Blooming and Withering

The day had finally arrived, where the topmost influential people and board of directors of Golden Enterprises gathered at the huge board room. This small group comprised of the most trustworthy individuals in the company.

Various people had various reactions. Most of them were confused about the sudden meeting, some were excited about discussing business, while some were happy to see Richard Starling, their role model.

The crowd chattered, discussing about DW-Industries and the upcoming business summit. No matter where people where or what they were up to, the new drug as well as the summit were now the two hottest topics, currently.

"Hah! What a load of crap! I'm sure it's just a hoax from their industry to advertise their products. I mean, how is it possible to just magically find a cure for cancer?" A burly man spoke. Despite, being a board director and an influential figure, he was a man of loyalty and someone who had nothing but one goal in mind. Lead Golden Enterprises to prosperity.

"Give us a break Gilly, you always hated that company. I agree they've had their fair shares of good and bad. But if they announced it to all over the world, why would it be a hoax?" A man with a black moustache sitting in front of him, turned around replied confidently.

"Joseph, how many times have I told you not to call me that?! I'm telling you, this is the same strategy they used for their prototype they released few years ago. Many people were killed, and what happened? No case, and everything swept under the f*cking rug."

Though Gilbert swore, not just a little, but by a lot, his point earned a couple of nods from those who found it logical. Just because they were loyal to one company, it didn't mean one couldn't respect the other. It was only a selective few within the company, who knew the true horrors of their rivalling company.

"Look, I get it. DW-Industries share price is increasing and ours has gone down this month, but we have managed to stabilize it. Besides, if they fail then it's all on them. Their shares, reputation, will all plummet like an avalanche." Joseph replied without a care in the world.

Though he respected DW-Industries, he was even more confident that Golden Enterprises would never fall. No matter how hard things got, as a company, everyone worked hard to make it what it truly was today.

"Yeah, it's like he said Gilly, just relax. Besides, we have something more important to talk about. Why the boss called us here. I mean look around, it's not just the board of directors, the managers and even our top mercenaries of this company are here." Another woman replied, as she noticed Ema, Alice and Ricardo present within the room, who was listening to the conversation Gilbert and the others were having.

"Oh, about that, this was known to only our board of directors and the CEO." Gilbert replied excitedly. Joseph and the woman looked at him with their eyes widened to the maximum.

"Wait, what was it-"

Soon, the chatter died down and two individuals entered the room. Everyone stood up respectfully and waited quietly.

"Please take a seat." Everyone sat back down with their curious gazes aimed at a golden-haired man, who was standing right next to Richard. While the board of directors in the room remained calm, the others fixated their gaze towards him momentarily before going back to Richard's.

"I'm going to skip the pleasantries and get straight to the point. As you all know, I have been the CEO of this company for many years. There wasn't a day I chose to give up for the future of this company, and even today. My decision may upset some of you, but the decision I made is final and I do not regret it." The silence made it unbearable for those who were listening, and yet continued to listen him who held his head high in pride as he finally turned towards Indra.

"I hereby appoint Mr. Indra as the operational CEO of Golden Enterprises."

Alice and the board of directors, who had heard and witnessed many of Indra's talents were extremely jubilant and were looking forward to seeing how this person was going to lead this company to the top in the future. For rest, was quite the contrary. Some stood up and began objecting, while the others were yet to recover from their shock.

"Everyone, quiet down. I understand that some of you might have an objection to this, which is totally acceptable. My retirement was something I was going to announce eventually.

Due to recent events however, I have decided to make it a little private instead of announcing it to the whole world or the company. Those of you in the room are the people I trust the most. Another reason, I hadn't made it public yet is because, Mr. Indra is to prove his skills to you all and to this company. He has time until the end of the annual business summit.

Exactly three weeks from now, should any of you in this room object, he would then step down from his position and I shall continue my role as the CEO. Is that clear?" The objections died down and were replaced with multiple nods from the group.

"Thank you everyone, and good luck Mr. Indra. I hope you bring this company to greater heights in the future." Indra shook Richard's hand with absolute admiration.

Wimpy, who was always scared to take a step forward, was able to strategize and lead his people with trust and dedication. He knew, he had improved so much, but this amazed Indra even more. He felt absolutely thankful to Richard for doing so much.

For him in particular. A bond between brothers, was there a need for thanks, when they truly understood each other? Obviously not.

Soon, everyone left the meeting with mixed emotions, leaving Indra and Richard alone.

"It's unlike you to remain so quiet." Indra asked.

"Nothing, I feel so light now, knowing I've left it to someone who will take it to greater heights. If only…cough…. I could live to truly witness those moments." Richard began coughing blood. Indra rushed up to him and began healing him, but it was of no use.

"You idiot, you should've ascended to Cosmic realm, it would've increased your life span! What have you been doing these thousand years?" Indra shouted at Wimpy, who just chuckled at Indra.

"I was only at the initial stages of Emperor realm, and during these thousand years, I was able to go from initial, to mid and finally peak stages. This is as far as I could get."

"NO! NO, NO,NO! Not after I came, why must I go through more pain after I lost them? After what she did to me?! Wimpy…please…" Indra refrained from crying and held it in tightly.

"Age catches up with everyone man. Besides, you knew it from the start didn't you, my life force dwindling?" Indra remained quiet and continued to hold Richard.

"I'm so proud of you Wimpy. To think, you've built a company so big, saved many people and even waited all this while for me. Yet here I am so pathetic, not even able to save my best friend. At least let me heal your life force, a bit, please."

This isn't the Indra I know. The Indra I knew, held his head high. Compassionate to his loved ones and ruthless to his enemies. You're well aware, that even if you were to add more life force, I would end up with life force poisoning. This old man does not want another headache haha." Richard began to laugh loudly, as Indra quietly looked at his childish behavior.

"I will not let you down. As the new CEO, I will give it all I've got. Just don't haunt me if I fail." Indra replied sarcastically and Richard used all his might and glared him.

"Hey, I'm not dead yet okay? Why are you sending me off so soon?" Richard screamed at Indra, and soon enough both laughed as hard as they could. It truly was a wonderful moment for the both of them.

"In all seriousness though Indra, it's not your fault and never will be. Just be careful of Aaron, and mysterious cloaked woman."

Indra nodded and decided to worry about his company first. Once he had gathered his very own forces, in due time, DW-Industries would fall very hard to the ground.

"Stop with the useless hiding and come on in." Indra replied, and soon three figures entered the duo's sight. One of them rushed towards Richard and hugged him tightly with tears in her eyes.

Richard smiled and hugged her back and remained quiet.

"I'm sorry I had to hit you the other day."

"Don't, just let me be like this, please." Ema responded and remained in his embrace.

"So, you also knew huh?" Ema nodded silently in his embrace, as he looked at Alice. Alice and Ricardo both were in tears too, and yet remained quiet. What could they say and what could they possible do to alleviate the mood?

"Don't go underestimating this old man. I can still beat you in bowling and tennis." Richard eyes flashed with immense pride as he looked at all of the others in the room.

"I'm down boss, last time you might've won, but this time I'll send you flying home!" Ricardo smirked as his eyes were now blazing on fire.

"I can cheer!" Alice replied immediately, not wanting to participate in a fight which gave her a hundred percent loss rate.

"I'm down as well boss. It is now my mission to beat you at all costs." Ema wiped her tears and responded with a competitive spirit.

"Oh yeah? Then it's on Wimpy!" Indra folded his sleeves as he fixated his gaze, which caused Richard to take a step back in fright.

"No-Not you, you idiot. Do you want to humiliate me in front of others, especially after my grand retirement speech? Just let me retire in peace, I beg you Indra!" Indra and the others chuckled again as Richard almost fainted when he had issued him a challenge.