The Visitor

Chapter 05: The Visitor

Justice League Watchtower

Green Arrow slumped over the monitor. "Ugh... Monitor duty is so boring!"

The scarlet speedster was sitting right next to him in a similar state. "Come on. Someone. Anyone. Try to make a doomsday machine. Anything. I'll even take stealing candy from a baby."

"Just two more hours, and I can finally go on my date with Felicity."

"How long have you been with her again?"

"A little more than a year. She was the one who helped me launch the whole Green Arrow gig. She's been with me the whole way."

"That's so sweet. I still have to buy a gift for my anniversary with Iris. I was supposed to get it yesterday, but Mirror Master ruined my outing." Flash put a hand to his chin. "Is there something specific for a fifth anniversary?"

"Not that I know of... Now that I think about it, what was that huge ruckus on the other side of the state back in Central at the time?"

"What do you mean?" Flash wasn't aware anything happened. "I heard there was something, but it was taken care of. At least, that's what the police chief told me."

"Hold on. Let me Google it real quick." After a few clicks and keystrokes, he found what he sought. "Check this out."

Flash checked the screen to see his old villain, Sabretooth, fighting Fire and Ice. They were on the League's charter for potential members but said they weren't ready for the League commitment yet. "I'm glad they could hold the fort down while I was gone."

"That's not the part I was referring to. Keep watching."

Flash watched as Fire and Ice were on the edge of defeat. "Oh, God. Are they okay?" Instead of replying, he heard a roar off-screen. The video continued, and the two men watched the Tiger wrestler intervene. With assistance from the two women, Sabretooth was taken down. The reporters ran up to the trio, loaded with questions.

Flash and Green Arrow rolled their eyes at the inappropriate questions asked of Fire and Ice. They were more interested in the newcomer's answer.

The Tiger Man grunted. "My name is Rath, and I'm a hero! That's all you need to know for now! No, I'm not part of the League. I'm more of a freelancer now, and sorta for me on the last one! If you all don't mind, we will have a private chat." Ice was scooped up by him into a bridal carry, causing her to redden in embarrassment, and Rath motioned Fire to follow.

"He's a loud one, that's for sure," noted Arrow.

"I'm glad to hear that he's on our side."

"What do you think about him being in Central?"

"Since I've been with the league a lot, it's good to see that the city is still in good hands while I'm gone."

"What do you think of the guy in general?"

"He seems alright. A bit rough for my taste, but it looks like the girls are keeping him company." Flash nudged Arrow on the shoulder.

He simply chuckled. "Yeah, from the looks of it, they are having fun with their new toy. Do you think we should tell the others about the new guy?"

Flash shrugged. "Meh, he was on the news. I'm pretty sure that they already know."

"I wonder what he's doing now, being a Tiger Wrestler."

Flash smirked. "Maybe he's auditioning for the next WWE season?"


Central City

Ben wiped the counter with a positive expression on his face. The day before was quite eventful. He met two beautiful women who were heroes just like him. In addition, he can make his debut on the hero front. Considering what happened the last time his identity was leaked, he would do his best to keep his secret in a small circle. Things were looking up for Ben.

The doorbell rang, signaling a new customer.

Ben wasn't looking at the door as he moved some things under the counter. "Welcome to Mr. Smoothy. May I take your order?"

"Hands in the air, bub!"

That caused Ben to drop what he was doing and look up from the counter.

At the entrance of the store was a quite attractive blond woman pointing a gun at his face.

Her outfit was an ensemble of red and black leather. If you were to draw a line down her middle, you could see that each side was the opposite of color. The corsage gave a clear view of her navel and lower back. Each of her arms had a sleeve and glove. She also wore tights with a brown belt around her waist. Around her neck was a choker. To Ben, the design gave off the theme of a deck of cards. Her blond hair was tied in two ponytails, each with colored tips.

(I based her off the picture in this link: harleyquinn111992 deviantart com /art/Harley-Quinn-By-Rajivcr7-d7jhzkm-498912488)

Ben looked at the sign he posted on the wall nearby.

Days Without Incident: 54

"Well, looks like I have to update the sign..." Years of getting pointed at with guns got him used to the experience. Ben could have used Master Control to change, but the woman would have still seen him change.

"Shut up!" she yelled. She walked closer to the counter, still aiming the gun.

As she drew near, Ben noticed her eyes. They were quite red, with dry tear marks trailing down each of them. What caught his eye was the bruise on her left eye. 'What happened to her?'

"Come out from behind the counter," she ordered, and Ben complied. "Now, I want you to remove all the money in the register and place it in a bag."

Ben wasn't concerned about the money as he could simply make more sapphires. He was more concerned about the woman in front of him. Looking into her eyes, Ben could see how broken she was. Over the years, Ben has helped people of all backgrounds. There were times when Ben was to assist in domestic issues on other planets. This person in front of him needed help.

Ben reached for the register and started packing the money. The woman started to relax a bit as everything was going smoothly. This was his moment to act, but it would be a huge risk. "Would it be okay for me to know the name of the woman who's robbing me?"

The woman's expression didn't change, but she answered. "It's Harley. Harley Quinn."

Ben smiled. 'I'm making progress.' "Harley... Nice name. You can call me Ben."

"Well, Ben. I'm glad you're making this easy."

He continued to pack the money. "So... Harley. What's a woman like you doing here?"

She raised a brow. "What's it to you? I'm robbing you, aren't I?"

"That's not what I mean."

Harley tilted her head. 'What's he going on about?' "What do you mean?"

"You're robbing a smoothie shop. I wouldn't call it the best place for profit." Ben paused for a moment to look her in the eyes. "Does it have anything to do with whoever gave you that bruise?"

Harley's eyes widened at the comment. Her free hand slowly reached for her left eye, but she shook her head at the last moment. "N-No! This has nothing to do with it!" She yelled.

Ben could see that her conviction was wavering by the look of her hold on the gun. 'Just a little more.' "Did someone you care about do this to you?"

She kept silent.

"I guess I'm right...aren't I..."

"No," she answered. "H-He loves me. I-I deserve his love." Her belief in her statement was faltering.

Ben was seeing the signs of what this person was, and he didn't like it at all. "Whether he loves you or not, it's obvious that he doesn't respect you. Is this really what you want in a relationship?"

"I...I..." She didn't know how to answer.

Ben frowned. 'What kind of person was she involved with?' "Was there ever a moment he put you ahead of his or her desires?"

Harley's mind raced through several memories of her with the Joker. It wasn't good... at all. The betrayals, the lies, and... the abuse... began to surround her mind.

That straw broke the camel's back as Harley collapsed onto the floor in a crying mess. She felt so helpless.

She felt so helpless.

Ben couldn't help but feel empathy. Ben placed the money on the counter and walked toward the still-crying Harley. He took a seat beside her, and Harley didn't react. At that moment, he pulled Harley into a hug. Harley continued to cry, but she knocked on Ben's arm with the butt of the pistol. Each hit was weaker than the last until she simply let go of the gun and dug her face deeper into Ben's shoulder.

Harley slowly wrapped her arms around him, returning the hug while still tearing up.

1 Hour Later

Ben was leaning against the store counter, Harley resting on his lap. Harley's sobs slowly stopped over the course of half an hour. She finally stopped when her body gave up from all the fatigue and stress that was likely building up inside. Ben gently stroked Harley's hair as she let out slow breaths in her sleep.

'You know, when she's not pointing a gun at me, she does look pretty cute.'

Her sleeping form slowly squirmed, and her eyes lifted open. She took a few seconds to get her bearings. Once she saw Ben, she realized that she was on his lap and moved to get away.

Ben gently placed his hand on her shoulders to get her attention. "Harley. Hey, hey. It's okay. Calm down. I'm not going to do anything."

She gave him a skeptical look. "How do I know that you haven't already called the cops and that they're on their way right now to take me away?"

"Well, for one, we've been in this position for about an hour now."

Harley blinked at the statement in his lap and gave a nervous laugh. "Oh... I guess so..."

Ben rolled his eyes with a small smile. "Two, I think it would have done more harm than good for you if I had called the cops and let them handle you."

Harley raised an eyebrow in confusion. "Good for me?"

"While I respect the men doing their job, I believe you need help outside the system."

Harley lightly scoffed. "You expect me to believe that you want to help me?"

"Hey, I'll have you know that my best friend was a criminal."

This surprised her. She thought back to the statement. "Was?"

Ben shrugged. "He moved on to better things. He's much happier if you must know."

"Oh..." she replied.

There was a brief moment of silence before Ben spoke up. "So... Do you feel much better now?"

Harley was slightly taken aback by the concern for her well-being but straightened herself back up. Her eyes drifted away from Ben's face, a little embarrassed at what happened so far. "Well... Much better than before... Thanks for not calling the cops."

"It's not what I do on a daily basis, but I made an exception." Ben stood and held out his hand to Harley. "Come, let's get you cleaned up."

She was hesitant to trust the guy she had just met, but he didn't seem to have any ill will toward her or her actions. This piqued the curiosity of the psychologist inside her. The way this man acted was contrary to her expectations. She wanted to know more about him. What made him tick? Why is he helping her?

She closed her thoughts, gathered her resolve, and took Ben's hand. 'I hope that I don't regret this.'

She was led to the back of the store and up the stairs to the second floor. She was surprised to see a loft right above the shop.

Ben noticed her surprise and explained. "Sometimes, when I stay here late, I crash here as a second home." He led her to the bathroom. "Go get yourself clean. I'll be back with a change of clothes." Harley was left in the bathroom as Ben walked away.

Harley's first instinct was to lock the door behind her. After taking a breath, she walked to the sink and looked at herself in the mirror. 'Aren't I a mess...' She sighed and began to strip, placing her clothes on the toilet seat. Soon, she was in a lukewarm bath, lying back against the tub, staring up. She occasionally scrubbed away the dirt and grime she collected but stared at the roof at the end. The scars from her previous injuries have nearly faded away. Her thoughts were reviewing everything that had happened in the past few weeks.

'It's been one year since I joined the Joker and about a month since I left Gotham... I just wanted to get away from it all. My feelings with the Joker were all messed up since that day.' She gave a sad chuckle. 'I guess I was just in denial... I still can't believe I was lucky enough to leave Arkham during the breakout. I wonder if Pam is doing okay without me.'

Knocking on the door brought her back to reality.

"I have some spare clothes at the door. Call me if you need anything."

She sank into the water and thought about what she would say to Ben when she got out.

15 Minutes later

Ben was sitting on the couch in the living room watching TV when he heard the bathroom door open, followed by footsteps. Out of the walkway came a clean Harley wearing a black T-shirt and shorts one size larger than her. The larger clothes enhanced the mystery of the luscious body underneath, while her smooth arms and curvaceous legs gave a pretty good hint. She soon planted herself on the couch next to Ben, and they watched the TV silently for a short time.

"Hey," Harley asked to get his attention.


"Listen, I just want to say... I'm..." The words were getting caught in her throat. "I'm... sorry about earlier." That was a load off her chest. "I've been through a lot and took it out on you." Her mind drifted back to her time in Gotham, but she shook those thoughts away. "Also... Thanks... For everything. Most of the time... people don't spare me a second glance before they judge me and run away..."

Ben smiled at her honesty. "I'm glad I'm not most people." He gave a small chuckle. "I don't mean to push, but do you want to talk about it? You said that you were dealing with personal issues."

She opened her mouth to answer but stopped. She took a moment to think before answering."No... Maybe not now. I just need some time to think everything over..."

Ben accepted her answer. "I don't want to force you into anything you don't want. Take as much time as you need. I'm all ears anytime."

"Thanks for understanding... I should be okay. I'm a psychologist, you know."

He smiled. 'Huh. Who knew?' "That's all well and good, but it's always good to have an outside perspective. Like I said. I'm all ears if you need me. I had experience in psychology when I went for my criminal justice degree."

That threw her off a bit. "You have a degree in Criminal Justice?"

"Yup," he replied, still with a smile.

It was Harley's turn to laugh a bit. "So you have that degree, yet you're running a smoothie shop?"

Ben laughed a bit along with her with a shrug. "You know what they say. Do what makes you happy."

"Yeah...What makes you happy..." A brief pause came before she spoke again. "Hey, Ben. I know you've done a lot for me already, but..." She turned her head in a feeling of shame. "Do you mind if I stay here for a while? I don't have anywhere to go, and I don't feel like talking to anyone else. In a way, I did what I did this morning because I needed money for a place to stay." She closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and braced for the rejection... only it didn't come.

"Of course you can stay."

Harley's head made a one-eighty to face Ben. "R-Really?!" She couldn't believe it, yet she could see the sincerity in his emerald eyes.

Ben took a seat closer, smiled, and continued, "I promised that I would help you through this. Right?"

Harley lunged at him and pulled him into a deep hug. "Thank you..." That was all that she could say at the moment. Ben returned the hug with a tinge of pink on his face.

The afternoon went smoothly as they talked a little about themselves. Harley really enjoyed Ben's stories of his summers spent across the country.

Ben offered to sleep on the couch when night fell while Harley slept in the bedroom.

Before Ben left her alone with the room, she called out to him. "Hey, Ben."


"I have to ask... Why are you helping me? I pointed a gun at you. I tried to rob you. Now I'm taking baths and sleeping in your home. What did I do to deserve this?"

Ben's face turned into a much more solemn one, and they answered. "Just like you, I had my moments of helplessness. When I first saw you this morning, I recognized the look in your eyes. The eyes of someone on the verge of breaking. Someone was feeling hopeless. I was lucky enough to have friends and family around for me. I assumed that you didn't have someone to talk to. After that time, I learned that the best way to cure hopelessness is to get up and do something. Don't wait for good things to happen. If you go out and make some good things happen, you will fill the world with hope. I wanted to give you hope. I wanted to help you see a better tomorrow."

A smile grew on Harley's face, and she had a slight tear in her eyes as she heard those words. It has been a long time since someone genuinely cared for her well-being. "Thank you, Ben. You have no idea what this means to me."

"I'm glad to help." Before Ben closed the door, he said one last thing. "By the way, you're cute when you have a smile on your face."

The closed-door hid Harley's face, which had an even larger grin with pink on her cheeks.

She looked at the nightstand and saw the phone. She needed to call someone.

Gotham City

Pamela Isley was lying in her apartment for the night. Her fair skin gave an alluring contrast to her auburn red hair, and her leaf-patterned nightwear accentuated her curves.

(You can imagine her to be any appearance you see as attractive. One look at her DeviantArt told me I couldn't choose one.)

Her room was filled with plants that she called her babies. She looked out the window as she stroked her tulip. 'I hope that Harley is okay. I haven't seen her since we were both in Arkham.' Her face scrounged up. 'It's all that damn Joker's fault...' She then grew a sad expression. 'I knew he was bad for her, but I just let her live in her deluded fantasy, hoping she would realize her mistake.' She sulks even more. 'I should have known that Joker's manipulation would have ingrained deep in her head. Does his madness have no bounds?' She has been friends with Harley Quinn since she met her. Unlike most team-ups, their partnership is genuinely rooted in friendship, and Ivy wants to save Harley from her abusive relationship with The Joker.

Her thoughts were broken by the ringing of her cell. She sighed and answered the unknown number, somewhat irritated. "What? Who is this?"

"Hey, Pam. It's me, Harley,"

Pamela paused, nearly dropping the phone. The sound of the familiar voice and name made her jump at attention. "Oh my God, Harley. Is this you?" Her voice grew in concern.

"Yeah, it's me, the one and only," answered her friend shyly.

"Where have you been? I haven't seen you since the breakout. I almost thought you were dead! Do you have any idea how worried I was about you!" Pam was in a state of anger and relief because, deep inside, she was glad she was safe.

"I'm sorry that I made you go through all this. I just needed to get away from it all. I didn't mean to hurt you, Pam. You're my best friend in the world."

Pamela smiled since Harley sounded much better than a month ago. "Well, I'm glad that you're alright. So tell me. Where have you been? Why did you leave?"

"I finally did it, Pam. What you've been telling me for the past year. I finally left the Joker..."

To say that Pamela was shocked was an understatement. She was amazed that Harley had finally left Joker. "Oh my God, Harley! That's great! I always knew that you had it in you!"

"I guess that I did the right thing then..."

"He was never good for you, Harley. That man had no respect for you. I've seen the bruises and scars. Last time... Last time was just unforgivable for me..."

"I'm starting to see that now. Anyway, I'm currently staying in Central City while I get everything sorted out. I almost forgot to ask. How are you doing since the escape?"

"I'm doing fine. I'm just living in my apartment with my babies until the heat dies. Are you staying somewhere nice?"

"I'm staying with a... friend."

"Oh..." This piqued Pam's curiosity and concern. She experienced cruel men in her lifetime and grew to distrust and manipulate these men. Meeting men like the Joker manipulating Harley did not help man's cause. "I see that you've already moved on. Who's the lucky man?"

Harley sputtered before replying. "I just met him today, and his name's Ben."

"So... How'd you two meet?"

"Uh...Well... I was robbing his store..."

Pam blinked at the statement, even though it was a phone call. "Uh... You didn't hold him hostage while you lived in his house. Did you?"

"What! No!" Harley replied. "I was just trying to get money for a night's rent. One thing led to another, and I ended up having an emotional breakdown in his store."

"Are you feeling okay?" she asked with concern, and then her tone changed into a more threatening one. "He didn't take advantage of you. Did he?"

"N-No! He didn't do anything like that. He's been nothing but empathetic to me. He genuinely wants to help me... He didn't call the cops on me. He got me cleaned up and clothed. He's even letting me stay with him while I sort myself..."

All of this coming from Harley was something new to Pamela. She sounded so relieved... so happy...

"I honestly don't know what would have happened to me if I didn't meet him... I honestly don't want to imagine it..."

When Pamela learned about Harley's new situation, she felt a weight lifted off her shoulders. She was getting the help that she desperately needed. "Me too... I don't want to lose my best friend."

"Best friends for life, Pam. Anyway, it's getting late. I should probably go to bed now."

"You're right. Take care, Harley. Call me back soon."

"Thanks. I'll keep you updated."

"Oh, and if this Ben gives you any trouble, I'll be right there to turn him into fertilizer."

Harley chuckled at the threat. "I do not doubt that you will. You'll like him if you meet him. He's different from the people we're used to."

Pamela smiled at the idea. "Maybe when the heat dies down, I'll come to visit.

"I'll send you the address when you're ready. Just try not to scare him too much."

"Oh, Harley. Whatever do you mean?"

"Goodnight Pam. I'll talk to you later."

"Goodnight, Harley. I'm so proud of you."

Central City

Harley washed up and wrapped herself in her sheets. Before she closed her eyes, she whispered, "Thanks, Ben... for everything."

It didn't take long for her to enter her dreams.

Harley had a peaceful night of sleep for the first time in a long time.

Living Room

Ben just left Harley in the room, and he slumped onto the couch. Today was quite the day, but he was happy to help Harley. He waited for Harley to sleep before pulling up his watch and calling for his friend. The image of Azmuth came up and greeted him.

"Greetings, Ben. How are you?" The two of them talked every other day.

Ben gave him a recap of what happened, and He was surprised at the response. "I must say, Ben, I am very proud of you. This is a sign of your growth and maturity as a person."

He blinked at the compliment. "Thanks. I normally don't hear that from you often."

Azmuth scoffed. "It's not often that you give me a reason to, at least until recently. If you were put in this morning's events from about five to six years ago, he would have gone straight to the violent approach."

Ben cringed at that thought. He knew it was true and sulked a bit. He didn't want to imagine himself hurting Harley physically when she was having emotional problems. "I see what you mean..." 'Thank God it turned out better.'

Azmuth expressed hope, "But you are much different from then. The Ben today was calm and collected. He went to the root of the problem and dealt with it appropriately with compassion and understanding."

"I have changed... haven't I?"

"Indeed you have. Do you remember why I made the Omnitrix?"

Ben nodded. "It was to bridge the gap between species to promote understanding and peace."

"And what you did today was of your ability. It seems that you continue to prove that I chose the right wielder of my creation."

Ben smiled at the compliment, but it returned to a neutral expression. "That means a lot to me, Azmuth. However, I still remember the day I broke your trust when I tried to hack into the first Omnitrix. I still feel remorse for that. I'm glad you still allowed me to continue working with you."

Azmuth gave a small chuckle. "For what it is worth, Ben, I have gotten used to humanity by now. Your kind means well, but they don't realize their mistakes until after the consequences. The same can be said for Sir George. May he rest in peace. You have learned your lesson and changed for the better. I do forgive you, but I hope that you please show some respect for my warnings."

"Thanks for the talk and everything, Azmuth."

"Thanks to you as well."

"By the way, it's that time of the month to meet with Serena and Bellicus." After getting the new Omnitrix, Ben tried to improve his relationship with Serena and Bellicus. They have not been on good terms the last time they met before that. Since then, Ben has tried to do his job as the voice of reason. Thankfully, college helped to improve his public speaking and persuasion. As Serena and Bellicus have been arguing for eternity, never having a tiebreaker, getting them to focus on any present task is difficult. This leaves Alien X's body trapped in place, floating about a foot above the ground until an agreement is made.

"It is indeed. Fortunately, they allowed time to dilate when you are helping them make decisions."

He sighed. "I know. Last time, it felt like a week, but only a minute had passed. That still doesn't compare to the first time I talked with them here in this universe... Anyways, release the safeguards, Azmuth."

"Very well. Do take care. I hope that your meeting goes well."

The core opened up and displayed the hologram of Alien X. Ben took a breath and pressed it down, now engulfed in emerald light. He soon disappeared, and in his place was a seven-foot humanoid. He was shaped like a human, save for the three crests that rose out of his head; his entire body was black as the void itself, yet was dotted by distant stars. It was as if someone had poured a part of the night sky into a glass man. The only part of him with a different color was the green Omnitrix symbol on his chest.

When he spoke, he did so with three voices: a deep, male voice, a gentle, feminine voice, and Ben's voice. "Alien X."

Inside Alien X

At that moment, Ben found himself within Alien X's mind, which appeared to be the darkness of space with stars in the distance. Of course, he wasn't alone; the other two personalities within Alien X were also there.

They appeared as giant green faces without eyes, the empty sockets revealing only the space behind them. On one side was Bellicus, the embodiment of rage and aggression; on the other, Serena, the embodiment of love and compassion. The two constantly debated what actions to take, unable to agree on anything unless Ben intervened.

"Motion to welcome Ben Tennyson?" Serena asked pleasantly.

"I guess it's that time again. Fine. Very well. Motion carried!" Bellicus said. "Welcome," the two faces said in unison.

"Are you ready to begin?" asked Serena.

Ben nodded. "Yup."

Bellicus chimed in. "Remember our agreement, Ben. For every one hundred decisions you resolve for us, we'll listen to one of yours, but that doesn't mean we will say yes."

"I got it," replied Ben

"What was our last decision, Bellicus?" Serena asked again.

Bellicus thought about it for a moment. "I believe we were on whether we should create a new star and whether or not we bring back the dinosaurs on this Earth. We never had a chance to decide in the previous universe."

Serena gave a light sigh. "I remember when Ben first talked to us in this new universe."

"Yeah... I wish that you would allow us to go home... and set Ben on fire."

"It certainly was an eventful meeting..." replied Ben.

Serena faced her companion. "Oh, Bellicus. Don't be so reckless. I remember it like it was yesterday..."

Flashback to the first month

Ben found himself in Alien X's mind with Bellicus and Serena. At the moment, Bellicus looked angrier than usual, while Serena seemed more excited.

Ben was extremely nervous as the two faces in front of him learned about the scenery change. "Hey...guys...How's it going?... Anything new?..."

Bellicus merely narrowed his eyes. "Oh, you know, the usual. Arguing, staring out into space, finding out that we're in a completely different multiverse..."

Ben coughed. "What?... I-I have no idea what you're talking about." 'This is never going to work.'

Serena chuckled at Ben's attempt while Bellicus sighed and continued. "Ben. Did you think that would work?"

"No, I was just trying to relieve the tension."

Serena spoke up. "We are one of the most powerful beings in the... this universe. We noticed the change in the balance between chaos and order."

This was new to Ben. "Uh... Change in chaos and order?"

She smiled. "Why, yes. The universe, or any universe, really must stay in balance. This universe, in particular, has several entities of chaos and order."

Bellicus scoffed. "Bah... Those beings are ants compared to us."

Ben raised a brow. "It makes sense that you guys are aligned with chaos and order. Chaos can be connected to rage and aggression, and order can be connected to love and compassion. Anyways, What do you think of the place?"

Bellicus sighed. "It's alright, I guess. There are some pretty interesting places full of rage and aggression. The color red seems to come up a lot in that area. With little pockets of yellow and a speck of orange."

Serena giggled. "I love it. The Forge of Creation was always so boring. It's exciting to see something new that the other Celestialsapiens or we didn't do. I can also feel the areas connected to me too. Mostly indigo and violet with a touch of blue."

"That's pretty interesting. Not sure why you're thinking about colors, though." Ben shrugged. "You guys want to go home, or do you want to check this place out? I want to see more of this world of heroes."

"Meh," Bellicus replied. "We'll make it a decision later if we want to leave. Now that I think about it, a new multiverse means a new set of decisions." He chuckled. "Oh, I haven't felt this way in eons. Same for you, Serena?"

"Most definitely, now that you bring that up. What do you want to do first?" she asked excitedly.

"Good question." He looked at Ben. "You have your job as reason out for you now, Tennyson. Now, I would like to wage war against the gods of this place and establish my dominance!" The excitement in his voice rang out as Ben and Serena gave him a blank look. "What? Too much?"

"Motion denied," the two said in sync.

Bellicus groaned. "Fine. Fine. We'll start a little smaller, then. I propose that we bring back the dinosaurs."

Ben and Serena glanced at each other and looked back at Bellicus. "We're listening."

Flashback End

"Anyways, back to business," Bellicus replied.

The meeting had gone on for about two days inside Alien X before the two personalities decided to give Ben a break.

Ben's Living Room

In a flash of green light, Ben turned back and yawned.

Azmuth popped up again and asked how it went.

"Oh, the usual. Stopped Bellicus from waging war against the local deities. Made a few planets and stars here and there." Serena convinced Ben to make an entire society of Corgis in one of those worlds. "I might visit that planet one day. We did some other stuff, but I'll tell you that later."

Azmuth chuckled. "Quite a productive meeting then."

"I'll say so. I'm going to sleep." He fell on his couch like a log. "Night, Azmuth."

The Omnitrix gave off a faint glow as Ben went to sleep, indicating that Azmuth was still active.

Little did the two know that a few individuals felt Alien X's appearance.

Omnitrix DNA Entry:

Name: Alien X

Species: Celestialsapien

Home World: Forge of Creation

Powers and Abilities:

Celestialsapiens are an extremely powerful species. They are capable of controlling reality with ease and at any level. Professor Paradox sees them as the greatest power he's ever seen, going as far as to call them omnipotent. He places them above his Chrono Navigator, which can destroy a Multiverse. It is said that Celestialsapiens can destroy the multiverse with six thoughts, but this has yet to be confirmed. Celestialsapiens are immortal, or at least extremely long-lived, as they can live for tens of thousands of years before even being considered "mature." Celestialsapiens have their personalities; Bellicus and Serena are unique to Alien X.


A/N: Special thanks to Jebest4781, Charles, vividlearner744, and Seana!

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