Once here... Cynthia

We shared the papers so we could equally check together. I could feel mixtures of emotions flying around the office at that moment, we were calm when we were looking through the papers but inside... We were totally devastated!! But I had hope, because hope is all we need, hope keeps us going. Hope that tomorrow would be a brighter day, hope always helped me get through my rough days and that's exactly what I need right now! Hope...

"I've found Christian's paper!!" Nora exclaimed

"Oh my... Check!! Check if its marked!" Sophia said panicking

Nora scanned through the pages as fast as lightning "... Its not" she finally said

"Oh thank heavens... " we exclaimed

"Let's look for the rest" I said as I continued flipping the papers.

"I have found mine and it is not marked" Sophia sighed, that's two down and four more to go