An Unbroken Promise

The number of enemies were simply too many. Like a child whose wish came true when a shooting star appeared, Ricardo was just the same.

He was simply too excited. After killing multiple guards, he began transforming. Ariam and her men who saw his transformation noticed the size in which he grew.

Towering over two meters, Ricardo's fur turned brown and his hands turned into paws. His brown hair became longer and dripped down till his knees.

His teeth turned sharper and longer, making him a half man and a half beast.

Nonetheless, his physical appearance underwent the biggest change during his transformation. His slim figure turned brawnier, his muscles inflated. All in all, he looked ferociously strong.


His roar reverberated throughout the cargo, momentarily stunning some, while exciting the others. Looking at his enemies, Ricardo taunted:

"Felicity just stay behind me for now. I'll take care of this." While some of the guards stepped back in fear, others surrounded him and attacked him from various directions.

Gathering mana in his hand, he spun around and swiped with much force, producing a small shockwave around him.

Unable to counter his strength, numerous guards were sent flying, crashing into multiple containers around them. It was a beast slaughter.

With his physical abilities enhanced, Ricardo sped through various places and killed the other guards who were of hindrance to Tony and Richard. Truly, this man was one of a kind. True, he had his moments of clumsiness and brashness. However, should a job be given, he would see through it appropriately without any backlashes.

Alice, Richard, and Tony were amazed and glad the tides were slowly taking a turn. With Ricardo and Felicity taking care of the others, Richard slowly ceased worrying about danger from his back.

His first and foremost problem were the two people in front of him. Fighting both of them at the same time was going to cost him most of his power and his remaining life force.

He had to kill them as quickly as possible.

"It is a pleasure meeting the great Richard Starling of Golden Enterprises. My name is Loath, and this is my twin brother Sloth." The person replied as he looked at his identical twin who yawned in laziness. Richard stared in disbelief. Their names were proved justification to their personalities.

"Did you really think you can defeat me? Especially with you being at the King's realm?" Richard asked as he dropped his hammer, slightly cracking the ground.

Loath began laughing as hard as he could while his brother continued to maintain his lazy expression.

Richard was confused and furious at the same time. An underestimation might cost them more than just a laugh.

"True, we wouldn't stand a chance even with my brother being at the Emperor's realm. That is if you were in your prime. You understand where I'm coming from right or are you just a complete moron?" Another loud laughter caused Sloth to shut his ears tight and roll his eyes at his brother.

"Come on brother, this one's a good one, right?" His brother's face turned even lazier. Sighing in defeat Loath shook his head and looked at Richard who was stunned.

"How did you know?" Richard asked incredulity. Not many knew about his condition and was considered a top secret in his company.

Recovering from his thoughts, he glared at the twins and readied himself.

"Either way, it does not matter one bit if I'm aware or not. You twins are going to be crushed by my hammer today!" With the rain dripping over his eyelids, Richard charged with his hammer, jumped up and swung it with sheer force.

Loath and Sloth dodged the hammer by a hair's width and brandished their respective weapons.

Wielding a machete filled with demonic energy, Sloth partially demonified and charged at Richard head on.

With a transformation similar to his brother's, Loath remained behind as he took out a small demonic ring and inserted it into his finger.

Within moments, the ring glowed in purple as sharp teeth appeared on the ring and bit his finger.

Scrunching in pain and yet in elation, Loath noticed the ring absorb his blood into the ring. In mere moments, the ring grew twice the size and transformed into a trinket box, with demonic runes on it.

With its dangerous aura, Loath smiled and continued to observe the fight between his brother and Richard.

Sloth dodged the strike from Richard and landed a few steps back.

Gathering more demonic energy onto his machete, he sped towards him began slashing him from various angles. Richard poured mana into his hammer and deflected the machete as quickly as possible.

Surprising Sloth, he realized Richard's hammer half its original size.

"My hammer can transform into multiple sizes, and I am just getting warmed up! Take this, Sledge Bomb!" Gathering mana from his left hand, Richard created a blue mana sphere and tossed it up into the air.

Unaware of his actions, Sloth and Loath remained on guard and observed his actions.

Much to their surprise, Richard lifted his hammer and assumed the stance of a baseball player and slammed the mana sphere with his hammer.

Sensing the huge spike in power, Sloth didn't dodge as he gritted his teeth in frustration. Much to his dismay he couldn't and wouldn't do so. His brother being right behind him, proved it all the more difficult.

It was then, he heard Loath say:

"Brother, I'm ready! Let's start our plan!" Having understood his intentions, Sloth gathered his machete in front of him as the blue sphere crashed into his machete.

Instantly, a huge light enveloped the surrounding area, blinding other around the three. As the dust settled, Richard noticed the twins remained still and uninjured. Richard was found it ridiculous!

How did they survive an attack, which had the ability to annihilate both of them at the same time? Caught off guard, Richard ducked to the right. Much to his astonishment, he failed to dodge Sloth's attack and pierced into his right chest.

Crutching his chest, the demonic energy slowly seeped into his body, and collided with his mana.

"How?" Richard whispered, as he coughed out a mouthful of loud. Though the injury wasn't serious, the demonic energy which entered into his body was extremely dangerous. Had he been stronger, the demonic energy would've been vanquished within seconds.

"This trinket box you see is called the Demon's Whisper, given to me by boss Ariam herself. It has the ability to provide an endless amount of mana for a very short period of time, at the cost of absorbing your blood.

This would indeed be a flaw against prolonged fights. For your case, this is a very deadly weapon. It can provide endless mana, and with it, my brother was able to cast a demonic shield just in time."

Loath laughed, as Sloth's smile turned evil for a few seconds too, before returning to his usual bored look on his face.

Richard wiped the blood off his mouth as he noticed the slight error on his part. He had underestimated the twins a bit too much and it costed him dearly. This time, he wasn't planning on making the same mistake.

"Since you've showed me your attack, it would only be unfair if you didn't see mine!"

"Yours? With the demonic energy coursing through your body, you would soon turn into a corpse." Loath replied as he shook his head in disbelief.

"Don't go underestimating this old man. Though I might be weaker, I have over a thousand years of experience. Here I come." Grabbing onto his hammer, Richard took off with speeds greater than before.

Ignoring the turmoil occurring within his body, he appeared right behind Sloth and swung his hammer at him.

Richard's hammer slammed onto Sloth's machete and the weapon broke under extreme pressure, sending multiple shards all over the place.

Taking his chances, Richard slammed his hammer into his enemy's abdomen and sent him crashing towards one of the containers and into it.

Screaming in pain, Sloth passed out as his bones were shattered with such sheer force.

"Brother!" Before Loath could comprehend what had happened, he was slammed to the ground by Richard.

Gruntling in pain, blood oozed from his mouth as he desperately struggled to free himself from Richard 's hammer.

"True, it is indeed a very dangerous fight for me. But if you brother's strength is lesser than mine, then in the end it doesn't matter one bit."

"You-You…piece of… l-let… me go!" Despite the scream, Richard smiled as he lifted his hammer and smashed Loath's head, instantly killing him.

With severe exhaustion, he lifted his hammer and turned around. The aftereffects of the fight made him feel all the more terrible. Using the last of his mana, he struggle to stand straight as he leaned on his hammer.

The demonic energy continued to violently attack his internal organs. The sole reason for staying alive, was due to his life force.

His vision slowly turned blur. He didn't want to die. Not just yet. He wanted to see the downfall of Falcon Steels. How long had he waited for this very moment?

Biting his tongue hardly, Richard slowly gained clarity. Just then a hand appeared by his side, as it glowed resplendently over his wound. Looking over his shoulder, he noticed Alice panting as she continued to heal him.

"Are you ok child?"

"I'm fine, but you clearly aren't. You're in such a mess." She reprimanded him, as he continued to smile at her.

"Don't you worry one bit! This old man has much more stamina than you think!" He laughed and winced in pain at the same time.

"Boss, please be quiet and let me heal this injury." The tears in her eyes, were replaced by the downpour of the rain.

"You can't, you need to be in the Cosmic Realm to be able to heal demonic energy." Just as he was about to tell her to give up, not only was the wound healed, but the demonic energy which was violently attacking his body like a tidal wave, began calming down.

Alice smiled as she continued to pour in as much energy as she could.

The man in front of her, a grandfather not by blood, a man of kindness and honor was everything to her. She owed him her whole life, and she wasn't willing to let him die. Not today. She swore to save him.

"Alice, y-you are about to enter Cosmic Realm!" Richard was so shocked, his mouth was wide open.

Blinking his eyes briefly, he looked at Alice in pride. A pride that one of his own children had finally stepped into the Cosmic Realm! This would further increase the strength and the morale of many in the company.

"Good for you child! I am so proud of you and I knew you would do me proud." Caressing her head, Alice smiled as she removed the remaining traces of demonic energy within his body.

As they both panted in exhaustion, they looked at each other and laughed to their heart's content and hugged each other. During these dark times, a little warmth was all they needed.

"Boss- No grandfather, please don't leave us!" She pleaded Richard.

"No, my child I won't. Not until I witness the downfall of these people."


"It's a promise." Letting her go, he noticed the huge smile plastered on her face.

He had only a few days left. Even a week would be considered a miracle.

This battle took a huge toll on him, and it consumed much of his mana and life force. But he wasn't worried.

"By the way, wasn't Ema with you?" He asked when he began searching for her.

"She went over to help Ricardo and Felicity. I rushed over when I noticed you were in trouble. Boss, there are still too many people here, let us call Indra. He can destroy everyone here!"

"No child. Not at all, if Indra were to arrive all our plans would be exposed and we would be putting him in danger."

"But they must've seen our faces when we went to the Jin Dong market. Why does it matter now?" She asked, but Richard remained calm and said:

"True, but nothing should be known about Indra's prowess and his abilities. In due time, all the enemies would crumble under his power. Besides, I've been under his care for too long. He has always protected me from time to time."

"But boss, what if we fail this mission?" She asked worriedly. Aware of her timidness, Richard placed a hand on her head and calmed her down.

"Do you trust this grandfather of yours?"

"I do." She nodded.

"Then let me handle the things here. For now, our priority is to kill Ariam."