Episode Seven:- The girl in the red dress

4 weeks ago. After the 3.o'clock rehearsals.

Dianna is in her room in her family stately home in Hudson. She is wearing a bathrobe and a Hamilton slippers on her feet and has on her diamond ring. Her room is painted white and all the furnitures are brown. She is sitting on a stool and facing a dressing table, crossing her legs revealing her left thighs and holding a pencil drawing on a sketchpad as her phone buzzed.

DIANNA:- ( she stopped drawing and saw an unknown number but still picks the call) Hello?

UNKNOWN CALLER:- ( a female voice) hi. Am I Speaking to Diane Martins?

DIANNA:-( she seemed surprised by the caller knowing her childhood name) yes..you are. Please who is this?

UNKNOWN CALLER:- you can't recognize my voice little sis?

DIANNA:- ( her eyes were wide open) Cecilia?

UNKNOWN CALLER:- yes. it's me, little sis.

DIANNA:-( she laughed) hey!! Stop calling me little sis. you are just 9 minutes older than me. And my name is Dianna now.

UNKNOWN CALLER:- what's the difference between Diane and Dianna?. It's just you removing one 'n" and  turning "e" to "a".

DIANNA:- ( she laughed) I know but Diane reminds me of my wick and ugly self.

UNKNOWN CALLER:- come on Diane. You were never ugly. You weren't just beautiful.

DIANNA:- wow! You haven't changed. You still manage to be insultive in your Compliments.

UNKNOWN CALLER:- ( she laughed) I'm sorry. I can't help it. By the way, hope you're still wearing your contact lens to Hide those your weird eyes?

DIANNA:- hey!! You know my weird eyes and your gray hair is mom's fault. ( she then continued her drawing) and yes. I always wear my contact lens. Well..except when I go to bed ( they both laughed) I wish we had our teenage years together.

UNKNOWN CALLER:- me too. and we never kept in touch

DIANNA:- that is mom and dad's fault. ( they both laughed )

UNKNOWN CALLER:-... But now I'm here... And I'm never living your sight little sis.

DIANNA:- what do you mean? You are not here with me in New York...

UNKNOWN CALLER:- no I'm not. But I will soon. I have all the travel papers ready to come to New York for work and of course to see you. But first I have to go back home to Nigeria to pack up and move to New York. I just finished med school in Australia and right now I'm in a long queue at the airport to fly back home. My line is moving slowly because of how this racist custom officers are searching us Nigerians. ( she hissed) ..like we are some sort of criminals. So that is why I called. so that you can keep me company.

DIANNA:- Aww. I'm Flattered. Wait. how did you get my number?

UNKNOWN CALLER:- mum gave it to me.

DIANNA:- wait what? mom has my number?

UNKNOWN CALLER:- she is our mom, why wouldn't she have your number?

DIANNA:- oh nothing just surprised that's all. how is mum by the way?

UNKNOWN CALLER:- mum is doing well actually. You remember during mom and dad's divorce, the court gave mum half of dad's money?

DIANNA:- yes I remember.

UNKNOWN CALLER:- well after you left, she opened a plaza in the central market and named it "Mangal plaza". That's what occupies her time.

DIANNA:- wow. that's nice.

UNKNOWN CALLER:- I know right. so how is dad? I hope he doesn't hit you?

DIANNA:- surprisingly no but I won't lie I have been living in fear a little.

UNKNOWN CALLER:- why did you decide to stay with dad in the first place?

DIANNA:- ( she Paused her drawing and rudely raised her eyebrows) no reason actually. just wanted to.

UNKNOWN CALLER:- seriously? wow! you are really strong. I don't think I can wake up every morning and see his face.

DIANNA:-(she laughed and continued drawing) It's something you get used too and besides dad is sick. it's nice seeing him in his weak condition.

UNKNOWN CALLER:- sick?! What's wrong with him?

DIANNA:- Cancer. I think the Doctor called it ependy- something.

UNKNOWN CALLER:- ependymoma?

DIANNA:- yes that's it... He has been on-and-off surgeries and going for some radiotherapy sessions for a while now.

UNKNOWN CALLER:- how is that going?

DIANNA:- he seems to be getting better I mean he still has the strength to go to work, sell Construction deals and make business travelers so.

UNKNOWN CALLER:- Well he shouldn't be doing that.

DIANNA:- you know dad is stubborn. He will still do want he wants to do. Anyways I wish we had more time to talk when I came to visit you in school back in 2015.

UNKNOWN CALLER:- yeah!... Why didn't you stay long?

DIANNA:- I had a flight to catch that day So mom Insisted that I should see you for the last time. That was the day I left Nigeria...

UNKNOWN CALLER:- Don't worry. I will soon be with you. What's going on with you?

DIANNA:-  Well guess what?


DIANNA:- ( she stopped drawing and looked at her ring) I'm engaged.

UNKNOWN CALLER:- oh my God. Since when?!

DIANNA:- 4 months now.

UNKNOWN CALLER:- wow... Is he handsome or rich or both?

DIANNA:- (she continued drawing and smiled) he is everything but...

UNKNOWN CALLER:- oh no. Not the 'but' word...

DIANNA:- ( she laughed) yes the 'but' word. I'm not in love with him.

UNKNOWN CALLER:- what?! And you agreed to marry him?

DIANNA:- yes but at first I was in love with him, ( she then looked into her drawing) then I found someone else. I feel like we were meant to be.

UNKNOWN CALLER:- wow. Does this person feels the same way about you?

DIANNA:- I don't know. But I'm willing to make a move.

UNKNOWN CALLER:- Is this person worth it?

DIANNA:- yes. ( she then smiled at her artwork) I know it with all my heart. ( they were silent for a moment) by the way, why did you change your name?

UNKNOWN CALLER:- After mum and dad divorced and I went to a boarding school, I wanted a fresh start. So I changed my name. And used mum's name as my last name. Wait how did you know I changed my name?

DIANNA:- (thinking of what to say) I...

UNKNOWN CALLER:- ...oh!! I'm at the passport control. They want to check me. I will call you later. Bye.

DIANNA:- bye. ( the caller cut the call as she finished her artwork) so cute..( she held the drawing up to see it from afar view) ..perfect...( she dropped the drawing )...

Meanwhile, at the Australia airport, a back view of a slim girl with light brown skin, long black curly hair with some touches of gray hair who seems as if she has on reading glasses. She is wearing a red tight dress showing all her shape and is on high heels. She is passing through the passport control, removing her passport from her handbag.

SECURITY:- passport and identification please ( the girl handed her passport and her papers as the security scanned her passport on a computer and went through her papers) here you go miss Lea Cynthia.

LEA:- ( collecting her papers ) thank you...

"Anchor" written by Isa Hafsat Hamtin...

14th February 2025.

7.Pm. One hour before the ball.

Bello Locked his pink door and began walking as he answered his ringing phone.

BELLO:- hello. Who is this?

LEA:- Bello it's me. I'm here in New York. Where are you?

BELLO:- I'm off to the ball. I will see you there.

LEA:- are you sure Tintin' will talk to me.

BELLO:- ...Of course she will. Lea don't worry I'm going to be there with you the whole time...( He noticed Mr. Riley waiting for him outside) I got to go. See you at the ball. ( he cut the call and walked outside his apartment building to meet Mr. Riley )

Mr. Riley is standing beside his black and ash two-door sports car and seems to have been waiting outside for a while. He is wearing a black overall coat on a black and red tartan pattern blazer, on top a black leather vest, leather black tie, black trousers which also has tartan pattern at the ankle and the pocket side and black shining Louis Vuitton brogue. The collar of his white shirt is also leather black and he is holding an angel mask on his right hand.

BELLO:- ( He eyes were wide open with Amusement) Murphy...( He is shut off of words)

MR RILEY:- ( smiling) wow Bello... You look stunning...

BELLO:- ( his eyes are still wide open as he steps down the outdoor stairs) Speak for yourself..( he step down the last stairs and stood in front of Mr. Riley) Love the touch of leather.

MR RILEY:- well thank you..( He noticed Bello's bowtie wasn't tied ) here. Let me help you with your tie. ( he helped Bello tie his bowtie)

BELLO:- oh.thank you.

MR RILEY:- ( he finished with the bowtie) OK. There you go. Perfect and I think we need to exchange masks. You know cause you are wearing white and I'm on black.

BELLO:- oh yeah... The Devil and the angel. (They exchanged their masks as they gazed and admired each other for about 5 seconds)

MR RILEY:- Bello Muhammad,.. Will you go to the ball with me?

BELLO:- ( he gave him a side smile)I think you know the answer to that.

MR RILEY:- ( being sarcastic) no. Not really no...

BELLO:- yes silly. ( they both laughed a little)

MR RILEY:- well. Let's go. It's almost time. ( Mr. Riley opened the passenger's door for Bello to enter the car) after you...( Bello entered the car as Mr. Riley locked the door and walk towards the driver's door, enters the car and drove towards the half moonlight)

15 minutes before the ball.

Tintina is about to get down from her car in the parking lot to walk to the ball. She stepped out holding a golden Versace mask and wearing a black lace-up shoe, golden slim tie and golden vest beneath a black slim suit and a golden pocket watch and golden pocket square on her suit.

She noticed a lady coming out from a black luxury sedan wearing a black overcoat on top of a red sexy sleeveless dress that has stone design at the waist and has on a black wedge and black cat mask to match. She French braided her long pure black ponytail hair and holding a Red and black purse. The lady was Immediately allowed to enter inside by the bouncers as if she was A special guest. Tintina rose her eyebrows as she locked her car and walked towards the Radio City building.

Bello and Mr. Riley are already in the hall with all the Crew of the show. There is a small stage on the stairs. Men wearing suits and Tuxedos of different color. Some men are rather wearing something more colorful and some queer men are wearing gowns Which makes it difficult to differentiate between the men and the women. The ladies are mostly on different color of dark gowns. Some ladies are on suits which also makes it difficult to differentiate between the women and the men. But you can still spot the difference because the ladies on the suit are on heels. Generally, everyone is wearing different design, shapes and color of mask Which makes it almost impossible to Sport a familiar face.( Well, depending on how well you know the person that is...)

The hall is full as some of the Guests are talking and holding champagne and wine glass.

MR RILEY:- wow.. ( looking at the Massive chandelier)

BELLO:- (looking at the Huge wall painting) Tintina will love this...

MR RILEY:- (He turned to his right) hey... Isn't that Tina'?( He pointed at a person wearing a black mask, pure black suit, and black lace-up shoe to match. )

BELLO:- ( Facing the person Mr. Riley pointed at) no that's not her.

MR RILEY:- how do you know? All the women on a suit are on heels Except her. Which Totally seems like Tina'.

BELLO:- (he looked around and noticed that the women wearing suit are also on heels except from the person in pure black suit) you have a point there.

MR RILEY:- come on. Let's go meet her..( he held hands with Bello as they walked towards the person).

BELLO:- ( he tapped the person on her shoulder) Tintina?...

MASKED PERSON:- ( the person faced Mr. Riley and Bello) oh hi guys. You both made it.

BELLO:- Tintina?... Is that you?

VERO:- no... ( she takes off her mask) it's me Veronica.


BELLO:- ( he whispered to Mr. Riley) see! I told you it wasn't her.

VERO:- come on guys... I could recognize you both in seconds and you can't tell if it's me?!! Unbelievable..( she wore back her mask)

MR RILEY:- we are sorry. We thought you were Tina'...By the way have you seen her?

VERO:- no I haven't.

BELLO:- are you sure? She may be here and you wouldn't know..

VERO:- trust me. If she were here, I would know.

TINTINA:- ( from behind Veronica) hi guys..( Bello, Mr. Riley, and Veronica seemed amused) ..why aren't you guys saying anything?

MR RILEY:- first of all. LOVE!.. your vest.

BELLO:- and secondly... I adore your mask. ( they went silent and looked at Veronica waiting for her statement)

VERO:- oh..I have nothing to say. You look Okay to me. ( The three of them laughed at Veronica ) Tintina.. Where were you?. I didn't see you come in..

TINTINA:- me?! .. I was over there taking a selfie with The weekend ( she points to The weekend Talking to a slim tall blonde white guy wearing a white suit, white mask, and golden shoe)

BELLO:- wow The weekend is here?!!

VERO:- Yeah. Even Janelle Monáe, Darren Criss, and some of the original cast of Hamilton are here.

MR RILEY:- wow... Dianna's family must be rich to host all these people. I wonder why she auditioned to be in the show..( The hall went silent as Dianna walked in. She is wearing a slim long white gown with stone design all over the dress, showing all her shape as she let loose of her black shining curly hair and wore a golden cat mask. All eyes are on her as she winked at Tintina from afar and smiled but walked towards the blonde guy who was talking to the weekend. She held the blonde guy's hand as The weekend walked to the small stage)

THE WEEKEND:- ( on the stage) The song I'm about to sing is to honor my very good friend (he pointed to the blonde guy Dianna is standing next to) The husband to be, Chris James. ( people applaud as The blonde guy removed his mask and it's as if you are Staring at the face of an angel. He is so handsome)

MR RILEY:- ( he whispered to Tintina) you have yourself some competition there Tina'...

The weekend began to sing his song "earned it" as everyone slow danced to the beat. Tintina first danced with a woman in a suit and then exchanged dance partners and was dancing with a man in a gown. As she danced, she noticed the lady she saw earlier, the lady in the red dress who is wearing a black cat mask. Tintina made her way to the lady after exchanging dance partners with about three people. Tintina danced with the lady Perfectly as if they have been rehearsing together for years which made Tintina confused and curious about who the lady was. As the dance goes, Tintina and the lady exchanged dance partners as the song ended and everyone applauded. Tintina looked around but she couldn't see the lady in sight. Dianna walked up to the stage with the blonde guy.

DIANNA:- good evening everyone. On behalf of our families, I wanna personally thank you all for showing up and making this ball possible. We are here to celebrate family, love, friendship and the good things in our lives. Although my father isn't here based on work duties, He sent his gratitude. ( The blonde guy moved closer to her and held her hand and smiled) and.. am... I.. Want to officially announce..my engagement to.. ( even from afar She looked at Tintina )...Chris James. ( everyone clapped but you could notice Dianna wasn't smiling) but tonight we are not only celebrating my engagement. ( the hall went silent as the lady in the red dress walked on stage ) we are also Celebrating a wonderful person, who just finished med school top of her class,... (She let go of her fiancé's hand and held the Lady's hand) who I and my father have missed and haven't seen for years. my.. twin sister ( Dianna smiled )...Cecilia Martin. ( the lady removed her mask )

VERO:- ( She put both of her hands above her head and Her eyes were wide open) Jesuuuuus is lord.

BELLO:- ( He removed his mask Revealing his shocked face) kanwar Dianna ce?...[S1]

TINTINA:- (She removed her mask Revealing although silent But a devastating face) Lea?....

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Hi guys 😀. If you have enjoyed the show so far let me know in the comment section.💬


[S1] kanwar Dianna ce?... / she is Dianna's sister?...

( Hausa)