah sure. Hmm... I'm here for rehearsals but nobody is here, am I late?
VERO:- yes you are. rehearsals were over 10 minutes ago.
DIANNA:- oh my ... ( she looked shocked. Mostly looks scared) Am so sorry . I won't be...
VERO:- haha I'm kidding. You're early. ( Dianna gave her an annoyed look) come on...I was just joking. Follow me. ( They walked backstage and climbed upstairs then stopped in front of a white door which had Dianna's name on it) Tintina asked me to show you to your own dressing room. Here are the keys to your door and your locker inside. ( giving Dianna the keys) as you can see your name is well written on the door So that you would not get confused...or lost.
DIANNA:- (she laughed) you are really funny.
VERO:- hmm...I get that a lot. Come on. Let's go back downstairs. The rest of the crew must have started coming. ( they walked back downstairs and the other cast were already there wearing their rehearsal clothes ) see. I told you. So now we have to wait for Mr. Riley and Tintina to come. ( Bello then walked up to the stage.)
BELLO:- hi guys...
VERO:- Hey Bello. Dianna. Meet the original Bello. Bello well you know her already...
BELLO:- pleased to meet you Dianna.
DIANNA:- ( shaking hands with Bello) pleasure is all mine.
BELLO:- ( he looks at Dianna) wow.. ( he then turns to Vero) it's as if she is Lea's twin...
DIANNA:- ( she smiled) well actually I am a...
VERO:- oh!! they are here. ( Mr. Riley and Tintina entered and whisper to Dianna) Dianna, Mr. Riley is very Sensitive so act natural. OK?
DIANNA:- OK..( Vero then tap her shoulder and sat on the auditorium chair).
MR RILEY:- ( climbing the stage with Tintina behind.) all right people!. Places!! ( clapping his hands together) now! I'm glad to introduce two new members of our family. Bello Mohammed and Dianna Martin ( Everyone whooped and clapped) all right!!!. ( the stage went silent) begin!!! ( he clapped his hands as "guy- by Lady gaga" began playing. Mr. Riley is directing the choreography.)
"ANCHOR":- written by Isa Hafsat Hamtin.
MR RILEY:- all right guys! Take 5.( they all walked to the edge of the stage. Some, drinking water and some are Stretching.) Tina' can I talk to you for a second. ( Tintina walked towards him as they sat on the auditorium chair) Bello's dance moves are amazing and he learns his script like magic. He is like the male version of you to be honest. How long have you both been friends?
TINTINA:-(holding a bottle of water) since I Caught him making out in the boy's bathroom with his boyfriend back in secondary school.
MR RILEY:- wait, is he seeing someone?
TINTINA:- no! He broke up with that guy twice. He is very single now. I think ... Wait why are you asking?
MR RILEY:- ( He blushed ) no reason.
TINTINA:- ( she stopped drinking her water and smiled) Mr. Riley are you sure you are not crushing on Bello.. ( Mr. Riley smiled and look at Tintina in the eye) oh my Goodness. You are. How long?
MR RILEY:- I don't know. I think from the first day I saw him. I have been thinking about him for no reason.
TINTINA:- wow... So what about James?
MR RILEY:- James is gone. I have to move on.
TINTINA:- are you sure you are ready to move on?. I mean, it's was just last year you had his funeral in your house and you haven't opened the letter he left for you. ( gulping her water)
MR RILEY:- (sighs) I just.. ( he noticed Tintina facing across the stage, looking at DIANNA TALKING TO VERO AND HOLDING HER SCRIPT ) hmm.. ( he had on a wide smile) you should go talk to her.
TINTINA:-( her ability to swallow became difficult then she coughed) wh.. what! No way.
MR RILEY:- why? She is beautiful, hot and Gorgeous. She is perfect. And she also learn her lines well.
TINTINA:- no way. I don't even know her and are you blind? She is way out of my League plus she is engaged. Can't you see her diamond ring?
MR RILEY:- did she tell you she's engaged?
TINTINA:- I mean...she has to be because of the ring. Right?
MR RILEY:- come on Tina' you never gonna know if you don't talk to her. The worst she can say is that she's straight or she is actually engaged. If she is then fine. You need to get out there and find the right person. I have a blue Versace suit in my closet that I'm saving up for your wedding.
TINTINA:- what!! ( she laughed) Seriously?... I'm not having a wedding.
MR RILEY:- what! You don't want to get married?
TINTINA:- Of course I'm going to get married but I don't want a massive wedding and attention and all that stuff. Besides, my family knows I'm gay and they're homophobic. They're not going to come to my wedding. So what's the point?...
MR RILEY:- the point is your wedding is that day you are tell the world you have found love and never going to be alone. That's the day when you and the one you love will forever share in memory. It has to be massive.
TINTINA:- ( she sighs) how am I going to find the right one Mr. Riley?
MR RILEY:- ( he looked at DIANNA AS VERO SHOWS HER SOMETHING IN HER PHONE) you can start by talking to her.
TINTINA:- come on... Look at her. She is not going to like me.
MR RILEY:- do you know who you are?
TINTINA:- who?
MR RILEY:- you are the famous Tintina Harrison. Who wouldn't like you? (Tintina smiled as he stood up from the chair)
TINTINA:- you should listen to your own advice you know. You should go talk to Bello.
MR RILEY:- Hmm...OK everyone, ( clapping his hands) that's it for today.. ( they Gradually walked away from the stage) Bello wait!.( he walked towards Bello)
BELLO:- hey Murphy. How are you?
MR RILEY:- I'm good. you?
BELLO:- you know...getting use to all of...( raised his script) this.
MR RILEY:- ( he laughed a little) come on. you are a natural.
BELLO:- you really think so?
MR RILEY:- I know so.. ( Bello smiled) would you like to get coffee sometime?
BELLO:- hmm... I don't like coffee. (realized the disappointed look on Mr. Riley's face) but...I like beer.
MR RILEY:- OK. Beer is fine.
BELLO:- OK... I will see you?
MR RILEY:- tomorrow. 8.o clock. King Cole Bar.
BELLO:- all right. See you then...
MR RILEY:- Yeah OK. ( Bello left the theatre)....
2018 January. ss3 boys hostel.
Time for evening lesson.
Nobody is not supposed to be in the hostel by this time but two boys are inside, alone, on a bed under the blanket.
BELLO:-( on top and kissing Ibrahim) is anything wrong? Or I'm not doing it well?
IBRAHIM:- no no no! .it's OK... I just want to pee. I will be back in a second ( he stood up and walked to the hostel bathroom)
BELLO:- ( Ibrahim's phone buzzed) Ibrahim! I think you have a message!!... Ibrahim! ( he took the phone and read the text message)
IBRAHIM:- ( coming from the bathroom and smiling) OK! I'm ready for round tw..(his smiling fades) what are you doing with my phone?
BELLO:- Who is Jacob? ( looking devastated)
IBRAHIM:- ( seems as if not knowing what to say) my cousin.
BELLO:- your cousin?
IBRAHIM:- Yeah. My cousin ( he tried to collect the phone but Bello keeps hold of it to see more texts)
BELLO:- you have been texting this guy for hours.
IBRAHIM:- my closest cousin.
BELLO:- what kind of cousin send a text like this." You look sexy without no shirt on." "How sexy do you think I am without clothes?" "Will you like to come over again sugar?". Wada fuck...
IBRAHIM:- ( collect his phone with force) it's not what you think.
IBRAHIM:- Hey keep your voice down before peace Corps hear us.
BELLO:- I'm so stupid to have ever gotten back with you. OK, what fucking excuse do you want to tell me now? Eh?!!! Your cousin is straight and likes to talk sexy with his male cousin?
IBRAHIM:-( tears began to come out of Bello's eyes. Coming closer to Bello to console him) no, please don't cry...
BELLO:- DON'T!!..fucking touch me...
IBRAHIM:- Bello I'm...
BELLO:- just don't. We, Are done.
IBRAHIM:- so it's over? You are breaking up with me...
BELLO:- ( he removed a silver ring from his left hand and throw the ring at him) just get out of my sight.
IBRAHIM:- ( he picked the ring and his clothes) you know what Bello (Bello faced him) no one and I mean No one, will ever love you like I do.
BELLO:- ( the more he looked at Ibrahim the more tears came out of his eyes) you don't love me. If you did you will never say that. ( Ibrahim wore his clothes and left the hostel )...
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