Chapter 262

After Cedric had that conversation with Ram, Abad Network and several of its affiliates released an interview with Capt. Damien Park. In an interesting turn of events the article not only made it clear that the previous article was insensitive and in breach of an existing investigation, it made Capt. Damien Park, an overnight celebrity, women were swooning over the half foreign police officer. 

Two weeks passed and Cedric thought that the public would forget about the incident, but it remained a hot topic all over the internet. Capt. Damien continued to give Cedric updates on the investigation every other day. 

"I don't think they'll be able to make any significant progress soon." Cedric told Ian and Camilla as he placed the tablet gently on the table. "I suggest we return to normal operations." 

"How about the Tech Hub sir?" Ian asked. Cedric had placed him in charge of the project and it was something he had every intention of seeing through.