Ch.Seventeen: Starting now!

Yuki's POV

"Mio come on we gotta go tell the others about it." I said

"How many people are planning on playing." Shikamaru said

"We don't know yet that's why we're fin to go to dorm house two and see who wants to play from there." Mio said

"Don't go to dorm house 3." Sasuke said

"Why." I said

"Because that's the dorm Sakura lives in and I don't wanna see her right now." Sasuke said

"Okay were going to go now be ready because once the sun comes up that's when we start."

"Are you going out like that yuki." Sasuke said

"Yea why should it matter." I said

"I guess you forgot about your Hickey's already." Sasuke said while pointing at your chest

"Oooh I'll go put on my hoodie I'll be back." I said while walking out the door blushing

Mio's POV

"Sasuke...." I said then he looks over at me

"What?" Sasuke said

"Promise me something." I said

"Depends on what it is but go on..." Sasuke said

"Don't hurt her." I said with a serious look on my face

"What if I do." Sasuke said

"Then my fist is gonna meet your face." I said

"Look I'm not gonna hurt her I'll never do that ever." Sasuke said

"Good answer..." I said while looking at Naruto

"What." Naruto said while blushing

Hmmm he's sitting down perfect opportunity to startle him or just surprise him😏

~I walk over to Naruto and sit on his lap~

"H-hey😦😳" Naruto said

"Oooh ho ho look at Naruto." Kiba said

"Umm Mio umm why are you on my lap..." Naruto said still blushing

"There was no where else to sit so I just sat here if there's a problem I can move if you ask." I said

"No I don't have a problem with it or anything I was just wondering that's all." Naruto said

"Hmmm.... Okay" I said then Yuki came back smirking a me wearing her merch

Yuki's POV

I put on my merch I love this one a lot 😂

"You ready to go now." I said and Naruto started squealing

"You got the rebel jacket I've been saving up to get that jacket." Naruto said

"Oh really." I said

"Yea I'm almost there thought I'm going to get it soon." Naruto said

"You know that you could just ask me for one and I can just give it to you for free right." I said

"Yea but I don't want to be the type of friend that always ask you for free shit just because your famous." Naruto said and I smile at him

"Thanks for not being fake dobe." I said while smiling

"Aww Sasuke your rubbing off on Yuki!!." Naruto said

"It's not my fault." Sasuke said while me and mio walks out the room

{Time skip}

Me and mio were in front of the house two building door and I knocked

Then neiji opened the door

"Sup neiji can we come in to talk to the girls." I said

"Sure come on in." Neiji said

"Were gonna head upstairs and talk to them." Mio said while grabbing my hand and practically dragging my ass upstairs

~mio knocks on the door and tenten opens it and hugs me~

"Oh my god your the new girl I wanted to speak with you for a while now but I never have the chance because your never really at school anymore." Tenten said

"Yea a lot of shit has happen in these past few weeks but I'll be in school tomorrow though." I said

"That's great to here." Tenten said while letting us in

"So we came here to let you guys in on a game our dorm is doing its mostly for the girls though." I said

"What's the game called." Temari said

"Titty grab." Mio said while tenten and temari's face turn red

"Are the boys playing too." Tenten said while blushing

" No it's only for the girls and guess what there gonna be a prize at the end." I said

"Okay explain." Temari said

(After a while of explaining everything again we went down stairs to tell the boys about it too then left)

"Well what did they say" Ino said

"They are all in." I said while smirking

"Well we all should get to bed see you guys tomorrow and see I will be sure to beat you yuki." Mio said

"Good luck with that I'm really looking for a little alone time with Sasuke anyways." I said while walking away to my room

"I really need to start bringing my grades up so much shit has happened this past week tomorrow is Tuesday I need to at least work at the dorm while I'm out." I said while walking up to my computer and sitting in my nice computer chair

(Another time skip because I'm lazy😂)

It's the morning time so that means the game has started

"AHHHH!!!." hinata screamed

Shit looks like mio ain't talking the losing side this time😂

I walk out to see what's going on but the only thing I see was a blushing hinata "you already let your guard down huh." I said while smirking

"Huh." Hinata said

"Did mio get you." I said

"No it was karin....I was just coming out the bathroom then she just came up behind me and whispered in my ear 'titty grab'." Hinata said while blushing

"Shit I need to go to school today." I said

"What no you can't you need to rest." Hinata said

" girl I'm failing literally almost all of my classes and Karin is already taking the lead I need to go tell Naruto I'm going to school ok." I said while going to the bathroom to take a shower

Hinata's POV

"Oh my what is Naruto going to say about this." I said while walking down the hallway to naruto's room I knock on his door and Naruto opens it

"Oh hey hinata what's up." Naruto said

Where is his shirt I probably look like a tomato already "u-umm Yuki told me to tell you that she is coming to school today." I said

"What why she is suppose to be resting." Naruto said

"She said she's Failing almost all her classes because she wasn't at school that much." I said

"Oh okay I was just making sure it wasn't for no stupid reason." Naruto said while sasuke came up to the door

"Dobe move out my way I have to brush my teeth." Sasuke

Me and Naruto moved out his way so he can get by and he walks towards the bathroom

Sasuke's POV

Why the fuck does naruto's method of fixing my mistake's have to take so long I just want her to be mine already

I'm on my way to the bathroom so I can brush my teeth "hello anyone in here." I said

"Duh some one is in here duckass." Yuki said

A vein pops out my for head and I get Aggervated so I open the door a little just to scare her

"No don't fucking do it duckass." She said then I open it a little more

"Stop calling me duckass then I'll shut the door right now." I said with a smirk

"Okay okay just shut the door." Yuki said

I shut the door and wait on her to get out and let me tell you I'm never waiting on her again never she takes way too long to come out the damn bathroom

The door finally opens and I sigh "what the hell took you so long." I said

"What I was just putting on my make up what's the problem." Yuki said

"Nothing just go down stairs everyone is waiting." I said while going in the bathroom brushing my teeth

"Alright." Yuki said while walking away going down the stairs

After I finished brushing my teeth I went down stairs to here another girl scream "'titty grab' ino haha." Yuki said

"Damnit." Ino whispered

I chuckled "okay who's driving with who because all of you can't fit in my car." Naruto said

Yuki's pov

"I can drive in my car." I said

"You have a car where is it." Naruto said

"It's right over there parked in the side of the road over there." I said pointing to a nice BMW

"Oooh nice." Kiba said

"I'm riding with yuki." Mio said

"So am I and I call shot gun." Sasuke said while smirking walking towards my car

Kei usually sits in the front I guess we'll figure it out when we get there eh...

"Anyone else going with yuki." Naruto said

"That's all the people I can take naruto." I said

"What why look at all that space." Naruto said

"I have to go pick up my brother and kage so when I get them it's going to get more cramped unless one of them is going to sit in the trunk." I said looking at everyone else

"I'll sit in the trunk." Ino

"If you go I go." Karin said

"Are you serious...." I said surprised

"Yea come on." Ino said

"You know kage and Kei lives with Sakura right." I said

"Yea I knew." Karin said

"It's not like me and Karin is getting out the car to get them two so we're fine." Ino said

"Okay." I said while walking to the back and unlocking the trunk I get my purse from the trunk

"Wow You got a lot of space back here." Ino said

"Yea I know just get in." I said

"Okay." Karin said while getting in along with ino taging along behind her I shut the trunk and get in the car along with mio sitting in the backseat and Sasuke sitting right beside me

Well that's the end of this chapter peeps hope you like it

Titty grab scores

Karin : 1

Yuki : 1

