
*Next day*

"I seriously don't want to do this" I say for the nth time. We are currently taking our food from the counter and walking towards our table.

The girls decided that it was best if we went for breakfast together, mainly because they didn't want me to chicken out and lock my self up in my room and fake an illness. I wish I had known their plan a little earlier, I wouldn't have opened the door and agreed to the idea in the first place.

Sophia encouraged "Don't worry you'll be fine, now man up! You'll be sitting across Liam today I hope your little speech is ready?"

Yeah right... Little speech, I was up all night trying to find the right words to say when I finally meet them. Should I go with

"Hey there fellas! You know I need some help in my studies because I can't seem to get darn history into my head, mind helping me? " or should I go with