3.Something moved!

"Have you heard? Something happened on the seventh floor."

"What's the matter, I saw a lot of accomplices got taken down, and one by one was very sad."

"Can you be sad? Two hundred thousand, then. It's a tip of 200,000 yuan! It's a pity, without their share, who made them unclean, the school girl who wants to be clean..."

"Tsk tsk, more than that, I heard there are some inside stories. "

"What's the situation, tell me?"

... In the

elevator, Mu Nuan quietly listened to the continuous discussion of the few people behind him.

It's something in the presidential box on the seventh floor tonight.

She was originally indifferent to this, but when she heard the last sentence, she couldn't help but grasp the shoulder strap of the small bag.

"Ding—" The

elevator opened and reached the first floor.

Mu Nuan walked out of the elevator in deep thoughts, the whole person still thinking about the previous conversations.

Not two hundred thousand, one million.

one million!

The highest reward for accompanying wine turned out to be one million!

Mu Nuan couldn't help but gasped, which was simply burning money.

But what to do, she was suddenly moved.

"With this million..."

With this million, her mother's illness might get better, and she can let Lu Yunshen use imported drugs.

Even if it fails once, it doesn't matter, she can try a second time.

Moreover, there was time after the medication, and she had more time to find a suitable kidney source for her mother.

Lu Yunshen said that time was running out, and the last bit of self-esteem in Mu Nun's heart was annihilated.

She stood in the lobby on the first floor of the clubhouse, like a passer-by watching the guests coming and going, and then suddenly smiled.

"Mu Nuan, what are you insisting on?" If

you continue to be so hypocritical, it's just that you finally watched your mother leave this world.

After that, no one will worry about you anymore?

Mu Nuan is greedy for the last bit of warmth in this world. She doesn't want to lose Mu Xinci, she doesn't want to be an orphan.

Thinking of this, Mu Nuan stepped firm, turned around and entered the elevator again without hesitation.

Press the number seven.

Immediately, he took a breath and completely relaxed.

It's just to accompany the wine, I can drink so, nothing will happen!

Mu Nuan comforted herself like this.

The seventh floor.

Inside the presidential box.

The three men sat in three directions, but they all faced each other, looking at the place where their eyes gathered.

There, stood the manager of the Dynasty Club.

"Manager Zhu, this is your fault. Gu Shao finally came here once, how can you not be satisfied with what he meant!"

"It's just a clean student girl, how many women are there in the Dynasty Club, you said No?"

"I don't believe this. If you can't solve it, I'll call..."

"Lu Shao,

hold your hand up!" Manager Zhu looked at the moment Lu Yunzheng took out his mobile phone, his whole face was instantly turned on. Pale.

He knew who the call was for, and that was Mr. Xiao, the owner of the club.

However, for every call to Mr. Xiao, the final result was only one, which was to expel the person.

Mr. Xiao once said: "There is no wrong customer, only wrong service."

So, as soon as the call is made, he, the manager, don't want to do it!

Manager Zhu wiped the sweat that kept coming out of his forehead, his expression begging to look pitifully at the master, and turned to another man.

"Gu Shao..."

"You, give me some time, I'll send someone to look for it right away."

"How long?"

Gu Jingting did not lift his eyes, but his tone showed a hint of impatience.

"I don't have so much time to spend on boring things."

"Yes, yes, I dare not let Gu Shao wait too long. For ten minutes, give me ten minutes."

Manager Zhu almost knelt.

Gu Jingting's body leaning on the sofa loosened, Yu Guang glanced at the other two, with a sneer at the corners of his mouth.

"Okay, you only have ten minutes."

"Did you hear that, ten minutes, solve the problem for Gu Shao."

Lu Yunzheng said again, still smiling.

But behind that smile was an unabashed warning threat.

Manager Zhu quickly turned and left the box to find a way.

Finally, he dragged people over and said: "Hurry up to the nearby university town. Yes, just go to that school and find a clean student girl."

"Price? Don't care about the price. Bring people over first."

"You What's so special, if things go wrong, nothing is left. I still care about the reputation of a student girl?"


Time passed by.

Manager Zhu walked back and forth on the corridor outside the box, not daring to make too much footsteps, for fear of disturbing the distinguished guests inside.

From time to time, he looked down at his watch and kept wiping the dripping sweat.

"Eight minutes, two minutes left, this, this..."

Is it time?

In case it is too late...

his job is gone!

Not only is it gone, but it may also offend Gu Shao and Lu Shao, this life has to be finished.

Manager Zhu never expected that this place tonight would be a good show between Lu Yunzheng and Gu Jingting.

The Lu family and the Gu family were the second of the three mountains in Yun City. How could he meet such two ancestors so unlucky!

"It's over, it's over, it's less than a minute..."

A look of despair burst into Manager Zhu's eyes.

Mu Nuan arrived on the seventh floor corridor at this time.

Seeing Manager Zhu, she yelled.

Then, I saw Manager Zhu flying towards her.

As if seeing the savior, Manager Zhu grabbed the person and walked inside.

"Mu Nuan, please go to the rescue field, don't need you to accompany you too much, just for a while, it's okay when people come."


will give you twenty thousand?" "No, I will give you one hundred thousand, you will This is done, I will give you one hundred thousand!"

Mu Nuan's expression flashed slightly.

One hundred thousand?

Quite a lot.

"Manager Zhu..."

"Mu Nuan , if you don't save yourself at this time, believe it or not, I will fire you tonight!"

Manager Zhu will come hard if he doesn't work, he has already given up.

But Mu Nuan smiled and said, "Why are you so serious? I just want to ask, is this one hundred thousand rewards given by the club? Then if I take this matter, the two hundred thousand rewards, and Did you?"


did you say?" Manager Zhu was taken aback, as if he didn't understand.

This person actually got the hang of it?

"Mu Nuan, you said you are going to take this job, aren't you?"

"I took it, manager."

Mu Nuan nodded.

"But there is still the highest reward..."

Manager Zhu glanced at his watch and said, "Ah " -and

then, before Mu Nuan could say anything, he pushed someone directly into the presidential box behind him.