My Mochi, My Ariel :-)

"Hey guys! " I sat down cheerfully

"Well someone's in a good mood" Nora swooned

"What's wrong with that? Can't I feel happy anymore" I said giving her a dirty glare

"No no, be happy I won't talk anymore" she said raising her hands to the air showing that she had surrendered. I won't blame her though, these are one of the rare days where you see Katie Kent happy, I don't know how it happened but I went to bed feeling kinda tired and smiley...

Yeah! Believe it, I smiled way too much yesterday my face hurts. Anyway, so I woke up this morning and guess what I'm happy!

*song start

Tittle: Happi

"I'm happi!, I'm happi!, I'm happy like a bird, flying through the city, looking for some food I bump into some poles but I'm still happy!. You'll never see me cry cause I'm a happy bird"

Song end.....


Yes I just sang in my head, by the way those lyrics are mine and I just made the whole thing up so don't browse it ok?

"Christian pass me the ketchup" Maja said

"Would you atleast say please" he begged

"No" she fake smiled

After making some goofy faces and talks like "No I won't" "Give me the ketchup or you'll die" threats, he finally passed the ketchup

"Thank you"

"Know what? I'm going to class" I said getting up to empty what was left on my tray in the trash can.

"Since when have you been excited going to class? " this was coming from no one other than Kc.

"Since I have exams coming up and I want to pass by all means" I glared and walked out.

Why are they just putting their noses in my business, first I'm happy now I want to go to class early tell me how is that bad?

Meanwhile, After the boys left for their classes...

"Something is definitely up" kc said

" I agree, something is up and we have to find out! " Sophia continued

"She has to be hiding something from us or seeing someone she doesn't want us to know about, if not why would she get all excited about going to class? I know its a good thing but for Katie to be doing it all of a sudden... Something's gotta be up" Nora said

"True" they answered

"So what do you suggest we do? " Maja asked

"Operation spy on Katie! " Sophia chipped

"Operation spy on Katie? " they questioned

"I'm soo not doing a spy job, heck I don't even want anything to do with spying anymore, I don't even want to hear the word spy! " Kc said in frustration

"I know, we've had an experience but this time its good spying, just us trying to watch our friend's back" Sophia pleaded

"Well I'm out, because I don't have classes with you guys" Maja said getting up " Three of you should sort this one out yourself" then she left

"I guess its us then"

"Why don't we get the boys to join in? "

"Naaa girls personal mission, no boys! " Sophia countered

"What if Katie finds out that we're spying, she won't take it lightly"

"I know but if that happens well just have to come up with something to tell her"



"So we're doing this right? Nora wanted to be sure

"Yes we are" they chorused

"I'll watch her during calculus" Kc said

"Ok, then leave the rest to us"


During calculus, I didn't see Arnaldo that much so I'm guessing he's gonna show up in chemistry class, can't wait though!

Wait? When did I start getting excited about seeing Arnaldo? its like I don't even know my self anymore...

Who are you katie?

Well I don't care, from now on I've made up my mind to do what makes me happy and if seeing Arnaldo makes me happy then so be it! I just have to get through all my classes before chemistry...

How time flies, I know not but I've been Silently praying non stop for it. I'm currently staring at my book filled with poems, class is as quiet as usual because someone is reading and we would like to get the meaning of this stanza. Arnaldo is in class, we've been sneaking peaks at each other for a couple of minutes now.

"Katie would you read the next stanza please" miss Elena called

"Yes miss Elena" she gave me the "you know I told you to stop calling me that look" but what I do? We're in class I have to pay my respect

Standing up and straightening my skirt I read out loud " I shall be telling this with a sigh, somewhere ages and ages hence, two roads diverged in a wood and I... I took the road less traveled by, and that has made all the difference"

"Thank you Katie, you may have your sit" and so I sat down

"Now, would anybody like to express what he or she felt Robert Frost was trying to say? "

"I feel that he was trying to choose a road to take so he looks for a road that seems less worn. At the end of the poem he feels that choosing the road less traveled makes all the difference. He has led a life of non conformity and he is happier because of it. " the stern voice said beside me, He was sitting at my right hand side. I didn't want to turn and look at him directly in the face but after some sighs I did and he was staring right at me, I couldn't help the blush that creeped its way onto my face making me look like a tomatoe.

"That's was a good evaluation Arnaldo, good to see that you are back and active in class" miss Elena smiled

"Good to be back Elena" he said sitting down, making her smile more. Ok so he's more fearless than I thought...

History came and went with Nora giving me some side glances and Sophia smiling more than usual, well thats not my problem because now its time for chemistry!

I might say I practically rushed out of history class just to be early so me and Arnaldo could have a little chat. I want to talk about what's going on in this head of mine that can't stop thinking about him, and of course I want to be sure if he's not playing me or something, I think this little attraction I have right now needs to die because I can't live like this! I mean I've never gone nuts for a guy before so why is he so different, something about him... like he has this kind of charisma that charms people to him, I don't want to be charmed but my body is saying other wise... Just imagine being hugged by that masculine body with muscles and being kissed by those pretty pink lips or maybe sleeping in the embrace of his arms, feeling his warmth, drowning your self in his cologne... Oh!

What am I doing?...

"Ehemm" uh who the hell is this? I turned around and glared at the person interrupting my day dream

"Miss me? " Arnaldo!

"Oh heyy" I smiled. You know that saying that some dreams don't come true or may take time to come true? I think mine's gonna come true...

He turned his chair backwards and sat down, he looked like a badass and he was staring at me, smirking. Now why would he smirk? that's just him being too over confident, I can't let him feel like that though, he has to try harder...

"Why are you smirking? "

"Well for one thing you look extra gorgeous today, second is that you're thinking about me and I think I'm making an impact, might I say a big impact in your pretty little heart" now I'm going to copy him and be like, first reason got me like wow! Thank you for your complement Katie really appreciates it, second reason got me like, yeah dum dum! Your driving me nuts duuhh... but I ain't gonna show it. Back to the real world now

So I continued the conversation "first of all thank you for your complement, much appreciated and second of all, you are soo not making an impact on me, seeing you everyday is what's driving me nuts" boom! counter that Arnaldo...

"You're saying that seeing me everyday is driving you nuts right? Then why don't you just take your eyes off me. You think I don't notice you looking at me more than usual, I'll bet you've looked at me like 8 no 10 times today! "

Ok, ok its actually 12 times though, how would he know I've been counting

"Whatever... Suit yourself, be smug all you want I wanted to have a real conversation today but it seems like you're not serious " I turned around and faced my notes, teach's gonna be here any minute now...

"Heyy, look at me" he said trying to turn my chair around. I just ignored him

"Look at meee, Katie, Katie, Katie, Katie, Katie, Katieee... "

"Uhh what! " I turned around to say, but what I met mentally broke my defenses against him. His brows we're furrowed, his upper lip slightly burying itself in his lower lip forming a beautiful pout and to complete it he held my hands... Soo warm

"I'm sorry and this time I'll be serious, just for you" he said

"Ok" I smiled

"So what do you what to ask? " he said, his face returning to his original handsomeness, awwn I miss that face but this one is much hotter

"Ok, what happened, why were you suspended" this one I've been wanting to ask but this isn't the main point

He shrugged "I got into a fight"

"With who? "

"Does it really matter? " he has a point though

"No, I'm sorry but can I ask if its because of Crystal? " bingo...

I think hearing her name just brought back some memories which he probably didn't want to recall, I saw his face scrunch in disgust before he quickly changed to a blank expression

"I don't want to talk about her" he said. ok, I don't me rude but what? He can't talk about his ex and he wants me to be his girlfriend? I need to know what happened between them

"Ok then, when you're ready to talk about it I'll be waiting. For now, your offer is officially on hold" I removed my hands from his now my hands are going cold, so much for braveness...

"Its on hold? Why? Because of her" I can sense he's getting angry and why does he keep on referring to Crystal as her

I sighed "Yes, because of her. Look I didn't mean to bring back some memories for you but she has hurt me and my friends, so I wouldn't want to date you when perhaps your heart is still with her, I don't think I can bear the mere sight of that"

"Good afternoon class"

"Good afternoon sir" we all greeted. I guess this conversation is on hold, I didn't want our talk to be like this. Maybe I shouldn't have brought Crystal into it, I just hope he talks to me again.

Sighing, I turned my page and focused on what we were going being taught today...

In the middle of teaching about Carbon and its structures, Arnaldo was druming on my chair, I turned around. He looked at me but not for long, he turned his gaze to something underneath his locker, I followed his eyes and saw a small piece of paper he was holding out to me. I collected it and turned around

"I'm sorry I overreacted, you were just wondering what happened and I took it the wrong way, I wasn't going to talk about her because of the way our relationship went but I didn't know it would mean alot to you so I'm going to tell you all about it, I don't want what happened to ruin our relationship. If you're wondering if I still feel something for her I'm not sorry to say that I don't, not any more. You see she cheated on me with a hot senior and then she lied to me all along when I thought we had something special I was angry and frustrated so I went after the senior, we fought and then I got suspended. this is something that happened some time ago, before you came."

OMG is this what happened? How could Crystal be soo heartless, she used him. Just like how she played me. She deserves a heart attack for what she has done, she's just like Camille but much more brutal. Poor Arnaldo he got suspended because of that witch...

I instantly took out my pen and wrote my heart down

"I'm so sorry, I didn't know she did this to you and I was being a persistent bitch trying to know what happened when obviously I was replaying bad memories for you. I'm sorry for what happened to you, its a sad story and you deserve more. I won't trouble you about your past anymore. Forgive me? " I finished and squeezed the note, putting it in my palms and stretching my hand beneath my chair so he could see it.

seconds later I felt his hand on mine and then I released the note from my tight grasp.

Minutes later he tapped on my chair, I brought my hand out waiting to receive the new note. He dropped it in my palm and closed my hand. I retrieved it and brought it in so I could read it

"Of course I forgive you, you're my mochi, my Ariel..."

Awwn, that just warms my heart. I instantly drew a smiley face and sent the paper back. I'm his Ariel.