Chapter 667


Cedric and his friends decided to spend the rest of the day resting and actually using the trip as a vacation. They decided to make their own plans, separately.

Since Eric and Katerina hadn't come out to the public as a couple yet they decided to stay in, while everyone else went on romantic dates across the city.

Unfortunately for Cedric and Adrianna, they both had a lot of work to deal with, so they both ended up staying in the hotel. Ian tried to insist on keeping Cedric company, but Mae sent him away.

"You should have taken the day off." Cedric said as he studied some reports on his laptop.

Mae was seated next to him, showing him relevant information on her own laptop.

"He was a friend for a week." Mae said with a sigh. "I don't even know if it was a fake friendship or if it was a trap to lure you here. The bugs make me nervous that it was a trap." Mae confessed with a frown.