Rise and Shine
Amelia, Lily, Porter and Zaire were sitting on the couch watching commercials on the TV. After a few minutes, the TV announced that the season premiere of Aviators was coming up next.
Aviators was a game show where contestants maneuvered toy airplanes through a series of different tracks. So far, the show was on its third season, and it was the siblings' favorite show, especially Bro's. He never missed an episode.
"Hey, where's Bro?" Porter asked. "He's gonna miss the season premiere!"
"I think he's still asleep," Amelia replied.
"At this hour? It's 6 in the evening!" Zaire complained.
"I'll wake him up!" Lily announced, hopping off the couch.
She ran to the boys' room and tried to open the door, but it refused to open.
"Since when did our doors have a lock?" she asked.
"They don't," Porter replied from the other room.
Lily knocked on the door again with still no response. Walking to the girls' room to take a running start, she tried to knock the door down, only to crash straight into it with no effect.
"Lily!" Zaire called from the living room. "Did you wake up Bro yet?"
"Not yet! I'm working on it!" Lily responded, clutching her arm in pain.
She looked around the narrow hallway, thinking of what she could do to open the door. Spotting the door to the linen closet, she opened it to have a pile of extra blankets, towels, and washcloths fall on her.
Poking her head out of the pile, Lily got an idea on how to open the door. Grabbing a washcloth, she tied it around the door handle. Then, she got a towel and tied it around the end of the washcloth. This process continued until there was a chain of towels spanning from the boys room to the girls room.
"Lily!" Zaire called again. "Hurry up! The show starts in five minutes!"
"Just give me a minute!" she shouted. The minute she pulled on the cord, the boy's door immediately flew off its hinges and crashed straight into Lily.
As Lily got the door off of her and peeked in the boys room, she realized Bro wasn't in there and the window was open. Crawling outside to Amelia's garden, she saw her brother sleeping on a hammock.
"Bro? What are you doing out here?" she asked, nudging him awake.
"...For the last time, I don't want your fruits!" he muttered as he woke up. "Oh, it's you, Lily. It's nice out, isn't it?"
"It is," Lily admitted, looking at the sky. "With this nice breeze and the peacefulness of the garden, I bet you slept like a baby."
Bro nodded, but then froze. "Wait, what time is it?" he asked.
"It's six," she replied.
"Shoot! Aviators is about to start! We can't miss it!" he exclaimed, getting out of the hammock and running inside, but not before dragging Lily with him.
"Oh, you woke him up!" Amelia said as the two rushed into the living room. They took a seat next to each other as the show started.
"By the way, Bro, the door to the boys' room wouldn't open," Lily told Bro.
"Yeah, the door is jammed again," he replied. "That's why I had to go through the window. I'll fix it tomorrow."
"What if there was no door to fix?" Lily chuckled nervously.
"What do you mean by that?"
He looked over at his room and noticed the door was nowhere to be seen. Leaving his comfy seat, he looked into the hallway separating the two rooms. When he noticed their door was in the girls' room, he glared at Lily.
Lily gave him a shrug, an awkward smile on her face.
"When this episode ends, you're fixing the door," he announced as he sat back down, frustrated.
Lily tried to protest, but gave up and accepted her fate as she turned to watch the television with the others.
Clone Chaos
It was a hot and sunny day in Seallium. Zetal was standing on his tower balcony, watching Seal Island at a distance.
"The island seems peaceful... too peaceful," he thought to himself. As he walked back inside, he called three of his Clone minions. The Villain League was sitting on a nearby couch, listening in on the conversation.
"The city looks like it's doing well, and I don't like it," Zetal explained. "Go make trouble. I don't care what you do, just make people notice you," he ordered, pointing to the elevator.
As the Clones headed toward the elevator, Casinoir, who was playing with a yo-yo, asked, "Why didn't you ask us to do it? Isn't that what you would be paying us for?"
"How many jobs have you done, exactly?" Zetal asked.
"...Fair point," Casinoir grumbled.
The three Clones ran to a hangar next to the tower to grab a plane. One started the engine, another hopped in the cockpit, and one pushed on the plane to get it moving. When the rag-tag group flew over the city, all three jumped out of the plane and landed on the ground without a scratch.
"Well, boys, you heard what the boss said!" one Clone said.
"Cause trouble, right?" another Clone asked, and the last Clone nodded. The three split up, ready to stir up trouble.
The first Clone knocked over a trash can, propped a door open and let a cool breeze into the building, and stood in front of a stoplight before completely forgetting what he was told to do and went for a walk. Needless to say, some people gave him ugly looks before putting the trash can back to where it was.
The second Clone did pretty much nothing but run down twelve blocks flailing his arms and screaming. A few people cheered him on, thinking he was practicing for a marathon. While he was running, he passed by two elderly men sitting outside.
"Should we call the cops for a public disturbance?" the first old man asked.
"Let him be," the other man replied, "we caused a lot more trouble back when we were his age."
The third Clone was at a playground, hanging upside down on some monkey bars when he spotted a little girl holding a lollipop. Remembering what Zetal told him to do, he stole the lollipop from the girl.
Cackling, he was about to run off when he noticed the girl was starting to cry.
"Hey, I wanted to give that to my friend!" the girl sobbed. "She's going to the dentist soon, and she said she's scared, so I got that to calm her down."
The Clone looked at the lollipop, then at the crying girl and returned it back to her.
"I'm sorry, kid," the Clone responded with a nod. "I didn't know this was for your friend. I've been to the dentist once. Tell her she's going to be alright."
He said goodbye to the little girl and walked off, but not before saying, "Stay safe and don't talk to strangers!"
15 Minutes Later
The three regrouped in the center of the city, sitting on a bench.
"Well, fellas, we came here and did what we needed to. I think it's time to head back home," the first Clone announced.
The three were about to leave when they heard a woman screaming that there was a fire nearby.
"Well, maybe we could perform one more public action," he suggested. With the others in agreement, the three ran off to the burning building - a bank.
"Help, help! The mayor's in there!" a passerby shouted to a firefighter. As more firefighters grouped up to take out the fire, the Clones ran into the bank, ignoring the orders of higher authority.
"Hey, what are you doing?! Get back out here, this is dangerous!" an officer ordered.
But it was too late. The Clones had disappeared into the blazing building. Fortunately, they escaped minutes before it collapsed, carrying several people, including the mayor.
"Thank you for saving us," the mayor coughed. "That's the last time I try to withdraw that much money at once again!"
"These guys are heroes!" an onlooker shouted.
"Yeah, they deserve a reward for their bravery!" another onlooker agreed.
"I'd say recklessness, but I doubt we would've gotten them out as quick as they did," a firefighter admitted.
"Very well," the mayor stated. "Boys, meet me at the town hall to receive a medal," she added before heading there herself.
Before they could say anything, the Clones were lifted up and carried to the town hall on the crowd's shoulders, chanting, "Heroes! Heroes!"
"Zetal will be so proud of us!" the third Clone squealed.
Later That Day
The three Clones were back in Kleptopolis, medals in hand and taking the elevator that ascended to the top of the tower.
"I wonder what the boss will give us for a job well done?" the first Clone said.
"Maybe he'll tell the guy with the red hat to give us some money! I hate that guy," the third Clone replied.
The second Clone just nodded, since he pretty much lost his voice after all the screaming.
The door opened, and Zetal was seen still standing on the balcony.
"Ah, you're back," he said to the Clones with a menacing grin. "So, what happened? Did you make your presence known?"
The two talking Clones told Zetal about what they did and showed him their shiny medals, and upon hearing their actions, Zetal's grin gradually faded. He put a hand to his face and let out a long sigh.
"...And you wonder why I never give you important jobs," he muttered.
Casinoir, who was now playing with a paddle ball, asked whatever happened to the plane they were on because he saw them jump out once they reached the island.
As one was about to reply, the plane they were on crashed straight into the hangar and exploded.
"It crashed. Didn't you see it?" the third Clone asked.
Zetal sighed again and asked, "Can you three take care of this?"
"Oh yes, sir!" one of the Clones responded. "We'll get right on it-"
"Not you three!" Zetal screamed. "You've disappointed me enough today! You three," he muttered, pointing at Casinoir, Final Rouge, and Ixin.
The three nodded and walked towards the stairs, but not before Casinoir shot a smug grin at the three stupid Clones.