The year is 2023 it is the last day before students have to return to school. Living in Japan Azriel stood out a little more than everyone else for being a second year in high school and only 16 he stood at five feet eleven inches, just shy of six-foot, with a very athletic build, sprinkle the calm quiet natured way he carried himself most girls fawned over him while most guys were intimidated by him. However, there was something off about Azriel something no one at his school knew and would probably never know.
Sweat and heat started to fill the room as Azriel was in the midst of his morning work out before his phone rang, bringing him to a halt.
"Oh hey Mika, yea we are still meeting at the old house on top of the hill where I first asked you out." I guess you could say me and Mika have hit it off, I asked her out the day we went on spring break. She has been my recent interest, we are going on a date today, we are gonna explore an old haunted house that's a big hit with all the couples at the high school. I guess its time to head to the house and make sure she doesn't have to wait for me, I wouldn't want to ruin my chance.
The sun went down as I finished my date preparations, there was no way this date wouldn't end in a bang. just as I stepped outside a figure came into view, Mika for being a senior she was short and quiet small in her build but she was feisty, I liked that about her.
"Asking a girl to walk all the way up here for a date is a horrible plan, you're lucky I think you're cute, but no one can know I made an effort to come to you. I don't need my image to be ruined by an underclassman." "I'm sorry Mika don't worry I will definitely make it up to you by the end of the night" her face growing red she crosses her arms and looks away "ha like id let you do anything so brazen" with a smirk on my face I held out my hand. "C'mon let's go explore this is what all the couples are doing right?" With an attitude she grabs my hand leading the way if it wasn't for her tsundere attitude she would be the perfect girlfriend, short hair to her shoulders a nice dark brown accompanied by slender arms and legs.
We make our way into the dark house as most of the light outside is gone, only being able to see our way around by flashlight. looking over at Mika who is visibly scared holds her phone close as the light shines from it. "Her take my flashlight, you're gonna drain your battery. ill hold onto it." shaking she gives a soft timid reply "t-thank you" she clings closer on my arm burring it between he small chest "They say this house was owned by a rich woman who lost her husband and found out he left everything to his mistress only leaving the house to his wife and three kids, after several months of struggling to support her kids she snapped killing her kids in their sleep before hanging herself, as she was dying she cursed couples and said she would take revenge on those two disturbed the only thing she had. Her home." visibly scared by this story Mika flinches as a creek can be heard down a long dark corridor. "relax it's just a folk tale that adults tell us to keep us from coming up here and doing anything we aren't supposed to." I can't blame her though, had I not cased this house before setting this date up I would've been a little uneasy too, a large rich home with decades-old interior falling apart everywhere walls scratched up by wild animals the creaks and groans of the house itself... no wonder they try to keep us away this place is dangerous, they should have destroyed it a long time ago. Oh well. "hey let's go over there" I point to a decrepit room probably one of the children's rooms "m-m-maybe we should j-just leave A-Azriel" sheepishly being dragged along I make light of the situation "You're right I don't want the ghost of the mom to come kill us too!" stopping in her tracks as I continue towards an old rusted bed "d-don't joke like t-that" with a smile I continue to slowly move back ever so slightly as to not alarm her "Oh relax this place is just old nothing gonna ha-" A snap could be heard followed by me going through the floor finding myself in the basement. Damn that hurt more than I was expecting. Eyes shooting open in fear Mika calls out "Azriel! Azriel can you hear me?!" I look up still recovering from the plummet I begin to move to a different area to try to get a better view.
Scared out of her mind Mika continues to call out to no avail holding the flashlight given to her by Azriel she looks for her phone to call for help. "Where is my phone?!" having a flashback to when she handed Azriel her phone for safekeeping she finds some resolve within herself knowing she was the only one who could help Azriel. Mika slowly makes her way back out into the long corridor taking half steps barely holding the flashlight steady she talks to herself to try and calm her down "I s-swear Azriel I am SO d-dumping you when i-i find y-" as if a horrible omen the flashlight dies. " no, no, no, no, no, no" Mika begins to spiral in a panic, hyperventilating, getting tunnel vision, as well as her fear to have her start hearing things she drops to her knees and starts sobbing but before she can collect herself she hears the creaks of the hall, something was coming towards her. Without a second thought, Mika bolts down the hall in a frenzy screaming "Azriel!!!! AZRIEL!!!!" unaware of where she was going in the dark house she managed to find herself at the end of a hall next to a staircase leading up with the creaking getting closer and closer she wastes no time sprinting up the steps punching a hole through the stair with her foot twisting her ankle while the jagged edges rip into her foot pausing for a few seconds as she sobs and tries to pry her foot out there is a loud crash at the bottom of the stairs panic reigniting within she tears her foot out causing the wood to rip off pieces of her skin, she continues her way up the stairs now in a limp with a sharp pain jolting through her body with every step she takes on her fractured bloody ankle. still unsure where she was going she finds herself at the end of a railing with nowhere to go but back the way she came, the creaking continued with what sounded like a low growl, backing up further she bumps into the railing itself. The railing gives way from the small push causing the railing to break and Mika to lose her balance. Mika flails as she slowly falls no longer feeling fear all she could think about was Azriel would save her.
Hmm, I know its gotta be around here somewhere. it was much easier to find when I had light... OH! i have her phone! this will help me find her. Using the light to navigate I maneuver my way through the dark basement leading to a whole in the first floor in the center of the home I make my way to the opening and hear a loud snap, a second passes a piece of railing slams on the basement floor from the second floor, another second passes before the sound of Mika's body slammed against the floor could be heard. "Ah found you!" I pull out a smaller phone I had in my other pocket and using Mika's light on her phone I snap a picture and send it to an unknown contact number. I stand there waiting, while I wait I look over Mika now in a pool of her own blood, her eyes were lifeless just like her body, mangled from the impact looked like a broken doll. The phone rings I look at the screen and read the following text "Contract has been fulfilled the second half of the money has been transferred" I slide the phone back into my pocket and place Mika's phone on the floor and step on it breaking it and sliding it under her body as I do so her phone still rings, I ignore the phone and wipe Mika's blood off my shoe "I told you id make it up to you, I've got to say Mika this date was to die for." I found my way to the first floor and let out a loud whistle. creaking could be heard throughout all the house before a mid-sized german shepherd appears from the darkness "you did such a good job today girl. I think that deserves lots of pats and treats when we get home. Let's go" You see I know what you're thinking... but I didn't lie Mika WAS my interest... just not for the reasons you assumed, the contract was simple, an uncle she was gonna expose for allegedly sleeping with highschoolers paid a lot of money to have his niece take a nice trip somewhere and have an untimely accident. I only fulfilled the contract, Oh and I was able to take my dog out for a walk and play too so I guess it was two birds with one stone.
The news would later show the headline "Highschool student meets untimely death exploring an abandoned house" The family was none the wiser, the client was happy, and Azriel was getting happy to be back in school out of the dating scene, he found it to... time consuming"