The vault doors stood with great intimidation and grandeur as they towered over the group of motley-sized bodies containing most of the Plagues, Midnight, and a hazel-haired scientist who was unlocking the massive chunk of metal. It was an invulnerable protector, and a very mysterious one at that. The metal was tinted an odd, glittering dark green. Brandy had said that the walls contained an alloy stronger than anything civilization was aware of. It was a mixture of tungsten carbide and a new element named zelstone. Zelstone was apparently useful because it had different properties depending on its cooling time. Cool it fast, and then temper it, and you would get a metal that dwarfs steel in hardness. It is malleable enough not to shatter if its (impressively high)maximum impact limit is surpassed. It can also keep an insanely sharp edge almost indefinitely, making it a staple for GMH weapons. There is a catch to this, though. The metal was so rare that only alloys were used in a standard GMH weapon, the purer alloys only residing in the hands of the most elite. The metal was also very heavy, and was radioactive for quite some time after its creation(though this was gamma radiation, and didn't make zelstone decay back into another element.) This all was owed to the fact that the only way to make such a material was through synthetic means. It was an extremely grueling process, as the slightest mistake was a nuclear mess that meant everything had to be started over. When the scientists of the Arewara Corporation discovered this element some years ago, they were ultimately surprised and dumbfounded. Though the nucleus of the element dwarfed any known element of the time, it managed to keep its electrons from crashing into its core(and therefore kept it from collapsing.) It was a breakthrough, a grand enigma of science and the universe at large. With this they hypothesized other goldilocks points where the atom in question would remain stable. Unfortunately, they could not find more, even up to the day Midnight and his comrades-for-hire stood before these gates of the unknown, waiting to see what's inside the next Pandora's box of this profound organization. Midnight glared at the door with anticipation. Why they were willing to trust an unknown entity such as him not only about the discovery of such a key piece of information as the metal, but also the even more grand upcoming one, he did not know. Perhaps they trusted him because the governments and civilians would never willingly get close enough to him for him to be able to talk of the questionable things that he had seen. Another reasoning in Midnight's mind was that they knew him well enough to know he would never have a motive or desire to pull such a thing. However they decided, Midnight was not one to complain. His curiosity burned forth, a raging forge in which motivation combusted from. He lowered his perception rate, so that time went by faster in his eyes, all to get a glimpse of the future made present. The vault door strangely had no seams, even at the corners, but when the scientist finished inputting all of the verification procedures on the sidewall, the vault wall became fluid, floating in connected waves of blackish liquid that remained at least partially attached to the wall, with glittery specs of green infused with it. In this mixture of seemingly gravity-defying liquid, the second form of the precious zelstone lied. When the material is given longer to cool in certain conditions, crystalline structures form. These microcrystals had a vast array of technological uses, ranging from computing storage and memory of unparalleled efficiency, as well the entirely new ability to create a fluid that can be manipulated and hardened using electrical signals, such as that of Midnight's power. Of course, both the device needed to control the substance, as well as the actual manufacturing of Midnight's haze, as he preferred to call it(not knowing the nature of his ability at the time he had it administered to him), were specially made and one-of-a-kind. The scientists under Arewara were currently trying to create a replica of Midnight's X enigma, but they were not having complete success. They had this prototype vault(amongst other things) as a product of their efforts, but they did not come close to producing another X unit. The vault was still remarkable, in its own right, perfect for guarding their main project. The liquid finished retracting to reveal a white-lit room with twelve tables serving as pedestals, each holding their own clear, plastic pouch with many sensors and tubes leading into it. The table enveloped the pouches, keeping them secure in place, and even had a dome-like structure that could fold down and presumably offer protection. Midnight walked up to one of the pouches, knowing full well not to touch the pouches. It just looked like a clear liquid, so he concentrated and increased the focus of his eyes. What were these pouches? Why so much protection? He pondered these questions until all became clear when he noticed a speck-sized particle in the liquid. He clenched his hands to the side of his stomach, shocked at what he had discovered. Confusion and clarity became one as he looked back up at the minute structure. A zygote was growing itself into an embryo, slowly but surely. Midnight's voice spoke softly and warily as he looked around to see each one of them in different stages of growth.
"This… these are GMH's, am I correct?"
"Yes, and not just any GMHs, a new generation, a new method of creation, a new genome! These cells are very, very special! Do you know why that is?" asked the hazel-haired scientist.
"No… why?"
"Because, Midnight, they were the very first cells ever to be created… from scratch. These cells have no mother but the machine that made them! It was a hard task, indeed, but look! How amazing is that! A child, designed from nothing but chemicals, his complete DNA written by humans and a computer! The entirety of the machine responsible was, no, is the best creation humanity has to offer. Life, while certainly mysterious, is no more than the most complex chemical reaction in this universe. It is a very delicate reaction, as to ruin a single portion of it would lay waste to the entire system. It is a process requiring strict homeostasis and constant interdependent reactions. This machine builds the requested cell molecule by molecule, triggering and nurturing every single appropriate reaction in the developing cell as it is being pieced together. This allows for a whole other level of customization! Appreciate this, as the precision and nimbleness of this magnificent multitasking machine took the blood, sweat, tears, and money of many to research and design. We worked our asses off to make your jobs easier."
Midnight had a very unusual and utmost disturbed face as he observed the unborn monstrosities, some being tiny zygotes, others being larger embryos.
"These will be creatures gifted with a genome creating bodies that grant unparalleled intelligence and calculating prowess, as well as a near-perfectly efficient body structure, all designed by Genus, our most developed AI, over the course of five years of simulations. This machine has a ratio of at least twenty-thousand years of human learning for each week of its own learning, adding up to a grand total of over five million years of human learning, all to create these grand creatures. Their genome is vastly different from humans to the point where they won't even be relatives of us. For some security, we personally reviewed the final product of the simulations, and tweaked it to ensure that these clever beasts will have an instinctive loyalty to the TA, and will also have ways of regulating and stabilizing their emotions, in a noninvasive, non-agitating way. These creatures will transcend human limitation, and will not even be comparable to us in most regards. On that note, I will make sure that these creatures are respected as comrades and given higher ranks. I don't want them to have a reason to defy their inner code, because they will most likely be smart enough to find loopholes through our safety measures should they desire it. Anyways… enough of my rambling, I want to hear your personal opinion on the matter. I need more feedback, especially from someone as experienced as you. That's one of the reasons why I've shown you this, after all."
"I would say to destroy these things. Now. That's what I think. The first truly artificial life forms, and you chose to make them killers? Are you guys mad? Nothing good can come out of this." Midnight expressed in a confident, serious voice.
"But we have developed them with great empathy and sociality. Though they will be highly tolerant to the physical and mental stresses they will need to endure, we made sure that the human emotions remained intact"
"Which can be the major flaw in these creatures' designs! Revenge, fear, anger, isolation. Though I was given a body that I was told would help regulate my emotions, I learned it came with a very bitter price on my being. I always have to choose one or the other: calm and apathetic or emotional and empathetic. The hardest part for me on those battlefields was keeping my humanity and emotions balanced, and due to the massive cognitive dissonance, it tore me apart from the inside out. Life and death were divided by a thin string, and the lives I had taken were not bloodless. I ripped, smashed, slashed, impaled, and mauled to survive, walking around with the souring blood of my victims caked on my body. I know that I could just forget my traumas with the help of this body, but I don't want to. What kind of wretched, grotesque soul would I be if I did that? To forget the names of the fallen is to spit on their existence, and there are only a handful of people in this world that deserve such treatment. If you train these creatures from birth, all they will know is blood and steel. Regardless of the external consequences, I believe not a single man or creature should suffer the fate that I had to endure. I will stand by my case firmly, and hopefully, you will reconsider."
"You know I can't do that" the scientist said in a half-understanding tone. "The TA wants to use this opportunity, and they will stick by it even if it means risking most of what they've built over the years. I never wanted my creations to be designed for combat, but my team's lives are on the line if I attempt sabotage or fail to protect these children. All we can do is educate them properly and make them human at heart" the scientist looked at the clear, plastic-like sack "and I don't think I can bare putting down the lives that I spent months nurturing, just for a 'greater good'. I would be the happiest father if I can receive the gift of seeing each of these… my children genuinely smile. I can't wait to see them grow and flourish in their gifts. They will have me, my co-workers, and most importantly, each other. I have poured every inch of my being into their development while they float in these artificial wombs, and I sure as hell won't stop there. I swear on my life and soul. I swear on my name, Felix Grenbur."
Midnight, with his vast amount of experience, had seen many different faces of men challenged with death, and the resolve bound to them. The glare in this man's eyes, and every single microexpression on his face, seemed familiar. It was the face of the handful of soldiers who bore true, unconquerable resolve and intelligence. There were men, yes, humans, who gave Midnight a fight that challenged and inspired him. Seeing those eyes on this man gave Midnight comfort. The next generation was in good hands, at least. Midnight changed his outlook and sought a middle ground between the two arguments.
"Keep their minds busy and intrigued. Teach them many arts and concepts, and encourage them to discover their own. Do not raise them in competition, but rather teach them the values of cooperation and relationships. If they must be killers, give them a moral code which they can stick to and swear their lives by."
"I can agree to that," Julia said while pointing a finger through her crossed arms at Midnight.
"Absolutely." Brandy remarked. Chandler and Alwin seemed to be indifferent, and LeRoy was silently listening in while making a rather unique, serious face. Annalise was gone, busy completing a separate mission altogether.
"One last thing..." Midnight told Felix " I'm going to assume we already have many other second-generation specimens across all countries' branches. If even one of them breaks suit and finds themselves face-to-face with civilization, there will be chaos. Some nation's peoples are already disturbed after they found out about me, although they don't know about my genetically modified origins, blaming my technology on my strength. If they found out that life of purely artificial origin existed, hell will rise. And how will religion react to this? Some may try to alter the facts or pretend it doesn't exist, others may paint it to be the work of the devil. One thing is for sure: these children will be hunted down or discriminated against. Humanity as a whole will question the morality of such a practice, and in the worst-case scenario, they might demand for them to be terminated. They won't see these creatures as sentient, intelligent beings who feel very real emotions, but a bizarre and horrendous enigma that will shake up our understanding of life and where humanity stands in creating it. There will be debates over whether artificial life should be used to our advantage, like machines slaved to their tasks, or treated as equal to those who are natural. And to what point of intelligence should we humans consider the created's feelings and aspirations? Should we make them mindless machines, and dismiss their potential to transcend beyond humans in every way? There will be so many questions, and a long time before any answers are given. The world itself isn't ready for technology this groundbreaking to be discovered so suddenly, and the transition would be rough and done poorly. I know you probably have already thought up these arguments, but my point is that we cannot spare any carelessness, and we must think of every possible situation in order for this to work. How about you contact me every week or so to discuss this, I will have to do some research of my own. There is still much for me to learn, and more knowledge is essential right now."
Felix stood there, deep in thought, absorbing all of what Midnight had said.
"Okay, sounds great. Thank you, Midnight, for talking with me, as well as offering your help. We already have Brandy and many other great minds working with me on this, but we could always use more. I've been stressing out a lot lately. I'm excited about our progress, but also very scared that something can and will go wrong." He said in a voice that started upbeat, but decayed to a more personal tone.
"One good piece of advice that I still have yet to follow is that a person should not fear possible dangers, but rather respect their power and adapt accordingly" Midnight said as he gave one last look at the largest of the raw pink embryos before preparing to wrap up the conversation.
"Is that all?"
"One last topic of discussion, it's about our ACI Units" Felix answered.
"For that, let's go talk in the hallway. This place makes me feel oddly uncomfortable."
The group left and sealed shut the doors. The embryos floated in their pool of fluids, in a sweet, dormant slumber. One embryo laid dead still, its blank eyes gazing straight. A few seconds later, its large, beady eye twitched. It had observed the strange blurry beings, and had heard them mumbling to each other. Though her senses were vague and incomplete, the embryo figured they were the upright creatures called humans, speaking in one of their languages. How did she know that? How did she know what a human was, and that they were capable of speech? She did not know, but she desired to understand.