Chapter 835

"Hola." Cedric said in response as he grinned. "Estoy sorprendido de que llamaras. (I'm surprised you called.)"

"¿Hablas español? (You speak spanish?)" The man asked in a surprised tone.

"Si. (Yes.)" Cedric responded with a smile.

"Entonces sabes por qué te llamo. (Then you know why I'm calling.)" The man told Cedric in a deep and rough voice.

"Si. Te pedí que llamaras. (Yes. I asked you to call.)" Cedric responded in a confident tone.

"Me impresiona que hable español, Sr. Reyes. (I'm impressed that you speak Spanish, Mr. Reyes.)" The man at the other end of the call said. "La mayoría de los empresarios se limitan a contratar a un traductor. (Most businessmen would simply hire a translator.)"

"Creo que ya han adivinado que no soy la mayoría de los empresarios. (I think you have now guessed that I am not most businessmen.)" Cedric said with a smile.