The Baby Raising a Devil Ch.155

TL: Zimming

"Did the three children go into the Marquis of Nodelli's mansion to search for Tesla records?"

The chairman looked at me with a bewildered face. I answered immediately,


"No matter how much power we had, they are still an aristocratic family. There is no way they will just leave it like that. If Tesla's record was stolen, you'll immediately be suspected as the evil child of fate. What would you say if The Duke of Marche knew?"

"It was the Marquis of Nodelli who attacked my father."

the chairman opened his eyes widely. I glanced up at him.

"Didn't I frame the Marquis of Shuheil to be the perpetrator of the attack on nobles?"

I lied about Marquis Shuheil being the culprit in the raid the other day. That's why Linda won't have any scars in the prison.I let go of the crayons in my hand and continued,

"I pointed out Marquis Shuheil just to hurt the Duke of Marche. Because he was supported by Duke Marche. It's also to buy time until my father returns."


"It was Nodelli who attacked my father first. when my dad gets back, I will make him look as if he's the criminal."

"But Duke Marche will doubt our purpose."

"That's why…"

I held up the paper and showed my drawing to the chairman.

"I need this"


Then, a knock was heard. I said, "Come in," as Trigon came in.

"Did you call?"


"What is it?"

"This drawing. Can you engrave it on my body? Is it possible?"

"It's not difficult. But what is that…?"

The chairman and Trigon looked puzzled. Then I said,

"God Neliard's child of fate."

Those were the patterns that appeared on Mina's feet and proved that she was the true child of fate. There are three conditions for 'Child of Fate'.

1. Must be born on February 29th.

2. Must have divine powers.

3. Can read ancient scriptures.

I met conditions number one and two. But I never actually met condition 3.

'The Duke of Marche and the temple don't know who the real child of fate is, they have no choice but to believe I'm the child of fate.'

Before Mina came, there were only a few people who knew about the ancient scriptures. Only the Pope and the past emperors.

'I understand that the Pope knew, but I wondered how the emperor knew.'

Maybe he was also the former Neliard God's child of fate.

As I laughed bitterly, the chairman's eyes narrowed. It was clear that he was counting with an abacus in his head. The chairman, who finished counting, also had a subtle smile similar to mine.

"Hey, it's not just the child of the evil god who needs Tesla's record. The true child of fate will need it even more."

"That's right."


"I think so too."

Then we looked at Trigon.

"Come on, draw it!"

When I stuck out the back of my foot, Trigon bent his knee with a sigh. It wasn't hard to put a sentence on the foot. In just a few minutes, we were able to mimic the pattern that I hoped so much to have in my first life. I infused divine power over the black pattern created by Trigon. The pattern shone and the flowers decorated in the vase on the table came to life. It wasn't any different from Mina's sentence I saw in my first life

"Ugh, I feel like I'm going to die.…."

I already maintained Purpur, and I felt like my whole body was losing strength when I used my divine power.

'I don't know where to take the mana from.'

I frowned at the chairman and the Trigon, who were still standing motionless.

"What are you doing?"



"Let's go right now and tell him that I've had the pattern!"

The two of them, who were confused by my words, said, "Ah." and ran out of the greenhouse.


The empire was turned upside down.

Marquis Nodelli, who attacked the Duke of Dubbled with his spectacular backing, turned himself into the perpetrator of the attack of nobles.

Marquis Shuheil, who had been in prison for a long time, was released,but people said he also joined hands with Marquis Nodelli to attack other nobles.

Marquis Shuheil complained about his injustice, but no one believed him.

This was also due to the spectacular power of Dubbled.

"I heard God's sentence was expressed in Lady Dubbled's body. She collapsed for 15 days due to the shock."

"Oh my god. Is that true?"

"Isn't the temple too much? You know, they've been making such a big deal out of Dubbled because she has been hiding God's sentences."

"Yes, there are talks that originated from the temple of her being a fake too. Isn't it too much?"

"What a pitiful child. In fact, the temple only compels a believer to donate money, but they were given nothing back."

"But it's weird right? Why hide it from the public about God's sentence that will manifest to the child of fate? Maybe the temple didn't know about God's sentence as well."

"Did they cover it up thinking that she might not be a child of fate? They're not reliable."

"They used a child for their own gains. That's terrible.

The temple's real motive to seize power using the child of fate was revealed.


I smiled at the letters sent from the empress and Neliard's believers.

'Good good. Things are going well.'

The influence of the religion was diminished, and my status was elevated.

'Of course, even the temple will beg me now.'

The Vatican, which had always been calm, even sent the cardinal himself to visit me. They want to see me.

"Lady, the cardinal is here again today. Should I say no as always?"

At Lea's question, I said while putting cookies in my mouth,

"Yes, tell them I'm sick from overeating."

"Are you really sick?"

Then the maids and the servants suddenly panicked after I said that.


"The lady is sick!"

"Doctor now!"

...Why does the servant in our mansion become so weird over time?

I said it again,

"If the cardinal asks why, just say that...."

Only then did the noticeably relieved servants leave the room. After that I got out of bed.

"Now what about Duke Marche?"

"The Marquis of Nodelli told the temple that the young masters had robbed him of Tesla's record. The temple didn't know that Tesla's record had been in Nodelli's hands so far, later, the investigation would lead to Duke Marche."

"Okay, then let's go."

"To Marche's mansion?"

"Yeah, I'm going to irk him."

Of course, I always get what I want.

I visit the Duke of Marche without temple knowing.

Henry and Isaac were worried about what they would do to me in Marche's mansion, but dad reassured them everythings going to be fine.

Ever since I shared my past, my dad has unconditionally trusted me.

When I said I'd come, Duke Marche immediately let me inside the mansion.

'Pur, don't ignore me if something happened to me.'


Pur clicked his tongue curtly, but now I know that means it was a sign of agreement. He was a devil who expressed his innermost thoughts covered with grumbling.

"Hello, Duke."

"...What brought the Lady here?"

"I have a question."

I purposely put my hands together with a naive look on my face.

"Lady to me?"

"I don't know why, but I've been dreaming of you."


Gosh, was that too much?

The Duke's eyes narrowed, so I quickly changed my words.

"So, to be exact, I dreamed of someone who looks like the Duke."

I knew it from Tesla's record. One of the men who went on an adventure with him was the ancestor of Duke Marche.

'It was proudly written in the records.'

I thought he was crazy.

He must have taken several measures. Because he doesn't know whose child of fate will win back then. Perhaps Marche's ancestor predicted that the child of the evil spirit would win, so he put his name on it openly.

'So, the Marche's family were on Ivan's side back then.'

Now, I understand Duke Marche's intention

The Duke of Marche wants to destroy the record of Tesla, the disgrace of the Marche family.

'They were known for their contribution to the country, but if it was known that they actually helped Ivan, the family would be ruined.'

The emperor, who already wants to reduce the power of Empress Yvonne, will be happy to hear that, and he will try to take away about half of the land that Marche was granted due to his family deed.

'But he's a tough old man.'

The Duke of Marche never showed his innermost self.

He still looked aloof, even though he must be upset by the fact that we have robbed Tesla's record.

'There's no use doing that.'

I smile inwardly.

"Someone who looks like the Duke of Marche keeps asking for Tesla's record."

"A man who resembles me...."

"He asked me to remove Tesla's record for future generations."


"It's in Nodelli's hands. That's why I brought the records."

I pulled Tesla's record out of the bag.

The Duke's eyes widened when he saw it.

"Oh, you want to make a deal with me."


"Are you trying to mock me?"

That's right!

I thought so, but I put on a sad face.

"I was going to give it to you, but if you don't want it...."

As I put it back, Duke Marche hastily grabbed me by the wrist.

I know you're in a hurry, old man.

"Why would you give it to me?"

"I just…I just thought it would be nice if it could help Duke Marche.…."


"My aunt told me. My dad is busy because he doesn't get along with Duke Marche."

"Grandfather kept fighting with my dad over Vallua, right?


"So I want us to be closer. If we get closer to the Duke, father won't be busy. Also, the Duke looks lonely...."

"What do you mean?"

"Dad said that. The more powerful a man is, the more lonely he is."


"I don't know it exactly, but lonely people should have friends. I'll be your friend!"

I smiled brightly, and Duke Marche, who stared at me like that, soon smiled slightly.

"Better than my child...."

"Will you be my friend?"

"Can you show me the sentence of God?"

I let him see the back of my foot. His eyes trembled as he touched my shoes carefully.

It looks real, doesn't it, grandpa?

I thought my head would split when I tried to recall this pattern in detail.

"It would be an honor to be friends with a child of fate. I've been looking forward to the day we meet since before you were born."


"Thanks for the record. I want to repay you for giving me what I really need. Is there anything you want?"

I pretended to be embarrassed.

"It's alright, you can speak comfortably."

"Um, Linda is not a bad maid."

"The maid who persuaded Marquis Shuheil?"

"I thought she did something bad, but she didn't. My dad told me. Maybe Linda wanted to help me. That's why she lied that she did something bad...."

I said sullenly and Duke Marche tapped me on the shoulder.

"Don't worry, I'll figure it out for you."

I shouted "Yay!" and raised my arm.

"Thank you!"

And I'm sorry.

In fact, the record is fake.
