Chapter 2

Azrael pov

When I woke up this morning, I felt like something....amazing was gonna happen. I jumped outta bed, and walked to my bath to take a shower. I turned on my raggedy iPhone 6, and started to play some music. I'm known as the 'Bad Boy' at my school, but I also have a spot for different types of music. I turned on one of my favorite songs which is Someone you loved by Lewis Capaldi.

I'm going under and this time I feel there's no one to save me

This all or nothing really gotta way of drivin me crazy....

I'm not a bad singer, it's just that I don't like to sing in front of people because people will think I'm a big softee, which I am on some occasions, but I have a reputation to keep at that hell hole they call school. When I hopped in the shower, the water gave me comfort, like I was wrapped in my mother's arms again, and she was telling me that she loves me more than she loves The Young and the Restless. I started to cry a little because the song really brought back memories of my best friend, my heart, my mother. I still remember it like it was yesterday when my mom was killed by the leader of a rouge pack just because they despised my dad for killing one of their own who had tried to rape one of my sisters, Athena. At that time, I was 6, and Athena was 9, and the last words she said to me was 'be strong my, Alpha and King for I am always with you, and will always love you more than The Young and The Restless'. When I hopped out of the shower I walked back into my room, and locked the door, dried my tears away, and started getting dressed for the day. I put on a black shirt that says Catch These Hands, my black faded ripped jeans, and my black and gold Jordans. I went to my dresser, and pulled out my gold chain, and 6k gold earrings. I made sure to put on some cologne, and I made sure to brush out my hair. I looked at myself in the mirror, and went back to my closet to get my black beanie, and my plaid shirt to wrap around my waist. Before I could look myself over again, there was three small knocks at my door "Alpha Azrael?" I rolled my eyes and opened my door Beta Lance was standing there checking me out "Dude, how many times do I have to fuckin tell you to just call me Azrael? We've been best friends for years" he rolled his eyes and turned around "Whatever. Jus wanted to tell you that you're gonna be late for school if you don't hurry your weak ass up" I grabbed him by the back of his shirt and lifted him in the air. He started to beg me to put him down, but I just kept holding up, while trying to hold in my laughter "Apologize nitwit before I throw you down these damn steps" I laughed. He mentally rolled his eyes at me "Well you know I can't say sorry if I can't see ya ugly face" I turned him in the air to face me and he apologized. I set him to his feet, walked down the stairs, got my keys and bookbag, and got in my 2018 black BMW. When I got to school, I parked beside a very expensive lookin car. I got out and locked my doors, and started walking to the front of the hell hole. I met up with my boys at my locker, and indulged in a conversation about what the 'newbie' is gonna look like. "I think she gonna be a white bitch with a big ass" I looked at Camron and laughed "In your damn dreams" he rolled his eyes and told us he had to find his girlfriend Karmela. I also told the boys that I had to go do something, when I really just wanted to be alone for a few. While I was walking past the office door, I bumped into something. When down to confront what it was, A strong scent of fresh strawberries and pineapples hit my nose. My wolf, Blackness, went wild. "Mate" The mystery girl had beautiful brown eyes with a ring of dark blue around it, full smooth lips that was just waiting to be kissed, a very curvaceous body, with a nice ass that was screaming to be grabbed, and spotless brown skin. She looked about 5'5, but I didn't know for sure. I must have been staring to long, because the beauty before me smirked and walked away with three girls "Now I definitely need to watch my back" she said to the girls and they all laughed. I found myself walking to the office jus to see what the wicked witch of the whores would say. As soon as she walked I'm, she looked up over her ugly ass grandma glasses, and smirked "Well, well, well, if it isn't the idiot with the pretty hair who ruined the school" I walked up to the secretary's desk and put my elbows on it, while I put my head in my hand "Well, well, well, if it isn't the bitch that ruined the birth of Jesus Christ" I shot back. She glared and growled lowly at me "What the fuck do you want little boy?" I laughed, and left without giving her an answer. As soon as I walked out, the tardy bell rung "Shit I'm late" I used my supernatural speed and got to class in about 15 seconds tops. When I walked in the door, I apologized to Ms.Kingston, and say in my assigned seat. The girl from earlier stood up from her desk, and introduced herself "Wassup? I'm Ma'Zariyaa Johnston, I'm 17 years old, I moved here from New Jersey to finish out high school, aannndd I'm trying of for the cheer squad" When she sat down, some people applauded, and some said she was sexy. I looked to my left to see the three shit bags who said it, and growled lowly at them. They immediately shut up, and apologized to me.

When it was time for lunch, I walked with the boys to our normal table after I got my so called 'Chicken nuggets' and sat down with a silly grin on my face "Guys, I got sum good news," they looked up from their food, and looked at me with anxiousness "Spill it" I sat up straight in the uncomfortable seat with a proud look "I found my mate!" All of the boys' mouth dropped, and they all high-fived me "Dude, that great man. Who is he or she?" Cam asked expectantly. I looked around the beat down cafeteria, until I spotted her sitting with Aaliyah, Kiley, and Maya "I'll bring her over here so you can meet her" they nodded their heads, and started a conversation about the homecoming game coming up. When I started to make my way over to where the girls were sitting, the slutty, annoying fake bitch of the school, Rebecca Torrhson, as I say her last name Two'whores'son, walked up to me with her fake boobs, and snaked her arms around my waist "Hey daddy Zay" I rolled my eyes, and pushed her off of me "Don't call me that you pathetic slut" I walked off, leaving her with a shocked expression on her face. When I got to the table, she did not notice I was there listening until Aaliyah said something. "Hi, I'm Azrael" I extended my hand to her, and she took it hesitantly. When our hands made contact, there was a bolt of electricity that shot throughout my body And i know she had to feel it to. She jumped back in surprise, and looked at me "Wassup? I'm Ma'Zariyaa" I smiled at her "I was wondering if you would like to sit with me and my friends for a bit so we could get to know you, if that's okay with you guys and Zariyaa of course?" She looked back at the girls, and they told her to go. She nodded her head, and got up. As she got up, I got a full view of her beautiful brown legs. When she started walking, her ass bounce. My 'Baby Maker' got extremely happy to see such a sight (if y'all know what ya boy mean). When we got to our table, the guys didn't notice her until I said something. They all looked her with lustful eyes, And I mindlinked all of them Keep your damn eyes, and hands offa her. She's mine. They all nodded their heads, and started talking again.

After was seemed like Decades, school finally ended. While I was on my way to detention, I seen Ma'Zariyaa outside cheering with her little heart. She had on a black fitting shirt, with tight black booty shorts, and her black and gold Jordans. I watched on until she finished, then walked away. When I got to the detention room, Mrs.Zackwolski told me that I only had an hour since I was 'Well Behaved'. When I finally got let out, I saw Ma'Zariyaa come out of the locker room back in her attire that she wore to school "Hey you" she says I smile "Hola chica Bonita" she rolled her eyes "I made the cheer squad!!!!!!" I smiled and hugged her "Congrats Zah" She looked at me with a confused look on her face "How you knoe dat wuz my nickname?" I cringed "I overheard you and the girls talkin' bout it" She shaped her kissable lips in a "O" "Yeah, but can I get your number If you're ok with it?" She nodded her head, and switched her IPhone 11 pro max, for my iPhone 6. When she gave me my phone back to me, she waved goodbye to me, and got in her car.

While I started my way to my car, I felt a strange presence lurking. When I turned around, a tall man with blue grey eyes, back length raven black hair, a built body, ear piercings, and a nose piercing, charged at me with a machete dipped in some type of clear liquid. I took a sniff 'Wolfsbane' "STAY AWAY FROM MY FUCKING MATE YOU BASTARD" I ran to my car, locked the doors, started my car, and drove as fast as I could..