Growing Out

Amelia was in the backyard, watering the flowers in her garden. She smiled at the many flowers in her possession, from the tulips to the daffodils to the roses and sunflowers.

"A drizzle for you, a sprinkle for you, don't be afraid, mommy's here," she whispered, moving from one set of flowers to the next.

Porter opened the door, waving at her.

"Hey Amelia, mail's here!" he announced, leaving the door open for her.

As Amelia walked inside, Bro and Zaire were entering the house from the other side, carrying a wooden crate with Lily sitting on top, holding some envelopes.

"Come on, brothers!" Lily shouted. "Put your knees into it!"

"Come on, Lily! Put your knees into it!" Zaire shouted back mockingly. "Why don't you get off your butt and help us?"

"I would, but my hands are full!" Lily retorted.

"You're holding the mail with one hand," Porter pointed out.

Using her other hand, Lily pulled out a few envelopes from the pile of mail she was already holding, so both of her hands had mail.

"You were saying?" she asked with a smirk. This response only made Zaire groan in frustration. 

He and Bro placed the crate in the middle of the living room, where Lily hopped off and Porter opened the lid with a crowbar.

Zaire muttered to himself as he sifted through the box. "Canned seal food, canned laughter, canned air... and here I am thinking air was free. Metal detecting kit, Uber Gro…"

"Ooh! That's for me!" Amelia shouted, reaching in and taking the bag.

"What's that, Amelia?" Lily asked.

"This is a new kind of fertilizer I'm trying out," Amelia explained, holding the bag tight in her hands. "I hear it grows flowers to incredible sizes!"

"You sure it's a good idea to use that..?" Porter questioned. "I still remember the last time you used a fertilizer of any kind…"

Some Time Ago…

A gigantic honeybee was sitting on an even larger flower, large specks of pollen covering its legs. The siblings were outside watching the bee, disguised as bushes.

"Remind me why we're all sitting out here," Zaire requested.

"Just 'bee' observant, honey…" Amelia whispered back. "It's not everyday you grow a huge flower and a huge bee just shows up!"

"Gotta say, Amelia, that fertilizer you used is certainly impressive," Bro replied. "Imagine if it could grow toy buildings to that size. Construction in the city would 'bee' finished at an un-bee-lievable pace!" 

"Can you please stop with the bee puns?" Porter groaned.

"Yeah, these jokes are absolutely 'a-pollen!'" Lily added.

"Uh, can someone pass the canned laughter?" Zaire asked. "That one was actually bad."

"How have none of our neighbors not noticed this yet?" Bro wondered.

Back to the Present

"If only the Springtime Flower Competition was around that time. We would've blown those judges away!" Amelia sighed.

"Does this fertilizer have a name?" Porter asked.

"Yeah, right here: Uber Gro," Amelia replied, holding up the bag with the logo on it.

"No, I mean-" Porter stuttered, trying to process what he just heard. "I mean, is this fertilizer made by a company we know?"

"Well, it's made by a company called Uber Products. It says their motto is changing life one product at a time, right here," she added, pointing at the words on the side of the bag.

"What I meant to say was, does it say where this fertilizer was made? Was it made on Seal Island or somewhere else?" he pressed further.

Amelia looked all over the bag for the name of the location where it was manufactured, but didn't find anything.

"Uh, no, I don't know where this was made. But I'm sure it's fine. Whatever happens can't be weirder than the giant flower incident!" Amelia chirped.

After saying this, she skipped out of the house and back into her garden.

"I've got a bad feeling about this," Porter whined. "What are the chances this'll end well?"

Zaire and Lily shrugged in response. Meanwhile, Bro reached in the crate and looked at the contents of what he had picked up. 

"Blare Horn? What's this?" Bro asked.

"I have no doubt that it's something Lily bought," Zaire stated.

"Likewise. What does it do?" Bro wondered, pressing the button on its top.

"No, don't!" Lily yelled, leaping towards Bro to stop him.

But it was too late. With a press of a button, the horn emitted a very loud screech, shattering every single window in the house.

"Great! Now I have to call someone to fix all of these windows!" Bro yelled. Whether it was out of frustration or because he couldn't hear himself is anyone's guess.

"What? What did you say?!" Zaire shouted back.

Meanwhile, Amelia was out in the backyard, taking a look at the back of the bag and reading the instructions.

"Alright, here we go. Step one: Unzip bag." Amelia looked at the bag and frowned as if it was questioning her intelligence. Nevertheless, she unzipped the bag, took out a small cup inside and continued reading. 

"Step two: Pour a small amount of fertilizer in a small cup. Cup included."

She paused and looked back at the many, many plants around her. She had cared for these plants for months, and some were even rare flowers that were not from the area. Looking back at the bag, she read the next step: "Lightly mix fertilizer with dirt and water until mixture turns green. For best results, use mixture immediately after watering." 

At this point, Lily stepped out to the garden to check on Amelia. 

"Are you about to use it?" she asked.

"Almost," Amelia responded, "could I use that water bottle you have?"

Wordlessly but with a smile, Lily handed her bottle to her. Amelia took a clump of dirt, a scoop of the fertilizer and a bit of Lily's water and swirled it in the cup until it turned green.

"Ooh, look at that!" Amelia whispered, her eyes wide with wonder.

"Does the bag say anything else?" Lily asked.

Amelia picked up the bag, looking for more information. Instead, she burst out laughing. When asked what was so funny, she pointed at the back of the bag and read aloud:

"Uber Gro and Uber Products are not responsible for any damage and/or serious injury of the user, the user's property or the city in which the user resides in."

She continued to laugh while Lily looked at her in concern. Amelia took note of her sister's face and gave her head a small pat.

"It's just fertilizer," she reasoned, "what's the worst that could happen?"

Wordlessly, Lily shrugged and walked back inside, where the boys were watching Amelia pour the contents of the cup on her plants.

"What's the worst that could happen?" Zaire repeated. "What if that fertilizer does a lot more than just grow plants?"

"Or worse," Porter added, "it attracts an entire swarm of giant bees!"

"Would you forget about the giant bees?!" Zaire grumbled, slapping Porter upside the head. 

"Are you three concerned about the fertilizer too?" Lily asked. 

"How can we not?" Bro questioned as he looked on his phone. "There's no information on Uber Products on Doodle search, no website, not even a single review of Uber Gro on Boxalot Express!"

"This whole thing feels like an impending disaster. Best case scenario, it turns out Uber Gro is just a sham. Worst case scenario is if it starts growing out of control and turns evil or something," Zaire added. "I think it's gonna grow out of control."

"Hokay, maybe it's best you guys stop eating the canned paranoia," Lily suggested.

The brothers looked at each other as if they didn't know what she was talking about. 

"W-who says we're eating that?" Bro asked.

"I can smell the blueberry pie on your breath," Lily replied. 

"T-that's all it is!" Zaire replied, "it's just a can of blueberry pie with a weird aftertaste that's labeled as canned paranoia!"

"Yeah, you're not onto us, Lily!" Porter shouted before the three made a break for their room.

Lily rolled her eyes and looked back at Amelia one last time before walking deeper into the house.

As for Amelia, she finished pouring the fertilizer mix on all of her flowers. She took a step back to see the results, but she didn't see any changes. That is, until she noticed the leaves on her marigolds glow. She grabbed the bag and checked to see if she missed anything.

"Fertilizer's effects should be noticeable in two days," she noted, reading another side of the bag. "Ooh, I can't wait to see what this stuff does for my plants!"

Excited and without a worry, she skipped back into the house.

The next day, Amelia was back in her garden, in the farthest area from the house. She was checking on a set of very specific flowers that she had put in a vase - a rose, a marigold, a blue hydrangea, a green chrysanthemum, and a pink rocktrumpet. Not only were these the only flowers she had not given fertilizer, but they, according to her, were the brightest and most beautiful flowers from each section of the garden and deserved their own spot to be observed. 

"And that spot was farther away from every other flower?" Bro asked. "I thought you loved all of your plants equally."

"I do, but I also think the best flowers deserve to be recognized more easily. It's like having the best cantaloupe on the top of the cantaloupe pyramid at the store, you know?" Amelia responded. 

Bro opened his mouth to speak, but instead let out a sigh and a shrug.

Porter and Zaire were also in the garden, taking note of the plants affected by the fertilizer. 

"I thought this stuff would make plants grow, not glow," Porter said.

"Maybe that's how it starts out," Zaire replied, "it glows, it grows, and then it goes on a rampage!"

"Okay, you guys are just being silly," Amelia sighed. "I'm just going to assume the glowing is normal with this fertilizer."

"If I can ask, what kind of fertilizer makes plants glow in the first place?!" Zaire argued.

"I gotta side with Zaire," Bro admitted. "This Uber Gro is some really sketchy stuff."

Amelia stared at her brothers, a suspicious look in her eyes. "Have you guys been in the canned paranoia again? I thought you stopped buying that!"

"We did!" the three brothers replied in unison before running back into the house.

Amelia let out another sigh and checked on the flowers Porter looked at before. That's when the flower suddenly grew larger, its leaves bumping against her face.

"Still smells as pleasant as ever," she chuckled, grabbing her watering can and showering every plant in her garden, including the special flowers in the vase.

The Day After

It was early in the morning, and four of the five siblings were in the kitchen. Lily and Zaire were eating breakfast, Bro was looking out the window, and Porter was half asleep on a chair.

Amelia walked into the kitchen to take a seat at the table, her face obscured by a black hoodie. Her appearance didn't go unnoticed by anyone. 

"Uh, Amelia..? You know you don't need to have the hood on indoors, right?" Zaire asked. 

"Yeah, I know," she replied before sneezing and taking a bite from an apple on the table.

"Is that my hoodie?" Bro shouted as he turned to look over at Amelia. "Can you not go through my closet?"

"Why? Does it bother you?" Lily retorted. "We all have several pairs of clothes that look exactly the same. What's wrong with a change of style?"

"Okay, first off," Bro stated, approaching Amelia. "Wearing something different for once doesn't bother me. What bothers me is that she went through my closet without my knowledge. If she wants to wear something of mine, all she has to do is ask."

He then put his hand on Amelia's hood and continued. "And second, Zaire's right. You don't need to have the hood on indoors. You're not going to get sunburnt by the lights."

The hood was pulled off, revealing Amelia's face, which was covered in green spots. It made Bro flinch, while Zaire and Lily screamed in shock.

"Hey, what's going on? Is the ice-cream truck here?" Porter mumbled.

He opened his eyes and started screaming with the other two once he got a good look at Amelia, nearing falling off the chair.

"GOOD GOODNESS!" he shouted. "What happened to you?!"

Amelia coughed and shook her head. "Nothing. I'm not feeling too good right now, but you don't need to worry about me," she replied, waving a hand dismissively. She noticed the spots on her hand and immediately excused herself from the table. Looking into the mirror, she gasped as she saw what she looked like to the others. 

"What happened to me?!" she asked.

"We thought you'd be able to answer that!" Lily screamed. 

"I was feeling a bit under the weather this morning, so I thought it was just allergies!" Amelia shouted.

"What sort of allergic reaction is this?!" Bro shouted back, pointing at her hands.

"I'm telling you, it's that fertilizer! I'm calling it now!" Zaire yelled, slamming his fist on the table. "It's doing weird stuff to the plants, making Amelia sick, and you're going to tell me I'm crazy because I ate the canned paranoia?!"

Bro and Porter glared at him.

"I-I mean, we totally never ate or bought anything at all! What are you talking about? I'm not crazy, you're crazy!" he chuckled nervously. 

"Oh, my plants!" Amelia yelped in realization. Before anyone could stop her, she ran out of the kitchen door and wandered to her garden. Her plants weren't glowing anymore, but they were abnormally big and there were weeds growing around them.

"They're… fine? Apart from the weeds, everything seems okay," Bro stated as he approached the plants.

"We're crazy, huh?" Lily asked mockingly, looking over at Zaire.

"Alright, fine, I got worked up over nothing and this Uber Gro stuff is okay!" he admitted.

"Hold on, I keep my plants in top quality! There shouldn't be weeds growing in there!" Amelia interrupted, checking the plants with Bro. As she reached out to touch the flower, a vine sprouted out of the ground and slapped Amelia.

"You okay?" Porter asked, joining the two.

"I'm fine. Could you get me the mini-shears?" she requested, covering her face.

As if the weeds could hear her, they began to grow at an exponential pace until the plants were covered and a hedge wall was in its place.

"...or just grab the hedge trimmers while you're at it," she added.

A vine shot out of the hedge towards Amelia, but it was severed off by Zaire's katana. 

"I totally called it. Let's cut this thing down to size!" Zaire suggested. 

"Agreed," Bro replied, drawing his scythe.

Porter and Lily returned with mini-shears and hedge trimmers respectively and stood alongside the others. More vines shot out of the hedge, and in just a few seconds, the four fought against the ever-growing hedge.

"Amelia, get inside!" Bro ordered.

"But I-"

"Just go!" everyone shouted.

As Amelia made a break back to the house, the others covered her by cutting the vines headed towards her direction. When she made it inside, the hedge's vines focused on the other siblings.

Porter, with the smallest tool snipped away at the base of the hedge, that is, until a group of vines grabbed his wrists and pulled him in.

Another group of vines wrapped around Lily's hedge trimmers and pulled them out of her hands and into the hedge. She tried to flee into the house, but it was just a matter of time before she was also dragged into the hedge as well.

Meanwhile, Bro and Zaire slashed away at the onslaught of vines until Bro cut a hole in the hedge.

"You keep them distracted. I'm going in there to find Porter and Lily," Bro announced, before running towards the hedge and cutting down the vines in his path. He jumped into the hole, which quickly grew over him.

"Not if I have to find you first!" Zaire called, running to the hedge. More vines continued to protrude from the leafy obstruction, as if the hedge was taunting him and telling him to try harder.

"Great…" he muttered.

Amelia could only watch from the kitchen window as Zaire fought hard, but quickly got overwhelmed by the growing hedge. Every other flower was soon consumed by the hedge, including the bouquet of flowers in the vase. 

"Come on, Amelia, you've got to stop that thing!" she whispered to herself. "But how?"

The door opened, and the vines spilled from outside, wriggling towards her. She scrambled to the living room, where she found the crate still full of items. She quickly searched inside to find anything of use, but from seal toys to canned joy, nothing would be useful in this situation. 

The vines wrapped around her legs and yanked her out of the living room and kitchen before trying to pull her outside. She held onto the doorknob as long as she could before it broke off and she was pulled into the hedge. She lost feeling in her body, and within seconds, she blacked out.

When she woke up, the other siblings were standing over her. She looked at her hands, which were cleaned of the spots, and one of the siblings pointed out her face had no spots as well. 

"What happened? Where are we?" she asked.

"That's what we're trying to figure out!" Bro responded. "We can't tell if this is still the backyard, or in the hedge, or what!"

Wherever they were was fully overgrown, giant flowers were in view and vines were tangled around them, creating a lush canopy with sunlight streaking through the leaves.

"I'm crazy, huh?" Zaire retorted back at Lily, making her stick her tongue out at him.

"Wait here, I'll go around and see if I can find anything," Bro offered before leaping into the air like a superhero… and immediately landing on his face.

"This can't be our backyard! My bands don't work here!" Bro groaned. 

As the others helped Bro up, Zaire started flapping his arms. He began to hover in the air after a few seconds.

"Hey, I can still fly!" he chortled, much to Bro's disappointment. 

Amelia was watching her brother when a thought came to mind. "Wait a minute. Most weeds steal nutrients from other plants. I saw the hedge take the vase with my best flowers! We need to find it!" she declared, clearly concerned.

The five trekked through this landscape of giant plants. The plants they walked by were undoubtedly Amelia's, but it seemed like they were thriving in this strange environment. 

While on their journey, they stopped near a hill overlooking a small village. Every building in the village was a hut covered in flowers, and it looked like it was empty.

"I'm hungry," Porter groaned, leaning on a tree. A giant pomegranate fell right next to him, nearly crushing him.

"There you go, Porter. Eat up," Amelia responded. 

Before he could lay a finger on the pomegranate, it exploded, sending everyone flying. They landed in a grove of pomegranate trees, and it looked like the fruit attached was ready to fall.

"Everybody run!" Amelia shouted.

The five started to run, watching their step and trying to stay out of the path of the exploding pomegranates. Unfortunately, another giant pomegranate landed in front of them and blew up, sending everyone back to the hill they took a break on.

"We need to get out of here, fast," Bro grunted. 

"Maybe we can find some information in the village," Lily suggested. 

The five descended down the hill and into the village. There really wasn't a single person in sight, aside from them, and there weren't any doors in the huts, so anyone could walk into any house they wanted. They split up and searched through every house for information.

"Ugh, I can't find anything useful!" Bro screamed after not finding anything in the fifth house he was in.

His tantrum was cut short when Zaire entered the hut and announced, "Lily found something in one of the huts! Come check it out!"

Indeed, Lily had found a map depicting the village below a valley and a strange building above it.

"What do you think is in that building?" Lily wondered.

"Only one to find out," Zaire answered, "we got to make the trip and find out for ourselves!"

"Oh, I hope my best flowers are okay," Amelia muttered.

The five left the village and departed for the valley. It was easy to find, as it was close to the village and looked exactly as it did on the map. Because cacti covered the sides of the valley, they had to cross the channel in order to pass. 

"Cacti? I never got any cacti for the garden!" Amelia noted. "Something's up, but I can't put my finger on it…"

As Amelia was thinking, the ground shook, and the cacti began to pour into the channel.

"Guys? We've got a problem!" Zaire warned.

They looked back at the falling cacti and made a break for the other side. The channel seemed to stretch on forever, and the siblings were starting to tire out. Zaire took charge in leading the group, flapping his arms and hovering a couple feet from the ground.

"Grab on!" he ordered.

Porter grabbed onto Zaire's legs, while Lily grabbed onto Porter's legs, and the other two joined the chain after her. As weird as it looked, this process worked, and they were lifted out of the valley before the cacti could fall on them.

"...Too close," Bro sighed.

"Look, I can see the building up ahead!" Lily exclaimed. 

They landed just outside of the building, which looked like a large bunker from the future. Much like everything else in this environment, it was overgrown with plants.

The ground began to shake again, this time more violently than when they were in the valley.

"We must be getting close," Bro stated, looking directly at the entrance of the building.

"I'll wait out here while you guys deal with whatever's in there!" Porter declared with a nervous chuckle. 

"Alright, Porter, you wait out here. Just watch out for those giant man-eating flytraps, and those mutant mushroom people! Hope you can outrun them," Lily replied. 

Shrieking, Porter rushed into the building, probably not wanting to see anything Lily mentioned. The other four followed him in, but then Porter returned back to the group, stammering. 

"What is it, Porter?" Amelia asked, picking him up.

He had clearly seen something, as he was pointing at the other end of the hall, and his answer was overshadowed by his words coming out too fast.

"Hokay, okay, calm down and speak a bit slower. What did you see?" Bro inquired, approaching the two.

Instead of answering, Porter wriggled out of Amelia's grasp and nudged Bro through the hallway. The end of the hall led to a large dome-shaped room, with plants lining the wall and a very familiar vase sitting on a large, bushy pedestal.

"Hey Amelia, we found your best flowers," Bro announced. 

"Oh, thank goodness!" Amelia sighed as she began to walk to the vase. However, the ground began to shake again and vines started to snake out of the tiles on the floor, surrounding the siblings. Before they could strike, Bro expertly tossed his scythe like a saw, which spun around the crew and cut down anything in its path.

"We have to keep those plants from growing!" Bro advised.

"How about we destroy those flowers?" Zaire suggested. "Maybe if we destroy them, we'll finally be able to leave this place."

"No! We can't!" Amelia protested. 

"Why not? You wanna stay here for the rest of your life?" Lily asked with a frown.

"I didn't say that! I have my personal reasons for why I don't want them destroyed," she admitted.

"That being..?"

"Well, those five flowers? They represent us, our personalities. I've spent so long caring for them to make sure they're the best they can be, and to hear we have to get rid of them is heartbreaking to me," she explained. 

She took a breath and added, "but I understand. I do want to get home."

"Okay, maybe destroying the flowers is a bit extreme. Maybe pulling the flowers from the vase will be good enough," Zaire said in a correction.

"Well, what are we waiting for? Let's pick some flowers!" Lily cheered, drawing her ribbon whip and charging at the flower vase. Vines grew out of the pedestal and lunged at her. She quickly evaded them and wrapped her ribbon around the vase. Unfortunately for her, a hooked branch also grew out of the pedestal, picked up Lily's ribbon and hoisted her into the air. The branch spun her around, then broke off, causing her to fall onto a bed of mushrooms, engulfing her in a yellow mist.

She emerged, coughing violently, but seemingly unharmed. That is, until Porter pointed out that mushrooms were growing on her hand.

"What, this? I'm fine, I can still fight! I'm not giving up until we stop that thing…" she slurred. She tried taking a few slow steps until she fell to her knees and covered her mouth. 

"Alright, you stay here. I'll take care of this," Bro sighed, rushing to the plants as fast as he could. Any organic obstructions in his path were easily cut down in size. He leapt on top of the vase and began tugging at the flowers. However, the flowers didn't budge, no matter how hard he pulled.

"Sheesh, Amelia! Did you super glue these flowers to the vase?" Bro grunted to himself.

As he persisted, a couple more branches grabbed him and threw him into a thorn bush. Despite the bush being small, the protruding thorns are very debilitating.

"Bro! Are you okay?" Zaire called.

"Well, I'm still alive, so I think I have to say yes," he replied in a groan.

"As much as I don't want to do it, I think we have to destroy the vase that the flowers are in," Amelia conceded, looking at the ground.

"Guys, watch out!" Bro gasped.

The three turned around and saw two large balls of ivy falling towards them. Porter was too slow to react while Zaire pushed Amelia out of the way.

Amelia watched in horror as the ivy quickly grew over her brothers. Looking at the vase, she steeled herself for what she had to do. Running towards the vase, she gracefully dodged the many vines and ivy balls thrown at her. The pedestal started to grow taller, until it was out of reach. Determined, Amelia pulled out a heart from her pocket and slammed it directly where she was standing, sending herself a bit higher than the plants were.

She was ready to throw another heart at the vase when the vines tangled around her hands, causing her to drop it. It landed on the pile of ivy below, freeing Zaire. Shaking off the ivy, he saw Amelia dangling high above the ground.

Taking aim, he brought his arms together to create a blade of compressed wind and launched it at the vines. They sliced through the vines, freeing Amelia. Reacting fast though, she grabbed one end of the severed vine and swung to the pedestal before taking out another heart and jamming it in the vase. As she jumped down from the pedestal safely into Zaire's arms, the vase exploded, and every plant in the room immediately started to wilt. Porter easily freed himself from the ivy, and Bro got out of the thorn bush with a bit of help. Lily was suffering the worst of it, as mushrooms were growing on her.

"Oh no, she's becoming a mushroom person!" Porter screamed. 

"I'm fine, I'll just go to the doctor or something," Lily replied, still slurring her words.

The ground began to shake, and parts of the dome started to break off from the ceiling and walls. 

"I think this talk will have to wait, guys! We're still in a collapsing building!" Bro pointed out.

"Right, let's get out of here!" Zaire agreed.

The five ran out of the building and realized the jungle was also collapsing around them. With nowhere to run, the siblings held each other close and hoped for the best. Everything in the vicinity started to be consumed by a growing light, and after the siblings were also engulfed, they were out.

The five woke up on the ground, disoriented and dizzy from everything that happened.

"Are we alive?" Porter mumbled.

"I think so. I don't know about you guys, but my head is killing me," Bro replied. 

"But where are we now?" Lily asked. "We can't be in another world now, can we?"

Their conversation was cut short when they heard someone screaming at them.

"Hey, hey! You! Get out of my yard!" An angry man shouted.

Turns out, the five woke up in someone else's backyard, far from their own house. As the sun started to set, the five walked home in total confusion and questions on their mind.

"So, was this all some sort of weird dream?" Zaire asked.

"I don't think it was," Bro responded. "I definitely felt those thorns." 

"And I know I didn't feel right when I landed on those mushrooms…" Lily added, who was no longer covered in mushrooms.

"And I know I was trying to fight back against that ivy," Porter added. "But if you felt that, and we're here, and Amelia destroyed the vase, does that mean..?"

The five hurried to their house. Strangely, there weren't any signs of a plant attack in the neighborhood and all seemed fine. That is, until they saw their house. It looked like it had been abandoned for years.

The inside was a total wreck as well. There weren't any plant remains in the house, but there were surefire signs that the house was swarmed with plants. As the boys surveyed the damage, Amelia and Lily rushed to the garden, where every plant in sight was dead, there was no sign of the hedge, and the vase keeping hold of Amelia's five best flowers was destroyed. Those flowers had wilted as well.

Porter walked outside and saw the damage to the garden. "On the bright side, the weeds are gone now, and that's a good thing, right?" he said with an awkward smile, trying to cheer her up.

Whether it was losing all of her plants or having to accept that everyone was right about the fertilizer, Amelia fell to the ground and began to cry. 

"You guys were right! You guys knew something was wrong and I just brushed off your concerns like dirt on a sleeve! Go on, rub it in my face, it's what I deserve," she blubbered.

The other siblings looked at each other and watched Amelia cry. That is, until Zaire spoke up. 

"We may be right, but we're not jerks," he stated. "Listen, we all know how much you cared about those flowers, and you just wanted something to make them even better. It's just a shame it had to come to this." 

"It really would've been better if this Uber Gro stuff was just a sham," Bro sighed.

Porter put a hand on Amelia's shoulder and smiled at her. "Don't worry, big sis. We'll help you rebuild your garden. We'll grow better, more beautiful flowers, and restore it to its former beauty, no sketchy fertilizer needed!" he announced. 

"Really? You guys would do that for me?" she asked through whimpers and teary eyes.

The four looked at each other again and responded positively in their own way.

"Thanks, guys. I love you so much!" she cried, running up to her siblings and hugging them tight.

"Don't worry about it," Bro responded. "We'd do anything for you."

"In the meantime," Lily suggested as she broke free from the hug, "how about we start fixing things?"

The siblings all nodded and picked up a tool to start the work.

Three Weeks Later

The five were in the garden, and Bro and Porter were discussing what to do if any more giant bugs appeared in the backyard, but Porter was more concerned about the giant bee.

"I'll buy us some canned reassurance," Bro told Porter. "I think it goes well with the canned paranoia. Speaking of which, maybe we should stop buying that."

Meanwhile, Lily and Amelia were planting new tulips. Next to them was a large vase with the five different flowers, even brighter than the ones she had before. She watered the flowers with a smile on her face.

Zaire looked at the slightly used bag of fertilizer and picked it up.

"Now that things are back to normal, what are we supposed to do with this?" he asked.

"Why not just put it in the garage? After all, I'm not planning on using it again," Amelia suggested.

"That seems like a waste," Zaire frowned.

"Then what would you do with it?" Lily questioned.

With a smug grin, Zaire threw the bag in the air as hard as he could and launched a blade of wind from his arms. The blade collided with the bag and exploded, scattering green flakes from the air and onto the ground. The grass around them started to turn green and glow.

"You would do something like that, Zaire," Bro sighed, shaking his head. 

"You know what? I'd rather choose the giant bee than this," Zaire mumbled.