Inside the palace woven from strange yet beautiful twisted columns of silver, a man sat at his desk, the table blank and void of any papers, utensils, or devices to speak of. Yet his head gently swayed as if reading something, and his hands moved as if utilizing some device. His hair was a grayish-dull blue, a worn and faded tint from its once-saturated aquamarine splash. An elegant figure stared at him from the back, admiring the glint of his golden glasses as he worked intently on his affairs. To see him put in so much effort brought a smile to her face. She stepped forward, raising a finger and pointing to a place the man had not yet seen before stepping back into position as one of the four prominent figures, the jet-like wings on her lower back fluttering ever so slightly as her long, golden silk hair glittered like glassy sand on a remote beach untouched by man. The man lifted up the glasses to rub his eyes and reclined in his chair slowly. They would have to spread out again. Or at least, make more use of their current wastelands to make more habitable and desirable places to live in. Opening his eyes, he was greeted by a somewhat familiar face. The last time he saw this child, his own creation, was at her birth.
"S-sir, it is an honor to meet you. I have an update regarding your control experiment!"
"Ah, you do? Amazing! How easy was it for you to get the information and the asset I requested? If there's anything that I could've done for you all, don't be shy about it! My job is to make your jobs easier!"
"N-No sir! We didn't run into any problems. It just took… a little longer than expected."
"Still, good work, none-the-less! Now, about that information… send in a detailed report to me from your company as soon as possible. And is that…?" The man waited with a pleasant look filled with anticipation.
"Y-yes, we have managed to bring back one of the 'X-enigmas' from earth as requested" the woman signalled to the four guards directly behind her. They hadn't made a sound or movement this entire time, and their presence almost invisible. Yet they were not to be messed with, as they had been choosen to protect such a precious item.
On a cart in the middle of the group, a metal box stood alone. The woman, startled as if holding a newborn baby for the first time ever, gently picked up the box and looked anxiously at the man.
"W-where do you want this, sir."
"Place it on my desk, I want to take a look at such a nostalgic item."
"O-of course!" She squeaked, hoisting up the case before slamming it down on the counter
"oh, ah- sorry, I didn't mean to-"
The man sighed, with an understanding smile.
"You don't have to be so apologetic. I was in your shoes, once upon a time. An anxious mess, unable to speak up for myself, always making mistakes. Only when things went…" The man paused for a brief moment "Terribly wrong… did I find the strength to correct others. Learn from your mistakes, but know your value, Y'know? Now, let's see…"
He turned his chair and leaned in as an adorable twinkle filled his eyes. The look of a child opening their Christmas present knowing exactly what it is. The man was frail-looking, and almost as thin as his skeleton. But his eyes were like the doorways to a different dimension. The colors rippled and waved like an opal containing a bright, rainbow aurora, his unusual pupils housing a sharp and intelligent stare speaking of intelligence beyond human perception. Though his body may be worn and his exterior colors faded, not an ounce of his mind was weathered away by the eons of his existence. Even more so, his heart still knew kindness. When one thinks about immortality, they think of a growing monotony. But that has never been the case. There is always something to learn, and if there is nothing, you must be the catalyst from which new things are molded and new discoveries are made.
As he took the device out of the case, he looked at it for a moment in silent awe.
"Ah, this reminds me of a time from long before. A time when I had a name. A time when these devices were commonplace or a small luxury at best. A time of futile sacrifice and brutal, never-ending war. Thinking back on it, do I have any regrets? No. I have none. I am here with you all now. That is all I could ever dream of."
"A-a name?" The familiar face spoke
"Yes. A name before I was only known as 'The Scientist'"
"What is your name?... If you mind me asking, sir."
"Tsk. That doesn't matter now. Now, it's about time I observe my experiment with my own eyes again. Isla, manage the place while I take my dive. Eve, you're coming with me."
Isla, the angelic woman with odd wings like the amalgamation of a jet and a bird. She nodded and smiled gently back at The Scientist.
Coming out of cloaking, a ring with thin metal plates attached to it, like a halo above his head, appeared out of nowhere. Eve.
"Now, which Eden should I hop into this time?" The man stood up from his desk and walked over to the world he created just outside his doorstep. From this window, what a view! A city of light and color powered by the stars! But looking up at them, he was reminded of another matter.
The one I once exiled, what business does he have on my precious control planet? Should this lone, misguided child interfere with the experiment, I would have no choice but to retire him completely. What a shame that would be.