Arriving at Draconian Planet



"You never cease to amaze me. We've been at it for hours and yet you're not even breaking a sweat. Hpmh! Not that I'm jealous or anything..."

"Haha c'mon Zen, being a little honest is not going to hurt you is it?" Indra smirked.

"Fine fine! Buddy is the greatest and the strongest, happy?" Zenith couldn't help but roll his eyes.

Both, continued to exchange blows while chattering. Five full years have transpired since Indra's and Zenith's fight on moon Azeroth.

Since then, they've trained to their fullest and got to know each other better. An unexpected rivalry formed between them.

Not only has Indra stabilized his powers, he also gained a better understanding of his new profound powers and the realm he was in.

A realm beyond the Cosmic Realm.

He also realized that physical training was no longer of help to him.

However, by constantly travelling to the closest neutron stars, he was able to absorb the radiation and heat, enhancing his cells and bio matrix.

This allowed him to obtain a better control over his core and his powers.

Zenith on the other hand, finally mastered his ultimate form.

Sparring Indra not only helped him obtain control, but also allowed him to develop new skill sets and maintain versatility.

As he continued to fight Indra over these years, he had gained a better understanding of his own weaknesses in strength through experience and pointers from Indra.

All in all, both had achieved enough power to finally fight against the tyrannical dragons of Draconian planet.

Even if they did not manage to obtain the Amethyst crystal on time, they could still hold their ground against them.

Indra started to plan, to make sure they successfully obtain the crystal without having to kill any of the natives.

After all, both him and Zenith would be considered intruders and by right, shouldn't be stealing the crystal.

Nonetheless, Indra had no choice. They were many people on earth who were in dire straits and needed his help.

"Zen, are you sure you want to come? I do not want to put you in danger because of my personal reasons."

He asked him one last time in assurance to make sure Zenith did not fall in any danger.

After all, the universe and the multitudinous living beings in it are inexplicably mysterious and strong.

"Like I said, I'm coming with you no matter what. We're not strangers anymore buddy, we're brothers for life. So trust me, I can protect myself and you do remember our promise if I showed you the crystal right?"

"Sigh, of course I do."

"Then let's get the hell out of there, because I'm very sick of this place. Although we do not need food or water to survive, this place is empty, filled only with crystals and large craters. If I stay here any longer, I think I might really die of boredom."

Zenith replied in horror. Hearing him Indra burst out laughing.

For the last five years he remembered Zenith yelling and screaming for this day to come, so they could leave.

He even started destroying the moon, only to be stopped in time by Indra.

"Alright then let's move out."

Immediately, Indra and Zenith wrapped themselves in their respective auras and took off, as Zenith took the lead with Indra following him from behind.

With their respective speeds, they would reach Draconian planet in two days without stopping.

After two days of constant dodging of the meteors and the space storms on their way, they were met by a huge planet.

It was so huge, even earth felt inconsequential.

"I always thought my old man exaggerated about it's looks, but after what he said, it only feels like an understatement."

Indra nodded back in agreement. With his super vision, he was able to detect that most of the planet was filled with thick forests, beautiful mountains which crossed many plains and finally the natives of the planets, dragons.

Looking at those ferocious creatures covered with scales of various colors, two horns protruding out of their heads and multiple spikes which covered from the spine to their their tails, was nothing short of amazing.

As Indra was viewing the exquisite planet with his views, his eyes fell on a particular crowd that were gathered in front of a huge green cave.

His eyes narrowed with confusion, as he noticed that large group he saw earlier were humans.

"Zen! Why are there humans here? More importantly why did you not tell me about this?"

"What?! Other humans? How come? But my master never told me about other humans knowing about this place. That stupid old man, always leaves out important information!"

Zenith started to curse. He was absolutely determined to prevent anybody but his brother from obtaining the crystal.

Just as he was about to rush in and fight them, Indra placed a hand on his shoulder and cautioned him.

"Calm down Zen! Let's not be hasty, because if the crystal is located where those terrifying dragons are, they will end up killing all the others including us, so keep your guard up.

"What? No way buddy, you will give those lizards a run for their money, and none of these people even stand a chance against you."

Zenith replied in absolute confidence. Having witnessed Indra's powers personally, he knew without a doubt he was the strongest being to ever exist.

"Well it doesn't hurt to be careful, so let's get down there and observe for now. We do not want to waste our time fighting these people."

As they were about to enter, a portal suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

Remaining as alert as they could, they immediately assumed their fighting stances, only to notice a huge spaceship appear before them.

Noticing this huge spaceship enter the atmosphere and into the planet in front of them, Zenith and Indra took a glance at each other and entered the planet, following after the ship.