That day started off normal like every other day before. I was hiding my potential while my brothers and cousins showed theirs off. Why was I hiding it? Simple, my grandmother was a power seeking bastard.
I figured this out because I guess I'm really observant, however only Nickolas, my oldest cousin knows this as well because our grandmother confronted him herself about what job to get. Him being good at judging people helped him figure it out. But he didnt listen to her and got the job hes always wanted which was creating cars. Not even our parents know about our grandmother but even if we told then they probably wouldnt believe us.
My cousins, brothers and I are all really talented however I act as if I'm not. I know my own potential and if our grandmother found out that would be bad. Not only for me but probably my family as well. I first found out when I was watching a tutorial about theories on how people think they can create hoverboards that actually fly. My brain without me knowing fixed up that theory and patched up the holes in it making it not a theory on how to make hoverboards but instead instructions on how to make it. I followed the instructions in my head and created a little copy of a hoverboard since I didnt have the necessary resources, and what do you know. It worked. I even thought of becoming an inventor since I thought creating things were fun.
However the minute I realized just exactly what I could do if I became an inventor... or no, scratch that, the things that my grandmother will make me do will be dangerous. It wont be me doing or creating things I want to, she'll just make me invent something she wants. So I quickly destroyed the little hoverboard that I created and threw it in the trash.
Ever since that day I stopped showing potential and my grandmother got furious, however since she had my brothers and cousins she quickly got over it. After that she acted as if I didnt exist, which I was fine with. I didnt want the attention of some crazy old lady anyway.
A couple months later my oldest cousin came and asked why I was trying so hard to hide what I could actually do. I was surprised he didnt know that I knew about grandmother so I told him what I thought of her, what I made a couple of months ago, and what grandmother would do if she knew. He nodded and said it was a good idea but asked if I was going to be okay since I couldnt go after my dream. I nodded and we talked about some things before heading off to bed.
Little did we know that someone was listening in on our conversation, the whole time.
The next day was again, pretty normal until I was confronted by my grandmother who was looking at me with an evil smirk that quickly turned into a nice one. She reached into her pockets and pulled out the little version of the hoverboard I created yesterday. My face paled in shock.
After that day she used all of us to our fullest potential since we were all 'useful in our own ways' she said. She even used Nickolas since he could probably create something like a robot or something since he was so good at creating cars. Our parents never noticed cause they were always off doing their own things like hanging out saying this is a rare free time they dont get often. But even they started to notice after a couple of months that the time they spend with their children was becoming less and less by the day. Even if it were by a couple of seconds, they spent less time with us as we did them because our grandmother would always take us to some building to 'train' in our professions. Even our grandfather began to notice, but it was a little later after our parents due to his old age.
Our parents and grandfather confronted grandmother about this but she feigned ignorance. That's when Adrian and Elvin my two youngest cousins went up and told everyone the truth and how she would make them work to the point that even if they were tired she still made them work. Their parents were confused but realized it was the truth after they noticed the bruises all over Elvins body and how grandmother was staring daggers into them and wasnt even denying what the two little boys had said.
All our parents started yelling at her, even grandfather yelled as much as his old body could take. Grandmother stormed out of the dining hall we were in and down the halls.
We were a pretty well off family. We were rich due to grandfathers job he has. Yes he still has his job even after the age of 80.
I was a bit weary the next couple of days cause she was nowhere to be found. A couple of months pass by and no one could find a trace of her anywhere. I decided to finally relax one night and decided I needed some water to ease my thirst, so as I was going downstairs i make my way to the kitchen and begin getting water from the fridge.
As I'm doing this I hear what I think to be my grandfather's rocking chair making a creaking noise. "Grandpa? Is that you?" I say in a loud voice but not to loud to wake him up in case he was sleeping.
When I got no answer I figured he was asleep so I was about to head back to my room until I slipped on something causing me to fall, but luckily I grabbed onto the counter preventing myself from falling on the ground. Since it was dark I couldnt really see what it was, and I didnt want to turn the light on as it would wake the others. So I tried looking at what I had slipped on using the light from the candle that was shining from the living room where grandfather was. I had a hard time seeing what it was but when I saw it all I remember is that I was so shocked that my brain stopped working for a second. It was red. Red. Red? It couldnt possibly be blood right? I got a bad feeling and ran to the living room where grandfather was but what I saw was horrendous.
I was right when I said grandfather was probably in the living room and I was right when I had thought that he was the one in the rocking chair. And I was right when I said he was asleep. Eternal sleep. Meaning he was never going to wake up. You must be wondering why I was so shocked? It's because it would be one thing if he just died in his sleep because of old age but he didnt.
His head was resting on the chair but something was amiss. His body wasnt there. Instead it was behind the chair on another rocking chair, this chair looked more new and I've never seen it before so someone must've just bought it. Both rocking chairs were against each other causing one to go foward as the other went backwards and when one went backwards it causes the other to go foward and so on.
My heart was still in shock but my brain was quick to think and noticed a piece of paper sitting on top of the head. As I grabbed it and started reading my eyes began to widen.
Elvin was coming down the stairs when this was happening and when he saw me he came towards me to probably say hi or what a coincidence to see you down here, but I was still in too much shock to tell him to stay away. When he saw grandfathers lifeless body he screamed.
A couple seconds later my brothers and other two cousins also came downstairs. Nickolas made it first and told the others to not look, he then looked at me while I was looking at the letter in my hands still wide eyed. He leaned over me reading the letter and looked as if he was about to cry but held it in as he was the oldest.
The letter read...
'You should check on your parents. And while your at it the rest of your family to.
Sincerely, You should know who'
Nickolas yelled at everyone to go and check on their parents so my brothers and I proceeded to our parents room while our cousins went to their parents room. However what was awaiting us was terrifying. They were all dead, not only them but all traces of our family were gone. They were l dead. Not only everyone on this side of the family but also the other side of our family. And the same was with our cousins. She had somehow managed to get rid of all traces of our family from around the world only leaving the 6 of us alive and herself, without any evidence once so ever.
The funeral was held a couple days later. The police never connected all the dots so even if they found it wierd that all the victims were related they didnt pay any mind to it, which was probably that old lady's doing. And we were about to tell the police ourselves but she gave us a look saying that if we told anyone than one of us would be next, probably one of the, as she would say 'more useless' ones which I think was Ryan, my younger brother. So we all shut up and didnt tell a soul.
After the funeral we confronted her.
"Why" Nickolas asked as he glared at her with tears in his eyes. We weren't fairing any better cause at this point we were all crying.
"Because now I can get you guys all to myself without those useless mistake of human beings getting in the way" She said smiling evilly.
No one said a thing, not because they didnt want to talk but because they couldnt. There was something about that smile that had them on edge. It's as if their bodies was telling them that even the slightest movement would get at least one of them if not all of them, killed.
So years pass as we are now under the guardianship of Vivian Serious, our grandmother or as we like to call her 'old lady'. And that brings us to where we are now. We all work for her as her puppets. Or at least that's what she thinks.