9.Dirty, messy, bad!

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"Mr. Gu, the neighborhood ahead is." The

driver reminded dutifully when the car stopped at the intersection diagonally across the neighborhood.

Gu Jingting's previously closed eyes opened for a moment, turned his head slightly, and looked at his right hand.

Is this broken place?

Gu Jingting couldn't help frowning. He didn't expect that Mu Nuan would live in such a place that looked like a slum.

He didn't know that there was such a poor, dirty and chaotic community in Yun City.

"Miss Mu lives in Room 301 on the third floor of the first building in the community."

Li Han, the special assistant sitting in the co-pilot, added a message, and then asked, "Mr. Gu, are you now?"

"You are waiting here."

Gu Jingting turned the car door handle, opened the back seat door quickly, and walked into the dilapidated community in front of him without looking back.

Behind him, Li Han looked dazed and confused.


This community is really bad and messy.

Gu Jingting walked in all the way, without even seeing a decent guard, not to mention the security guards that should be arranged at the door.

He even saw homeless people and garbage pickers dangling in the community along the way. Gu Jingting's impression of Mu Nuan's residence is not a little bad.

Standing in front of Room 301 on the third floor, Gu Jingting did not raise his hand.

Just because there was no bell at the door, and the door was covered with a thick layer of dust, he was disgusted when he raised his hand and knocked on the door.



Mu Nuan was halfway through eating when he heard the door of his house kicked.

The strength is great, and the sound is discontinuous, but dull.

Which idiot bastard?

Mu Nuan frowned in irritation, but did not get up to look.

This community is too old and messy, and occasionally there are a few hooligans or troublemakers, which are common things. Although Mu Nuan hadn't met him head-on, he had also heard of it.

Thinking about it, she thought some alcoholic knocked on the wrong door.

The knock on the door continued, but the force grew stronger.

Gu Jingting raised his hand and knocked more than a dozen times, and finally made a fierce kick on the door frame.

Mu Nuan opened the door inward at the same time.


Gu Jingting: "..."

Mu Nuan hesitated. She glanced at Gu Jingting, then looked behind him, and asked, "Mr. Gu, I shouldn't owe you anything."

So, what should I do?

Gu Jingting was choked for a moment.

Of those women in the past, which one was not waiting dry and jealous for him to come to find him, but the woman in front of him was disgusting.

"I can't come?"

"No, but we don't have anything to do. This place is not suitable for you, Mr. Gu."

Mu Nuan still leaned against the door, most of her body blocked the door, and she didn't mean to let people in.

Gu Jingting's blue veins jumped between his forehead, and his mood instantly became irritable.

"Xiao Nuan, who is this?"

The door on the opposite side suddenly opened, and a head came out. It was a middle-aged woman who looked at Gu Jingting hesitantly and gossiping.

Mu Nuan's eyelids twitched, and without a word, he pulled Gu Jingting into the room. When the door was closed, he said vaguely "friend".

"Let me come in again?" Gu Jingting couldn't help but smile.

"Well, the husband of the woman opposite cheated, she just divorced, she has more mouths."

So, in order to avoid trouble, don't stand in the door.

Gu Jingting said "Oh" and immediately sat down on the only two-person sofa in the living room.

As soon as he sat down, he sank in.

Gu Jingting raised his hands and looked down, only to realize that the sofa was sold out, and it had lost its flexibility.

And Mu Nuan has turned around and walked back to the dining table by the kitchen, her lunch has not been finished yet.

"You will leave later." Mu Nuan said with a mouthful of rice.

Gu Jingting didn't answer. After he got up, he began to look at everything in the house.

This is a very small two-bedroom apartment, which is not more than fifty square meters visually.

And because of the outdated layout, after the two bedrooms are separated, the area of ​​the living room becomes very small, and the balcony extending from the living room can just stand two people.

The walls are a little yellowish, and cracks and fragments have appeared at the corners of the walls. As for the furniture in the living room...it can't be said, except for the shabby, it's less pitiful.

Gu Jingting was facing an old color TV in the living room. From the black screen, he could vaguely see Mu Nuan's movements.

He turned around in doubt and looked at her.

"Didn't eat?"


Mu Nuan poured all the cold dishes on the plate into the bowl so that he could eat faster. Gu Jingting had already walked to the dining table a few steps, staring at her bowl with a complex and deep expression.

This woman just took him 30 million yesterday, but today she ate leftovers from a cold meal...

He was really puzzled about Mu Nuan.

If it is greedy for money?

Indeed, when the asking price was 30 million, she was full of unconcealed greed, but afterwards she even took the emergency contraceptive pill.

Right now, such a woman who is greedy for money is living a life like this again...

"I'm done eating."

Being stared at by a man with such scorching eyes, Mu Nuan became useless no matter how calm she was.

She got up a little awkwardly, cleaned up the dishes, and turned to the kitchen to clean it. Subconsciously, I didn't want to make eye contact with Gu Jingting.

Not because of embarrassment, but because of involuntary resistance and not wanting to approach.

As soon as she saw his eyes, she would think of some shy pictures.

That night, she was so frightened by Gu Jingting's eyes that she still has sequelae.

"Is there anything going on with Mr. Gu looking for me?" If

people don't leave, Mu Nuan can't drive them directly.

So, the two people stood in the small living room and had nothing to talk about. While speaking, Mu Nuan once again walked around to the original low stool and squatted down to continue working.

Gu Jingting stared at the bunch of unknown little things and watched Mu Nuan's two hands flying up and down, a utility knife followed by brushing, removing the burrs on the side, and then thin white fingers. Jumping back and forth.

The picture is beautiful, but it makes Gu Jingting feel uncomfortable.

"What are you doing?"

"The work of recording must be finished today."

Mu Nuan raised his hand to remove the bangs between his forehead and continued to do it. As for Gu Jingting, he didn't give him a face to look.


"Mr. Gu, you can

leave without much business . It is really inconvenient for you to appear here like this." After working for more than half an hour, Gu Jingting stared at her for half an hour.

When you lower your head, you can feel the scorching gaze falling on the top of your head, as if a ray of light will burn her.

"Mr. Gu, you..."

"Don't talk."

Gu Jingting stretched out her hand and picked up Mu Nuan, leading the whole person to the side of the sofa, and then just straight down the person.

Mu Nuan was startled, her pupils dilated instantly, and she conditioned to push the man on her body.

Use both hands and feet, very eagerly, "Go away, you can't do this... Don't..."