
Hellion, slowly opened her eyes and saw a nurse standing by her checking the screen. She held her head a couple of seconds and looked at her hand. It was covered in soil and she quickly sat up.

"Woah! Lay back." The nurse quickly ordered.

"I'm fine. I'm leaving." Hellion said trying to get off the bed but getting dizzy afterwards.

"Your dehydrated and need to stay in until the doctor says you can leave." She said before leaving.

Hellion rolled her eyes and mocked her. She laid back and waited for the doctor. Suga came in and she closed her eyes.

"Why did you reject the food and water that was provided for you at the vineyard?! You could have died back there." He shouted in a worried tone.

"I drinked water." She simply said before opening up her eyes again.

"I saw the cameras and you didn't drink or eat." He said kind of mad.

"Honestly, I'm fine and I can do whatever I want." She said getting very upset and mad at the situation.

Suga sarcastically said "Oh, you're fine? Ok, that's good to hear."

He left the room and she was left dumbfounded.

The doctor came back and said "Stay hydrated and rest for tonight. You can work tomorrow. Since, you feel better."

He left and Hellion was able to leave. Her parents waited outside for her and told her the bad news.

"We lost our house." They simply said with so much sad emotions going everywhere.

Her eyes widen and she held onto the wall. She felt very weak all of sudden. They tried to catch her but she recuperated real quick.

"Where will we live now?" She asked trying not show any kind of weakness in her voice.

Her mother said "In a garage."

Hellion didn't know what was more disgusting, her of working all day or the idea of sleeping in a garage.

"I already paid and have everything set up." Her father said.

She wanted to vomit so bad and she didn't even know what was worse. When they got to the place where the garage was supposedly, suppose to be it wasn't there. It was just a scam to steal her father's money. They had to involve the police now and Hellion had to find a new place to stay. She found a small house that had one bedroom only and was kind of falling apart. She slept on the couch and her parents in the bedroom.

The next morning Hellion left to her job without saying anything to her parents and even got there before Suga. He seemed to chuckle at her outfit as he opened the door from inside for her to enter.

"What?" She asked him.

"I see you came prepared to work in the field today but we aren't working there today. I thought about doing something more calm instead." He said with a soft smile.

She looked away very mad and tried to recover quickly. "So, what are we doing today?" She asked.

"We'll be traveling to other Wineries and taste there wines. We'll be taken on tours and we'll have food out there." He said trying to cheer her up.

"Let's go to your house. So, that way you can change into a dress or a suit." He said getting his keys out of his pocket.

She got very embarrassed as she remembered her new place and didn't know how to get him not to go.

Hellion quickly suggested "I'll take a taxi and-"

Suga insisted that they were going to run late if Hellion did take a taxi. She had no other choice but to accept. She looked around in the car and he noticed.

"What?" He asked.

"Nothing." She softly said.

The ride was quiet until they made it to her place.

"This is where you live?" He asked as he got off the car.

She got out and said "I moved here last night. Stay here."

His eyebrows rose at her request and she rushed inside.

"Where's my clothes?" Hellion asked as she looked around for her suitcase.

Her mother came to her and asked "The kind of going out or-"

"Yes! That one. What else?!" Hellion freaked out.

"We sold most of your clothes yest-"

"You what?!" She yelled at the top of her lungs.

Her father brought Suga in the living room where Hellion was sleeping at and looked around. Hellion looked like she was about to break down but noticed him there.

"What's going on?" Suga asked concerned.

Hellion couldn't take him serious though. She thought that he was loving this situation but she didn't know how to not make it sound so bad like he wanted it to be.

"I don't have anything good to wear. I'll just go like this." She said standing up confidently.

Suga said "You can't show up at meetings like that. Especially, if your father will owe 25% of the transactions. Let's just go somewhere and you can buy yourself something."

She looked at her father cause they knew very well they had no money for such things at this moment.

"What?..." Suga asked looking at Hellion's father.

Hellion nodded her head sideways but her father didn't sugar coat it.

"We lost our house last night and we have no money now. Literally, have nothing on us now. We are waiting on the money you will pay Hellion every week." He said in a very critical tone.

Suga sighed and said "That's awful-"

Hellion said in her head "Oh! Shut up. You know you love what's happening at this moment." However, instead she let out a laugh and everyone looked at her.

"What is so funny?" Her mother asked.

She looked back at them and lied "I think in serious situations we should just laugh it out and not be like this."

Her parents didn't seem to laugh at the situation and Suga said "Hellion is right. Why don't you guys come live with me?"

Hellion didn't like this idea anymore but her parents certainly loved the idea.

"We would love too!" Immediately they responded without even taking Hellions voice.

Hellion suggested "Let's just stay here-"

Suga said "Great! I'll call some movers to come pack up and take your stuff back at my place."

"Thank you so much! Once, we get money we will leave." Her father told Suga.

"Oh, don't worry about it." He said with a warming smile.

Hellion looked like she was going to explode like a volcano and everyone was going to burn up in lava any moment.

Suga said "Hellion let's go. We need to hurry up."

He left and Hellion stayed.

"I can't believe you guys! How do we know he won't murder us in his house? What if he lives under a bridge?!?!" Hellion whisper shouted.

They laughed and said "Hellion calm down and be grateful he is helping us."

"I'm literally working for this for you guys not myself!" She said very serious.

Her father said "If you want to go earn 7.25 an hour shift go ahead then."

Hellion didn't say anything anymore and left the small house.

"You ok?" He asked.

She nodded without looking at him but Suga smirked without her noticing. He took her to a suit store because he knew she would take forever in choosing a dress. Hellion got a very cute suit. Which it matched Suga's very well. First, they went to a short meeting then went to a Winery. Suga looked around and she gazed at him. She took advantage of examining his every move trying to understand why he was helping her family. She knew well what she had done to him and he didn't seem to care. It bother her that she didn't know what to really expect from him. Hellion just knew she wasn't going to let her guard down.

He looked back at her just to check up on her and she looked out in the Vineyard. She remembered how hard she had worked and then ended up in the hospital for being stubborn.

"Don't you just love working out in Vineyard?"  He asked teasingly.

"Yeah, totally!" She answered very sarcastically.

He chuckled and said "Good cause I do too."

She rolled her eyes and turned around. Suga walked around her and started to head to a group of people. Glasses of wine were distributed among them all and they all said at once "Cheers!"

She didn't drink it and just looked at everyone else.

"Oh, you don't drink?" He asked.

She looked over at him and said "No, I don't."

"It's not that bad." He said.

She nodded indecisive.

"Just leave it on the table." He suggested.

Suga left to go talk to other Vintners and Hellion walked around. She kind of got bored and walked towards Suga. He looked like he was having a very good time laughing.

When he noticed her he suggested to go outside and look. Hellion didn't want to but she had no choice. He got some grapes and tasted them. He offered some to Hellion but she didn't want any. Suga just ate them all and continued to look around. Megan called him on the phone and Suga hanged up afterwards.

"Let's go to the other Wineries I have in mind." He said with a smile.

She got in the car with him and they left. The other Winery was probably 20 minutes away.

"Did you like it?" He asked as he parked the car.

She just nodded and he sighed. Hellion smirked and liked that he was kind of getting annoyed of her attitude. When she got off she got a call from her father.

"Hello?" She responded through the phone.

Her father said "I just wanted to let you know we are installed at Mr. Min's house and is amazing!"

She didn't say anything and he said "Hellion, please be in your best behavior. He's the only one helping us. Do you understand?"

"Yeah, you don't have to remind me." She said very annoyed.

Suga came and asked "Everything alright?"

She looked over at him and wanted to make a disgusting face expression towards him. However, she recalled she had to be nice towards him but it felt like she had no privacy.

"Yeah." She answered Suga and then hanged up.

Suga and Hellion were greeted at the main doors. Hellion was empressed by the beautiful designs of the Winery and looked outside. The Vineyard was huge and her eyes couldn't seem to reach the end. It was an amazing view and Suga could tell she fell in love. Hellion had an unusual smile across her lips. Which made the situation more surprising and doubting. Wine was brought to them immediately and she took it a glass right away. They both smelled it and fell in love. They were taken out in golf carts to go through the vineyard. She could see the workers out working and that made her look away. The job in the sun was very unpleasant to her. After, awhile she could hear her stomach grumble and Suga heard.

"Let's go eat something." He said.

She didn't hesitate and went with him to the car.

"Where do you want to eat?" He asked.

"I don't know. Anywhere you want is fine." She softly said.

Her sweat and soft voice seemed very unfamiliar to him but he liked it.

"I want some seafood. Is that ok?" He asked.

She nodded once again and they ended up at a outdoor restaurant. Hellion ordered shrimp with rice on the side. Suga got a fish which had salad on the side. He didn't like eating quietly but didn't want to push her buttons.

"After, this we'll go to another Winery and go home. The workers should be going home by the time we go home." He said as he checked his watch.

She looked at his watch and then recalled the time she broke into the gym's locker room to destroy his watch. Hellion slowly glanced away and drinked out of her coke. Suga looked towards the ocean and waves cluld be heard crashing against the rocks.

"Tomorrow we'll be on the field. So, remember to wear your uniform." He said trying to continue a dead conversation.

She nodded her head only and checked her phone. Suga didn't try to talk to her anymore as she looked more entertained with her phone than him. They finished there food and headed to the last Winery. However, it got cancelled and they headed back to the office.

Suga went to the back to go talk to his workers and Hellion stayed inside with Megan.

"How was is it?" She asked like Hellion was the luckiest girl in the world for going with Suga.

Hellion caught on right away and ended the conversation with "Good."

Megan nodded her head and walked away awkwardly. Hellion yawned and saw Suga wasn't coming. She went to her ugly locker and took out her belongings. When Hellion came back she looked for Suga and Megan noticed her.

"He won't be back anytime soon." She informed her.

"Do you know if I can leave?" Hellion asked.

Megan said "Let me ask but I think you can. Your shift is done but let me double check."

She left and Hellion examined the way she walked towards him.

"I can't believe she likes him. He's so ugh!" Hellion thought.

Megan came back and said "Your shift is over and you can leave. I'll give you his address that way you can make your way over there."

"He's not leaving?" Hellion asked.

"No, he usually stays here with the employees." She informed her.

She sighed and waited for the address. She left the office and squinted her eyes.

"How will I leave with no money?" She asked her idiot self but she knew she was very tired. She took a seat outside on the bench and waited on him instead. Hellion laid back a little and tried not to fall asleep.

One hour past and loud laughs woke her up. Hellion looked towards the office doors and it was Megan with Suga. He opened the car door for her and Hellion rose her eyebrows. She quickly stood up and hid behind a tree. Suga drove past and didn't even see her.

"Great! Just great. Now, I have to walk all the way over there." She said very upset.

Juan honked at her and stopped.

"Hellion! What are you doing out here?" He asked in a smile like always.

She didn't know what to say and he chuckled. "Want a ride?" He offered.

She looked at his car that looked like it would break down any minute but she didn't want to walk. She accepted the ride and got inside.

"You won't murder me right?" She asked before closing the door shut.

Juan laughed really loud and said "Of course not! Why would I?"

She looked very concerned and Juan said "Shut the door with all your strength cause sometimes it won't close."

She sighed slowly and closed it very hard. He drove off but the car began to tremble.

"What's going on?" Hellion asked in a panic tone.

"Oh, we're running out of gas but don't worry we can push it together." He said in a comforting tone.

She looked at him crazy and shouted "What?! I don't know how to push cars!"

Juan laughed and said "It's very simple. Just get out and push it from the back."

Her wanting to sleep so bad left her mind and just wondered if it would always be like this.