

August 9th 2018.

The grasses swayed to the lullaby of the wind, the chilly air made the atmosphere most fitting for the occasion as the heap of sand which had been dug up sat still and waited for it's return to it's initial position, The scents from the fresh bouquet of flowers emanated from the coffin and the cemetery was filled with wails and cries as a good man had just lost his life.

Clothed in all black attire, Liam stood still as he watched them place his father to the earth, he always knew this day would come but never did he anticipate it would be so soon... He couldn't call his friends for this occasion, he would ruin their summer he thought so he decided to let the press spread the news instead.

Indeed he felt sad, just like anyone would when they lost someone dear to them. His Aunty B wept for her dear brother in his arms and all he could do was pet her hair and say to himself,

"It's alright Aunty"