Independence Day Part 2

Chapter 11: Independence Day Part 2

Gotham City

July 4, 16:15 EDT

Harley pushed open the apartment door with a groan before crashing on the couch.

Pam came after, taking a seat to the left. "Did you really have to down all that food?"

The blond raised her arms. "It was an all-you-can-eat special! They were calling to me, Ives. The steak, the shrimp, the butter, it was so good." Her stomach grumbled in discomfort. "Oh, why didn't you stop me?"

Ivy shook her head. "I tried multiple times. I said to pace yourself or have some of my salad, but you said, 'It's a holiday. I can treat myself however I want.'"

"Damn you, past Harley. You always make my life harder."

"That's one way to put it." Ivy handed the TV remote before walking to the kitchen. "I'll check if I have any antacid tablets."

"Thanks..." Harley lazily flipped through the channels before landing on a familiar face."

Summer Gleeson stood on the grass with several families being thawed or chipped from ice. "Tragedy struck this fourth of July as one Mister Freeze began his reign of terror. As many people were shot by his signature freeze. Thankfully, the caped crusader and his young ward put a stop to him. We have more details after the break.

"Huh, I thought I heard his name at the other table."

"What was that, Harls?" Ivy called as she dug through the drawers.

"Nothing much. It looks like Freeze went out and got caught again."

"It's the middle of summer. He usually waits for the fall. What the hell is doing in this heat?"

"Don't know. Kinda weird for Freeze to terrorize people. He's usually robbing places. It's not in his profile."

"You really need to stop profiling us, considering you're also one of us."

"What can I say? Old habits die hard. Hey, you ever think I should start my own crew?"

"I run solo most of the time, so I don't think I'm the right person to ask." Soon, the sky and the room began to dim, leaving the girls confused, with only the TV partially lighting the room.

"Uh, who turned out the lights?"

"Hold on." With a wave of her hand, Ivy summoned a bio-luminescent bulb. Making her way to the light switch, the apartment went back to normal, relatively speaking. "What the hell was that all about?"

The girls looked out the window to see the entire city darkened. Slowly, street lights illuminated, showing many concerned citizens. "This can't be good," Pam stated dryly.

Harley waved her off dismissively. "Nah, I'm sure the Justice Dweebs has it covered."

Atlantic City, New Jersey, Present

Terraspin looked at the floating wizard crackling with magic, thrashing against Captain Marvel in the distance. "Well, sh*t..." 'I might have to bring out the big guns.'

Just as Wotan began chanting another spell, Wonder Woman caught him in her lasso to slam him into the Earth, cratering the ground. Pulling himself to his feet, Tora struck him with icy blasts, keeping him in place. Aquaman followed up, striking his chest with a trident, sending him flying through another building. Seeing the opening, Hal constructed two jets before unleashing their arsenal down below. It didn't take long for the entire building to explode.

With the pause in fighting, John released the shield around some of the members before flying up to his "Was that really necessary," complained John.

Hal shrugged. "It worked, didn't it."

"Uh, I think he disagrees." Captain Marvel pointed at the rubble slowly rising.

Below, Wotan's eyes glowed in fury. "Such insolence will not go unpunished. I will have my retribution." He raised another barrier around him, and the material divided and coalesced, changing shape. Ten godly wizards stood in front of the League. All of them grew smirks as arrays of magical beams and lightning rained from above.

"This is getting out of hand! Now, there are ten of them!" exclaimed Oliver.

"I know. If this keeps up, we'll miss the free food and fireworks," added Captain Marvel.

Beatriz looked at him incredulously. 'That's the only problem?' Her flames sped forward only to be pushed back by a gold barrier.

Captain Atom frowned at the current situation. His earpiece buzzed before a gruff voice spoke. "Captain, we are requesting a sitrep."

"General Eiling, it's not looking great. Wotan doesn't seem to budge, and I haven't been authorized to remove my limiters on domestic soil."

"This asshole blocked out the sun. I've got calls coming in and people online claiming it's the apocalypse. I need you and your associates to nip this in the bud before it gets worse. The Pentagon is currently at DEFCON 3. If not, the defense council will make the final decision. Pray that we don't have to."

Captain Atom nodded. "Don't worry, sir. You may not like the League all that much, but I trust them with my life."

The general sighed. "That's what I worry about sometimes. Keep us posted." The atomic hero flew back into the fray, landing an energized punch against one of the duplicates.

Meanwhile, Terraspin protected the magician from any stray debris in a damaged building. He patted the old man on the cheek to keep him awake. "Come on, wizard guy. Please tell me you had a plan."

A cough left him. "Just let me rest, creature." His eyelids started to flutter.

"Okay, dude. My cousin may be more magic than me, but even I know that there's a spell, counter-spell, or something. We have to fix this!" Terraspin gestured to the battle happening outside.

A weak smile crept to the man's face. "Your words remind me of my daughter."

The Turtle raised a brow. "Your daughter?"

He slowly nodded. "Yes." He blankly stared in the air. "It's been rough since we lost Sindella."

Seeing where this was going, Ben planted both flippers firmly on his shoulders and looked him in the eyes. "Dammit, man. Pull yourself together." He shook the man a bit. "You can't say that and then leave her too."

Realization dawned on the tired man. "No..." He gasped for air. "I can't. She knows no one else besides... Constantine." He hissed out the name like poison.

Terraspin blinked at the shift in tone. "Uh."

The magi grit his teeth, sparks fluttering in his core. "Constantine..."

"Uh..." Ben took a step back.

Zatara struggled to his feet, denying help. He looked to the ceiling in protective fury and screamed. "Constantine!" After taking several ragged breaths, he muttered to himself. Slowly, the wounds around his body started to close.

The alien hero simply watched the man do his magic. By the time, the glowing stopped, Terraspin caught the man before he could collapse. "Woah..."

The man winced in pain. While the bleeding stopped, the flesh was still sensitive. Zatara was running on fumes. He turned to his companion before chuckling. "It'll be a cold day in hell before I let that bastard raise her."

Terraspin was just as confused from the start. "Do I want to know?"

"I'll save you the trip to Hell by saying no." Zatara waved him off. "Now, there is a way to stop Wotan, but I cannot do it alone, especially the way I am now. We must regroup with the others."

Terraspin smirked. "On it." In an instant, the strange being changed once more. A flash of light later, a reddish pterodactyl-like creature wearing a green harness stood.

"You are a changeling?" The man tilted his head in slight confusion.

The new alien shrugged. "Sure. Why not?" With that, Astrodactyl grabbed onto the magi with his talons and flew to the warzone.

So far, the League was not having a good time. Everyone once again fought in groups, but they were losing ground. From the sidelines, Batman, Dinah, and Arrow sprinted around the battlefield, taking potshots and commanding the members.

"Dammit, Bats." Oliver fired another explosive arrow, giving Diana an opening to uppercut. "They're kicking our asses, and I'm starting to run out of arrows. Not all of us have an extra weapon cache in the trunk."

"Your concerns are noted, but we still don't have enough information to properly take him down. Do this incorrectly, and we'll be either killed or in the dark for the rest of history."

"Where did that turtle take Zatara anyways?" asked Dinah

As if answering his question, a voice shouted from above. "Incoming!"

They looked up, ready to fight. Oliver quirked a brow in confusion. "What now?"

A large bird creature with a jet pack swooped down to their location, setting down the previously mentioned mage. "I got a wizard who can solve all our problems."

Dinah took a breath at the sight of Zatara. "You had us worried there for a sec."

Batman narrowed his eyes with a Batarang in hand. "Who are you supposed to be?" His gaze drifted to the green symbol on its harness before he put his arm down. "You are... were the turtle, a shapeshifter."

"Pretty much," shrugged Astrodactyl before waving to the others. "Hey guys."

Dinah and Oliver helped support the exhausted man. "Glad to have you with us again, Z." He smirked at the alien. "Thanks, man... bird?"

"No worries," the alien waved off. "How are things here?"

Dinah rubbed her neck. "Not good. We're lucky that you brought Fire and Ice along."

Bruce shook his head at the newcomer. "We'll deal with you later. In any case, Zatara may hold the key to ending this."

"If you say so." Ben turned to the elderly father. "So, Gandalf, what's the plan?"

Zatara sat down in relief on a concrete block. "Well, the first step is to break Wotan's connection with Aten. The second step is to drain him of his magic without blowing up the entire city."

Canary frowned. "Yeah, that would be very bad."

Oliver rolled his eyes. "Easier said than done."

"I assume there is more to this plan," continued Dinah.

"Indeed," Zatara smirked and coughed. "If we're going to win this, we're going to need Flash, the Lanterns, and a distraction." He continued to elaborate on what needed to be done. "Batman, you're assisting me in calculations and navigation."

The three of the heroes in front of him smirked. Dinah crossed her arms. "I think we can get that done."

"It's risky, but it's a shot we'll have to take." Batman put a hand to his communicator to relay the plan.

Meanwhile At Cadmus

The tops of metal arms broke apart into four fingers, two prongs on the tips of each one. With no hesitation and a slight electrical buzz they plunged the prongs into the boys. All four scream out, which only increases as the fingers began to pull on their insides.

"The screaming never gets old," Desmond said wistfully. He turned around only to see the Anthropoid shadow coming out of the darkness. "Ooh!" he gasped, taken off guard. "Lurking as usual. You've learned a lot from me. Anyways, get the G-gnomes to download their memories. When that's done, pacify the source material."

"For disposal?"

"...Yeah, sure. Let's go with that."

Suddenly, a boom echoed through the containment room, catching Desmond's and Guardian's attention and turning it back to the door, which crinkled as Superboy removed it. He held it over his head with ease. As he did, the torture devices power down. Then he threw the door away and stalked into the room. Desmond, Guardian, and Dubbilex all made their way towards Superboy.

"What the? I thought I told you to get back to you-" Desmond began, but Superboy's right hand swiped him away. His left hand took out both Guardian and Dubbilex. Guardian got thrown into the wall while Dubbilex and Desmond hit the ground with a thud.

Superboy stood tall and glared down at Desmond. "Don't give me orders," he nearly growled. He then stood in front of the teen heroes.

"Please tell me you're not gonna kill us." Kid Flash relented.

Superboy told the redhead, "Come on me if you want to live."

Kaldur shook his head, only now clearing his head from the pain. "What? Go where?"

Kid Flash stared at the clone with a shocked expression. "I change my mind. Death is starting to sound like a very tempting offer."

Robin paused his lock, picking to look at the clone. "Don't you mean 'come with you?'"

Superboy blinked in confusion. "Why? What did I say?"

Wally cringed. "Doctor Desmond was in charge of your flash learning, wasn't he?"

The clone nodded. "Yeah. How did you know?"

The speedster groaned. "Just a hunch."

"I don't follow," replied the Atlantian.

"Just forget it, Aqualad. I'd rather not have that conversation."

Robin managed to get his wrist restraints open, then jumped from his pod. "Ahh. Finally!" he says, annoyance in his tone as he rubs his wrists. "Lucky Batman isn't here. He'd have my head for taking so long."

"Seriously, that's what you're worried about?" Kid Flash groaned. "We just got caught by a super suspect doctor. I'm not even sure if he was using metaphors or not. That doesn't include the whole League having our heads after tonight," he snapped angrily.

Robin shrugged. "Still better than Desmond having our asses."

"Literally or figuratively?"


Wally deadpanned his best friend. "Dammit, Rob. Just get us out of this thing!"

Atlantic City

Hawkwoman flew back as a mystical typhoon whisked her into the street. Getting back to her feet, she lashed out and struck true with her mace. A loud clang echoed through the block, tearing the entire arm apart. In return, the duplicate grabbed the mace and swung her body through a minivan. Hawkwoman cleared her throat through the injury. "Can we please go back to the rock things?" In the background, red and green figures traveled all around the city.

"On the bright side, fewer targets," remarked Wonder Woman as she came up from behind Hawkwoman. Her lasso restrained a pair of hands, redirecting a spell downward. The magical explosion consumed the immediate area. While the copy was strong enough to harm itself, the body started to piece itself back together. "Doesn't make them any less annoying."

"Coming through!"

Wonder Woman backflipped as a brown creature with a familiar symbol opened its mouth and unleashed an energy blast at the copy, staggering it back.

Fire flew alongside him and smirked. "About time you returned. So, what do you call this guy?"

The avian gave his version of a smile. "Astrodactyl." With a wave of his claws, energy whips projected out. Twisting his wrist, the two strands of energy shot outward to a Wotan. Crossing his arms heavily, the two fakes crashed into one another. "You all heard the plan."

"Yeah." Tora swept out a wave of frost, trapping two Wotan copies in thick ice. While she punched one of the makeshift statues to shards, Beatriz turned up the heat, attempting to melt the fakes into slag. Unfortunately, while their material glowed red, their movements didn't stop. Tora barely had time to erect a barrier before being struck by lightning.

At the center of it all, within a golden shield, the true Wotan maintained a meditation position, channeling energy from his medallion to his pawns.

Just outside the barrier, a red-clad hero unleashed his might. "Shazam!" A great lightning bolt shook the block, arcing all over the place; however, the shield only shuddered. "How did that not work?!" growled Captain Marvel. He slammed his fists into the shield in anger. Each hit created distortions.

Wotan opened his eyes. "You have been blessed by great beings, hero, but I have a direct line to one." Wotan crossed his arms and separated them. ".enogeB"

Just as Marvel was about to strike another blow, he felt something wrap around his leg. Looking down, he sees his feet sinking into the ground. "Ah!" Before he could fly upward, he was quickly pulled underground.

Astrodactyl's eyes widened at the man's disappearance. He was about to chase after the guy someone tugged on his arm.

Diana shook her head. "Don't worry. He'll be fine. It'll take more than that to stop Marvel. We have to follow Zatara's lead."

Over the comms, the man in question spoke. "So this is what being buried alive feels like? Itchy."

Ben shrugged at his calm tone and continued to stall time.

The copies motioned to attack, only to be halted by a loud screech that echoed through. The familiar blonde fighter advanced forward. Sliding down a stretch of ice, she released another scream as it staggered the metal body."

Astrodactly hovered nearby in surprise. "You would be killer on karaoke night."

Dusting her coat a bit, Black Canary smiled. "Been a while since I was banned."

Tora made an Ice wall to cover their rear. "If we make it out of this in one piece, we're celebrating."

Nathaniel stood back to back with Red Tornado, holding off their own partners. "Yeah, well, if we don't fix this and fast, the military's gonna-" He was cut off by his League communicator going off. "Yeah? What is it?" He deflected a punch and countered back with a kick followed by an energy beam. "Superman?" He turned his gaze to the Man of Steel. While he looked roughened up, he still pulled his weight with assistance from Aquaman. "He's managing... You want me to do what? Hal?" He paused in his stance before dodging another blow. "You do realize how dangerous that is, right?... Fine." He turned around. "Tornado, cover me."

The android's lower half accelerated along with the gales coming from his palms. The artificial tornado masked both heroes from view. The sensors in the android went off as he detected rising radiation levels.

In Captain Atoms' hands, atomic and quantum energy coalesced, and then a yellow star was born. The intense glow filled the area with light. "It's ready!"

A translucent green hand descended from above and wrapped around the star. "Supes, head's up!" called out Hal.

The energy extended to the Man of Steel and wrapped around his torso like armor. The star was positioned right over his symbol. The effects were instant as Clark's eyes shimmered and his muscles tensed. With a shout of adrenaline, several Wotans were forced off his body. "I feel great!" Superman felt better than his old self. He quickly caught the punch of one copy and slowly pushed it back. Clark's eyes glowed red, unleashing heat vision into the fake head.

Astrodactyl and the other heroes glanced at the rejuvenated Superman. "He certainly looks better," commented the alien hero.

"Ha Ha! That's more like it!" laughed Aquaman. He pulled a fist close to his chest as a wave of water carried an unsuspecting drone. He thrust his trident with immense strength, only managing to pierce a few inches.

Nathaniel smirked. "You're welcome, Supes. Any more, and I risk giving people skin cancer."

"Thanks for the courtesy," scoffed Green Arrow over the radio.

A distance away, Manhunter increased the density of the fists before bashing a pawn's chest. In response, a circle of flames engulfed the green hero. The burning sensation raced through his body, screaming in pain. He didn't know how long he was aflame until the pain stopped. He rubbed his singed face and arms in surprise before looking up.

Above, Beatriz just finished absorbing the flames. "Don't worry. I got ya."

J'onn breathed heavily while recovering. "Thank you."

She simply smiled and nodded back. "That's what friends are for."

The Martian smiled back, getting ready to fight once more.

The battle continued for a while until all their comms rang. "Flash and John finished the connections. Keep them in the area!" Zatara yelled.

Zatara clapped his hands together before pressing them down against a line in the dirt. ".gnireffo ruo tpeccA .htarw s'nus eht morf su eraps rehtoM htraE eht yaM" Instantly, green light spread through the markings in an intricate pattern. If one were to look from above, the entire city would be engulfed in an incantation circle designed with several geometric shapes and Greek symbols. As the light completed the incantation circle, every copy of Wotan, including the original, screamed in pain. Feeling the source of the torment, they attempted to flee further to the skies, but the Justice League would not let them escape.

A fist burst from the ground, uppercutting a minion and revealing the missing Marvel.

Each member attempted to restrain the villainous wizards. Wonder Woman grabbed her tiara and launched it toward a rusting copy. The projectile sliced at its leg before returning to the princess. With him slowed, she threw her lasso to reel him back to the circle. "Don't let any escape!"

Wotan's golden shield began to falter, flickering as magic was literally pulled out of him. "No!" He fell to one knee as he struggled to accumulate magic in his hands.

Astrodactly landed in front of him and wrapped his whips around him, binding the villain's legs. "Dude, just give up, so we can get on with our lives. You're only making it worse for yourself."

Martian Manhunter followed up with a passive expression. "Our new friend is right. Please, surrender."

The foreboding feeling slowly crept. Weak. Helpless. Vulnerable. The world around Wotan shifted to that of a dark cavern lit by fire. Wotan looked up at the wall, only to see a shadow loomed over with malicious intent before pouncing on its prey. Wotan screamed in anguish, nails driving into the skin and bleeding. "Not again!" All around him, the copies deteriorated to scrap, and the heroes started to gather at the ready. "He will be mine!".

Batman pulled out restraints from his utility belt, but just as he was about to cuff him, Wotan slammed his skull into the Dark Knight.

With blurred vision, Wotan wrapped his bloody hands around the Amulet of Atem. The artifact absorbed the crimson liquid and vibrated erratically. "!eiD." With that one word, all eyes widened. In a flash, a burst of gold and green blinded the area.

Tora stood still, waiting for an attack that never came. Cracking open one eye, she saw her hastily made barrier. Not all the Leaguers had some form of protection or enhanced durability.

As the light faded, everyone got a view of a new creature. They saw a muscular black being with one green eye, two antennae, a tail, and the familiar symbol on his chest. Several of his appendages had metal tips that made contact with Wotan's body and the amulet.

Wotan strained to hold on, but his strength was fading each second. His last spell was supposed to vaporize at least half of the heroes, but the gods were not on his side. The menacing aura around him diminished. He stared at the changeling in front of him with utter contempt. Wotan's chance at revenge fell from his grasp once again.

"Almost had us there, but you're gonna need to be faster than that." Having drained enough of the volatile energy, Feedback unplugged himself from the villain, who clung to his chest for air. Feedback felt the magic course through him, gathering a bit in his hands, and he smirked."Oh, yeah! Time to give this planet a recharge!" His various contacts plugged themselves into Zatara's seal as it dumped the godly energy into the planet's biosphere. The circle glowed brightly. Across the country, all the plants grew a bit taller. A certain Swamp acquaintance and redhead felt the equivalent of a brief acid trip. When the transfer ended, Feedback stretched his arm and smirked the defeated Wotan. "Gotta hand it to Zatara. The guy's a miracle worker." Above, the mass shadow disappeared, revealing the orange sunset on the horizon.

"Damn, that was a close one." Arrow got out from behind Clark and readied his weapons. The archer leveled a tired expression. "Done yet?" Wotan simply looked up at them before collapsing to the ground. "We'll take that as a yes."

A tired Zatara limped to him before securing runic bindings. "So much potential thrown away once again. As much as I would like to banish you to the Nether Realm, the UN will decide your fate."

Fire walked up to stretching Feedback and nudged him in the elbow. "You sure know how to make a good impression."

Ice came up on his left and smiled. "Not how I would spend the holiday, but it's still exciting." She glanced at the others coming by

Wonder Woman, Superman, Batman, Green Arrow Captain Marvel, John, Captain Atom, Hawkwoman, Hawkman, Manhunter, Aquaman, Flash, Red Tornado, Black Canary, Zatara, and detained Wotan walked to the trio.

Captain Atom breathed a sigh of relief on his comm. "The threat has been neutralized, sir. I repeat. The threat has been neutralized." Thankfully, the higher-ups didn't get the chance to blow them up first.

As the Justice League walked forward, none of them seemed to notice the infrared scans. Within the Omnitrix, Azmuth was intrigued by the DNA samples of this universe. 'Such strange developments in their evolutionary line.'

Superman opened his mouth to greet the trio but was cut off.

"Dude! That was so cool!" exclaimed the godly man-child. "Up top!" Captain Marvel emanated friendliness.

Feedback smiled in return. "Yeah!" The two clapped hands. "You weren't bad yourself. What happened after you got dragged down?" asked Feedback.

Marvel scratched his head. "I got pulled down deep. Like way deep. Uh, what's that place under the crust called again?"

"The Mantle?"

"Yeah, that." Marvel wiped his forehead. "Too hot for my tastes. Anyways, we saved the city!" An exploding car sounded in the distance. "Well, most of it..."

"Damn. We really trashed the place." Just as Ben considered turning into Clockwork, someone interjected.

"All is not lost, my friends." Zatara held up the Amulet of Aten. "Even after the ritual, there's still enough residual magic in the ley lines and the medallion for one more miracle." He held the artifact with reverence as he chanted. "!ytic eht riaperot rewop ruoy esu ew yam ,netA" A few seconds later, the entire city glowed bright yellow. Slowly but surely, pieces of buildings floated back into place. Dented metal bent back into place. In minutes, the entire city was back to normal.

Seeing the relatively pristine city, Oliver laughed. "Hah. Who needs insurance when you have wizards?"

While Hal was happy about the repairs, he sulked at a realization. "Are you telling me that we could do that anytime we wreck the city? Do you have any idea how many court orders I got before joining the League for property damage?"

"You're lucky that a certain someone could settle those for you." Wonder Woman glanced at Bruce, who turned away.

"How many times must I remind you that I'm a Magi. Completely different."

"You're a man who makes magic happen. That's good enough for me," shrugged Oliver.

"Ahem." A cough caught their attention back to the rest of the League. The miniature sun and green armor have since faded away, and The Man of Steel walked up to Ben with a relaxed step. "I've heard a little bit about you from my friends. We were having trouble here, and I'd like to thank you, Fire and Ice, for helping us stop Wotan."

"We were in the area when things got dark, so we decided to help out," stated Tora.

Beatriz smirked. "What are reserve members for?"

"Can't let the bad guys ruin everyone's day off," added Ben.

The Man of Steel held out his hand. "Superman."

Ben smiled back. "When I'm like this, you can call me Feedback." He reached out, and the aliens from two different worlds shook hands.

"Well, Feedback, you seem like a nice guy. Fire and Ice seem acquainted enough with you."

"Heros stick together." He clapped his hands of any dirt. "So... who's down for dinner. My treat," offered Ben.

"I'm down for that," answered Dinah. "It'll be a good chance for us to talk, Heatblast." She crossed her arms and gave Feedback a knowing smile.

The Alien hero chuckled meekly. "I did promise an explanation."

Oliver rubbed his neck. "After all that happened today, I could use a drink right about now."

Captain Marvel beamed. "You're buying? Sweet!" It wasn't likely that the beach celebrations would start back up any time soon, and he was starving.

Hal and John shared a look before shrugging. "We could eat. I think the only ones available now are Bar style, which is the next town over." One by one, they were all hopping on board to eat out. Red Tornado didn't mind tagging along if just to socialize.

"I'm going to have to take a rain check on that," replied Zatara while rubbing his back.

Diana nodded. "I'll be taking Zatara to the hospital to get looked at before I drop off Wotan at Belle Reve, but I can meet up with you all later after I make sure he's okay."

Batman was about to chastise everyone until his communicator started blaring. "Yes, what is it, Gardner? ... What do you mean the kids are gone?! Yes, this is your fault. We explicitly asked you-" yelled Batman. "Hold on, I have another call. We're not done with this... What?... Excuse me?!... Okay, we're heading there immediately."

Everyone was now staring at the now-upset hero. "What happened now?" complained Dinah.

Batman gave the group an irritated look. "Our wards snuck out, and Cadmus exploded. It doesn't take a detective to know what happened."

Feedback blinked in amusement. "Huh. Just like the old days on the Rust Bucket."

Omnitrix DNA Entry:

Name: Astrodactyl

Species: Unknown (To be named)

Home World: Terradino

Powers and Abilities:

Astrodactyl is capable of flying with the aid of his 'jetpack,' and his retractable wings prove stability for this ability. He can create a propulsion blast from his jetpack using some kind of internalized star power to enhance his flight. Astrodactyl's star power can be used to create different forms of weapons, the most common weapon being energy whips. Astrodactyl can use his star power to fire an energy beam from his mouth. Astrodactyl possesses enhanced strength, strong enough to carry and lift a Cerebrocrustacean with his prehensile feet. Astrodactyl can survive in the vacuum of space.

Name: Feedback

Species: Conductoid

Home World: Teslavorr Nebula

Powers and Abilities:

Conductoids can absorb and redirect any kind of energy from any source. This ability is refined to the point that Feedback can redirect energy at point-blank range. They absorb energy through the conductors on his antennae, tail, and fingers. Any stored energy can be used to generate electrical charges, which can be used as ranged attacks or to empower his punches. By joining hands, they can fire an energy blast. By projecting energy behind them, they can fly like a jet engine. Their antennae can be used to sense radio signals.


A/N: Special thanks to Jebest4781, Charles, vividlearner744, and Seana!

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