Chapter 258

During the meeting with the department directors Cedric repeated the information he had just provided to the PR and Legal representatives from the Reyes Group. They all nodded as they took in more information about what had just happened. 

"Look, I know this is quite the blow." Cedric said calmly in a parent-like tone. He felt like he was a father telling his child to calm down and reassess the situation. "I need all of you to focus on what needs to be done. We can't change anything, what's done is done, all we can do now is get up and move forward. Talk to your teams and find out what is bothering them, if you have the answers, reassure them, if you don't inform Camilla or Ian. I will make sure that they are addressed as well as I can during the assembly later." Cedric announced.

All of the department directors nodded in acknowledgement.