
Winston, the personal butler to Aaron, was a man of extreme loyalty. Should his master tell him to kill, he shall do so without a thought. Should he be asked to die, he would take out his personal dagger and slit his throat. That too, without a doubt.

Whether it was a request, a demand or an order, none mattered to him. All he cared for, was to satisfy his lord's desires. Such loyalty was considered commendable, however, his features screamed contrary to priors expectations.

A well built man in his fifties, with short black hair, and a tattoo engraved to his cheek with the letter 'A' on it, proved it evident. What made matters worse was the fierce expression his face, despite looking young.

Wearing a black suit with white gloves, any person would be scared to their wits.

Such a man now, stood by his lord, Aaron in the conference as he continued to stay by his side. Aaron himself was impressed at times, by the amount of loyalty Winston showed him.

Before getting through him, everyone would have to get through Winston first, whether they were a friend or a foe.

Recovering from his thoughts, Aaron noticed the remaining members gathered in the conference room. They all looked toward him silently.

"Let's begin our meeting. We have many things to take care of, as the annual business summit is about to arrive in two months." He continued to speak, only to be interrupted by one of the members in the meeting.

"But sir, our-" Before he could continue, everyone cursed in silence at his stupidity. Being a newcomer, that man had no idea of the ruthlessness of Aaron.

"One more time I'm interrupted, and your head shall be removed, is that clear?" Aaron stared daggers at the newcomer, who gulped in fear. That's when he realized, that his boss was nothing but terrifying.

"Now, back to what we were discussing, what major world companies are attending this year?" He asked, as he signaled Winston, who then, started to note down the influential companies on his I-Pad.

"Sir, RabFoot, McKesson corporation, Dream Pipe and our soon to be partner, Falcon Steels are attending this year." A woman spoke up as she displayed the companies on the projector for everyone to see.

"Hmm, Winston scratch down RabFoot and add McKesson corporation on my to-do list." Aaron replied.

"Sir, McKesson corporation was not willing to cooperate the last time. Why would they be willing to do so this time?" The same woman replied in return.

"I too, am in agreement with Rachael sir. They were even rumors, that they would be willing to cooperate with Golden enterprises." Another man spoke up.

Aaron smiled, confusing the others. What appeared as a smile to others, was in fact complete anger and hatred to Winston. This grin only ever appeared when that name was uttered. Seeing his master in hatred, Winston's usual fierce gaze, appeared fiercer.

"Well, I have a plan to draw McKesson to our side, and finally destroy Golden enterprises." He smirked evilly, as everyone looked at each other, before looking back at Aaron in uncertainty.

"Our new Dem-Potion has proven better results. The side effects were reduced by fifteen percent. With this we can finally move put our plan in motion with McKesson. It's time to introduce it to the market." Everyone became astounded.

With the decreasing side effects, everyone in the company were elated to see the DW-Industries in a new light. Soon enough, everyone applauded Aaron, as they continued to cheer for him.

"With this, we can draw McKesson to our side, and Golden enterprises' share price will fall." The woman replied with a smile, as everyone nodded in agreement.

Adjourning the meeting, Aaron stood up and proceeded down towards his car, as Winston followed him from behind. When they entered the elevator, Winston, who was quite all this while finally spoke up.

"Sir, what about the potion which killed the protesters' families? " Winston asked.

"That was just the prototype. This, is going to shake up the whole world."

"Congratulations sir." Aaron looked forward calmly and nodded.

"We can finally beat that man. I remember, losing to that bastard a thousand years ago. A memory too vivid." He explained to Winston, surprising him.

"But sir, you're without a doubt the strongest. How could he dare to beat you?" He asked. Not only was Aaron an intelligent person, no, he was much more than that. He was inhumanly strong.

"After destroying his disciple, I've finally planned to destroy him and his company at the business summit." Aaron replied viciously. Getting off the elevator, both of them headed towards the car, as the driver opened the door for him.

"Sir, if you wanted, we could've eliminated them already. I suggest we not waste anymore time." Winston replied as he stared back at Aaron. Noticing his determined gaze, Aaron shook his head in refusal.

"Thank you Winston, but as you know me, I'd like to crush my favorite toys slowly. First would be their reputation, then their puny lives." Aaron licked his lips like a predator, as he continued to stare out the window. With all the enemies stronger than him gone, he was ready to devour and conquer everything.

'Have to be patient. For now, eliminating Golden enterprises is my top priority'. Turning towards Winston, he said,

"Take me to a good restaurant, that has my favorite wine. Today, I would like to eat by myself." He ordered.

"At once sir. We will have the entire restaurant reserved just for you."

"Thank you Winston." Hearing Aaron, he smiled a little as he took out his I-Pad and proceeded to fulfill his master's wishes.


Arriving at Estela's, Alice and Ricardo saw Ema waiting for them. Alice with her blonde hair, wore a black buttoned front shirt dress and black high heeled shoes, while Ricardo wore a red checked t-shirt with khakis and white sneakers, making their appearances stunning. Noticing Ema wear regular blue jeans with a black polo-t, and brown and white colored shoes, Alice and Ricardo chuckled at her dressing sense.

"You know, you suck at shopping, you know that right?" Ricardo and Alice replied in unison, before bursting out in laughter. Ema rolled her eyes in irritation as she just walked into the Mexican restaurant.

Apologizing to her, they both rushed in and sat across Ema, finally calming her; albeit a little. They then ordered their desired dishes and waited for Ema to talk. Being friends for years, all three of them had various personalities.

Alice being a gentle person, was a bright optimist. Ricardo was stoic and yet would often display his anger issues on Ema or Alice. Then there was Ema, who was usually quiet and calm, would display a hint of childishness at times. Times like this. Despite the various personalities, all three of them remained quite close.

"Ok, we said we were sorry right, quit being a baby and tell us what happened!" Ricardo demanded impatiently. Ema slowly recounted the details that transpired this afternoon, shocking Alice and angering Ricardo. It was as she had predicted. Alice finally figured out, why Richard made such a wise decision.

"But, if he became CEO, who knows what he'll do to that company! I'm going to talk to boss tomorrow and then finally beat some sense into that man called Indra." Ricardo grunted irritably.

"Calm down Ric, we do not know if he is an enemy or not. If boss is saying he is a nice man, I don't see why we can't trust him." Alice responded, causing Ema to look at her in disbelief.

"Are you kidding me? It doesn't matter if he is nice or not. He cannot take away our boss' hard work. I will never let him do that." She replied in return, getting an approval from Ricardo. Alice however, remained quiet.

"Alice, you of all people know how much our boss has done. Are you just gong to let this slide by and let him hand it over?" Ricardo asked. Knowing Alice's calm personality, he knew what she usually thought of. It was at moments like this, when she thought what was best for the company, it's people and it's growth.

"Ema, I am aware of that, and that's why, what our boss did was probably right. I felt that it was time I told you this." Alice, then took a bite from her enchiladas as she looked up towards Ema.

"What could-"

"He's dying." Alice replied as she stared down at her dish, and her eyes became blurry.


Ema's utensils dropped on the floor, as her eyes widened in shock. Even Ricardo, who heard this was astonished as his hands quivered, and sweat trickled down his forehead.

"How, wait, I know he is old but he is still strong right? He has plenty of life force doesn't he?" She replied, wanting to believe it.

"No, when boss and Maximus fought against Aaron few years ago, he had used most of his life force just to escape from him. Holding his dying disciple, boss came to my house to help me heal them. By the time he arrived, Maximus had already passed away." She recounted the details as tears trickled down her eyes.

Ricardo placed his hands on her shoulder and consoled her.

"But you're the best healer in the world! Can't you restore his life force?" Ema shouted in frustration, before calming down immediately.

"I'm sorry, but I can only heal physical injuries, and even restore lost limbs, but life force is entirely different. Knowing how depressed you would be, the boss himself told me to keep this a secret from you." Alice shook her head in denial.

"Then what's the point of being the so called best?" Ema looked at Alice in anger.

"Ema that's enough." Ricardo replied sternly. He did not want their relationship to be strained.

"Try to understand that our boss does not do things without thinking." Alice replied as she wiped her tears.

Somehow, though she cried, she felt the burden on her chest be lifted off entirely. Ema however, took out some money, placed it on the table and left the restaurant. Ricardo rushed out and grabbed her by the hand and stopped her.

"Let go of my hand Ricardo." Ema stated as she barely escaped from his grasp.

"Why are you so stubborn? She did this for you own good right? At first, even I was skeptic about that man. But knowing that our boss was going through so much, why are you acting like a child?! Open your eyes god damn it! Understand, that this might be the only way to let our boss be free from this huge burden." Ricardo explained.

"Are you also saying we have that man become the CEO? What if he ruins it all!"

"That's why we will request boss, to test him. If he fails, then we will kick him out. Until then, be patient and come inside. If my food gets cold, you're going to buy me another one." Ricardo glared at Ema. Staring at Ricardo for a few seconds, Ema snickered and said,

"Fine, but I am not buying you another meal," and headed back inside with Ricardo, to finish her scrumptious meal.