
Somewhere far away, a place so far that even the Gods dare not imagine such a distance. It was a place about which even the highest [Existences] of the [Creations] and the [Realities] dare not possess any knowledge. For such knowledge was not a secret but a curse. It eroded away the sanity of even an [Existence], the highest of them all; a [Being] not of the flesh, blood and bones.

It was a place so horrid that a mere glimpse caused the flesh to collapse. A place that was so heinous that the minds faded away long before they could even comprehend what they saw. A place where Laws were eroded and rewritten constantly.

In such a place there existed [THINGS] that imprisoned themselves in that horrendous space. They rested there not for themselves but for others, whomsoever these others maybe. For if they left that place, the [Creations] bent to their unknown whims and unconscious desires. The laws of [Realities] changed and mutated to even their half-formed thoughts.

For these [THINGS] followed not the Laws of the [Reality], they made them.

In such a place and amongst such [THINGS], a soul drifted.

"…Here comes it."


"…Decided it is, it's Cycle."

"Destroyer that it is, the meaning of Cycle for it is none."

"This crime most heinous."

"Tch. Imprison it."

"…What it seeks, the achievement of it will be when?"

"What it seeks, there is none. The acceptance of it, when it descends."



The Illusion let a Soul emerge.

The Forgotten guided its path.

The Formless let it touch the flesh.

The Endless let it last.


The Mutated, the last of them all.

The Mutated let it devour the Bridges,

For a being was reborn.


An [Existence] that was [Not One, But Innumerable], observed the result of its relentless pursuit. A pursuit that was likely a mistake, doomed to fail even before it started. Yet a quest that it had decided to undertake.

For the [Existence], which was not a [Being], had done something that it never had. It had done something that it never saw itself do. It had done something that it should have never done. With this action, the [Existence] had spelt its own doom. Yet, at this moment, the [Existence] had.

It had dared to manipulate a soul. It had dared to deny the laws laid down by the [Eternals]. It had brought a soul to a [Reality] that was not the soul's origin.

The [Existence], which had nobody yet thrived, all the same, had transmigrated a soul; a soul that had been a [Creature] in its past life and had been destined to be, once again, the same [Creature] in its next life. A [Creature] that the [Existence] despised. A [Creature] that was more of a weapon than anything else.

This soul, which had been transmigrated to the [Existence]'s own [Reality], was destined to be a [Creature] of a [Species] known for its savagery, its cruelty, its vengeance, its vanity, its hate and its plethora of other emotions that its [Species] was overwhelmed by.

It was a [Creature] most hateful, ruled by its emotions and one that existed and survived not by its own power but by the power of others of its kind. It was a [Creature] so weak, so humiliatingly frail, that its weakness was its strength.

It had sought to overcome its weakness, not in itself, but in others, for it was a [Creature] pathetically feeble. It had sought strength in others and in turn, had found the source of power, the power that had been the cause of the downfall of many mighty [Existences] and [Immortals] alike.

This [Creature], which was so miserably puny, had brought down [Existences] that had dwarfed it so horrendously that they hadn't even registered this [Creature]'s existence. To them, this [Creature] might as well have been a smote of dust.

Yet, they had fallen and this [Creature] had survived, ending them all as it thrived on the ashes of its fallen foes.

This [Creature] that sought death for the sake of death, warred with itself and opponents that it didn't even know existed. It defeated them with a weapon it did not even know it had, for it was the weapon itself. Its very existence was a weapon to be used against some of those mighty [Existences].

And the [Existence], which was nowhere yet existed everywhere within its [Domain], had called this soul, which was destined to be this [Creature] to its own [Reality]. A mistake, the [Existence] knew. A perilous mistake.

Yet the [Existence], which could not manifest in its [Domain] but existed within a prison designed for its kind, had brought this soul to its own [Reality]. An experiment, bound to fail, yet one much needed.

The [Existence] knew what this [Creature] was and what it was capable of, for the [Existence] had seen it repeated time and time again, from one [Creation] to another, this [Creature] had devoured them all. The [Existence] knew just how dangerous this [Creature] was.

And the [Existence] that spanned within the innumerous [Creations] within its own [Reality], had no intention of [Ending] at the hands of this wretchedly weak thing.

Thus, the [Existence], which had no senses yet observed everything within its [Domain], had taken away from the [Creature] the one power that had allowed it to devour everything.

The soul would not be born in the [Vessel] it had been destined for, no, the [Existence] knew it to be the source of its overwhelming and uncontrolled emotions. This soul would be thus born an [Immortal], fundamentally lacking the ability that had allowed the [Creature]'s species to rule them all, to conquer them all.

Thus, the soul that had once been a [Mortal], a soul that had been destined to be [Mortal] once again, was now born an [Immortal]. The creature that had once been a [Mortal], born to thrive in civilization, would be born an [Immortal], a lifeform simply unable to coexist with civilization.


Far away, at a distance so great that most couldn't even begin to imagine such a distance. A distance that was so great that there existed transcendental barriers, not one but many.

Within those barriers, inside a remote place, an ethereal book flipped its pages.
