Chapter 405

"What is it this time?" Cedric asked in a frustrated tone.

"An unknown source said that they can confirm that Emilio is Alexi's son with his long-time partner. The same woman that was in a gossip site over a year ago." Dave said as he showed Cedric the article.

"Cedric, I think the public should know that he is your son. You can't hide Emilio forever, at least this way it won't be such a pain." Ram said with a frown. He knew how much Cedric didn't want to do that. "I know it's the last resort, but if you don't do this things will get worse. You know how well we attract the rumor mongers and paparazzi. Emilio will be hounded. I'm sure they are already waiting outside of Nationalia."

Cedric sighed and massaged his temples, he had to admit Ram was right, and when it came to matters like this, Ram had the most experience.

"I'll call Katerina." Cedric said with a sigh as he took out his phone.