Life Goes On

I know the last chapter I pretty much said it was done but I wanted to add this so that you can see that even thou we lost my dad two months ago that life is moving forward for us.

My brother and I by the grace of god are working for the owner of the hotel we have lived at for 21/2 years and I know its all thanks to god keeping us here even when we were looking to leave.

Our mom is getting ready to get back to work as well as my brother and I work and get ready to start school and start living the way our dad wanted us to and mom working is what dad wanted as well.

I hope that when you read this the next time you see someone homeless you don't just automatically assume that they are like that by choice and I also hope that when you hear someone is struggling you don't judge them.

I say that because after my dad passed his side of the family judged us and accused us of things that aren't true we are able to work now because we did take care of my dad the whole time after we became homeless and now we half to get back on our feet and by the grave of God it is happening little by little.

Not everyone chooses a certain lifestyle we don't choose what happens so please don't judge don't look down on or be mean its not the way God asks that we be there for each other and help you never know who's day you may make just a little better.

So with this chapter I close out homeless in Orlando because the fourth person this was about is no longer here and is somewhere way better and that's heaven.

So if I do something else like this it won't be homeless it will be something completely different God bless and be safe.