
"Are you ready to go home?" He asked.

"Actually, I'm going to hang out with Juan tonight." Hellion informed Suga without looking at him.

Juan said "I'm ready when you are."

"Oh." Suga said.

Hellion wanted to laugh so bad but she held it in.

Suga then added "Well, can I come-"

Megan said "Mr. Min you have to stay over time."

I glanced over at her and Suga sighed.

Juan said "Maybe, next time."

Hellion walked away with Juan and left.

"Hey, thank you again for lying." Hellion said before getting off his car.

He rolled the windows down and said "It's nice having you back Hellion."

She smiled and went into a store.

"I'm so happy. I got my own money to spend." She told her self. "What should I get?" She looked around and said "Maybe, it's to much."

Hellion struggled around the store to what she would get. "What if Megan is there? So, embarrassing... No! I should be happy."

Two hours passed by and Hellion came out with 3 items. She bought a box of chocolates, flowers and a FG shirt.

Her phone rang and it was Juan "Suga called but I didn't answer. I was to scared."

Hellion laughed and said "I'm almost home, thanks!"

She didn't want to come through the front so she came through the backyard. As, she got closer her eyes widen. Megan was on the couch leaning in for a kiss and that was tearing her heart apart.

She quickly opened the door and kind of shouted "Hello! How are you guys?!"

Suga quickly stood up and said "We're ok!"

He turned to look at her hands and asked "Wow...Juan gave you that?"

Megan said "Wow, congratulations."

Hellion smiled and said "Yeah, thanks."

Deep down she wanted to cry and yell at Suga. She put the items on the table and went upstairs in a rush. Hellion began to cry in her room quietly and stood infront of her window. She saw that Megan was leaving but not with Suga. She was taking a taxi and Hellion got away from her window. Suga came up to knock on the door but saw Hellion was in bed.

"Why are you acting like your asleep?" He asked from behind.

She didn't answer and tears were coming down slowly. A stuffy nose was about to uncover the truth to all of this.

He walked around and asked "Hellion, why are you crying?!"

She let out a loud sigh "Because of you! You almost cheated on me!"

He frowned his eyebrows "What?"

Hellion stood up and asked "Why didn't you pull back?! Were you going to let her kiss you!"

"I saw you were at the door..." He softly said

"That's impossible! Cheater!" She shouted.

He stated "There's a mirror on the wall and I can see-

"What?..." She calmed down.

Suga nodded his head and said "I'll show you. If you want. Look, I knew you wouldn't let her do it unless if you were going to test me. I was going to pull back if you weren't going to take action."

Hellion didn't say anything and just felt bad over everything even more.

"I'm sorry. I'm just very confused." She softly said ashamed of herself. "How could I have bullied my boyfriend this whole entire time and not remember you?"

Suga came closer. "What did you say?"

Hellion looked up at him and said "I remember you. That's what I said."

He couldn't hold himself any longer. Suga pulled her into a tight hug and said "I love you so much."

Hellion hugged him back and said "I don't know if I can love you back."

He let go slowly and asked "What? Why?"

"I BULLIED YOU! Like how could I? Why would I do that to you. It was wrong and I knew what I was doing." She said crying.

"I don't care. What matters is that you got your memory back." He said holding her hands.

She softly said "I do care though..."

"Well, don't." He said kissing her forhead.

"Don't think about any of that stuff. Just forget it." He said.

Hellion said "I forgot you but not how to bully you."

Suga pulled her to take a seat next to her on her bed. He put his arm around her and said "Take some rest and we'll talk tomorrow. All these things will settle down on there own and you'll have a clearer vision."

Hellion said "Don't leave me. Stay here by my side."

Suga said "We can fall asleep here if you want."

She chuckled and held him tight. No words were exchanged anymore until next morning during breakfast.

"I been thinking." She said to him.

He looked up at her from his plate and hummed.

"I felt so drawn to you to the point that I bullied you. You were always on my mind 24/7 that it made me mad and I didn't know why. When you left the school I thought I would finally get rid of the feeling but no. Everything, crumbled down within time and then you took over the company. It just made me dislike you and so much more confused." She said looking him in his eyes.

"But, before that we were going out and everything crumbled." She said.

"Stop." He said.

Hellion continued "I made you lose your legs in that car accident. I didn't listen to you."

Suga said "You were just learning how to drive. It's ok."

"No, you lost your legs and I lost my memory." She looked away heart broken.

Suga held her hand and said "We both are fully recovered. I'm so grateful for everything that happened."

"Why didn't no one tell me?" She asked.

He sighed and said "The doctor suggested to let you recover on your own without pressure. They had a meeting at the school with everyone about your accident but it didn't seem to be a problem. Since, you remembered everyone except for me."

Hellion said "Actually, I turned into a different person. A bad human that was rude to like everyone."

Suga said "You were just trying very hard to remember who you truly were."

"How did you manage to stay by me for so long?" She asked.

"I was very mad and upset you didn't remember me. However, I felt better as I saw you didn't remember how much you loved the Winery. It was your dream to start it with me but I did lose a little hope on the way. Yet, you began to change and I just learned to be patient. When you said you had a crush on me I was so happy. I knew I was getting closer to the old Hellion." He stated with a smile on his face.

"I got you the roses, chocolates and a present for you." She said pushing the gift towards Suga.

His eyebrows rose up and said "I thought Juan got you this."

Hellion said "I was at the store the entire time rehearsing how I would apologize to you and tell you how I remembered you. I was getting all shy when buying all this cause it just felt like I hadn't done it before."

Suga laughed and said "I'm shy just by looking at you. It just feels so new again and I like it."

He opened up the gift and said "Now, I feel bad for not getting you nothing."

"Don't. I'm happy that you didn't give up on me and leave me."

"But, I did leave. I felt horrible when I left you but I knew it was for my own good. Deep down it hurt to see you date these rich guys that had no idea what had happened between us." He said.

Hellion stood up and came around to him. "I'm sorry for everything." She said.

Suga stood up and said "I don't care about any of that stuff anymore. The important thing is that we survived and we're together now."

She wrapped her arms around his neck and craved for a kiss. He craved it more and leaned for a kiss.

"Damn, I missed you so much." He said blushing.

She giggled and said "And I love you so much."

Hellion attacked his face with multiple kisses until she couldn't anymore.