Shift in Authority

Fen snickered at the sight of the resident Flame Mage struggling to put on all her equipment, barely holding back from laughing at her flustered face at being the only one of them who wasn't prepared. Marcus and Orphinia had already donned their equipment before she brought them over, forcing them all to watch in amused silence as she repeatedly dropped the same arm guard twice before simply slamming her hand through the opening with a face as red as her hair. 

Hindsight was twenty-twenty and was also really good at making fools out of people. Thinking about it now, it was pretty obvious that Marcus and Orphinia would be prepared well ahead of the planned time given how detail orientated the other Principality was in life and his training, so Amelia didn't have anyone to blame but herself for not being prepared. 

"You say a word, I'll burn your face off," The Mage growled, pulled a strand of hair that got caught in the metal of her armor out from her neck.