Flash back (Wini)

Flash back.... 

June 26th 1986... 

I hate to say it but I'll miss this school, the fun, the trouble, the guys... If you know what I mean and of course I won't miss my friends because we'll be going to the same colledge together! I didn't break a sweat when I was convincing daddy to let me to a colledge in Norway besides, I've come to like this place a little.

"Hey hey, snap out of it what are we wearing for the prom" my best friend asked me she was smiling with her new fancy glasses I got her, she looked cute and oh did I mention I was a senior? Yeah well I am and this is actually our last prom and guess what? We don't have gowns to wear

"I don't know, I wish they'd just take our measurements and make a gown for important occasions just like how they do our uniforms" maggie said