Kleptopolis, Zetal's Tower
"...You're going down, Zetal!" Bro shouted.
Both Bro and Zetal, along with Zaire and Umbrish were in the middle of a heated fight on top of the tower. Zetal was sitting in a large machine, facing Seal Island.
"And I'm taking your machine down with you," he added.
"Aw, come on! Don't you want to see what it does at least?" Zetal asked sarcastically. "I guarantee it'll cut half of Seal Island's problems in half!"
"I won't lie, I am curious to see how it works," Zaire admitted.
"ZAIRE!!" Bro yelled.
"...As long as it's not toward our island," Zaire continued, "maybe shoot at an apple, or a tree, or-"
"Enough!" Umbrish barked. "It's time Zetal's plans finally come to fruition. Starting today, the Zetallion Empire will take rise and demolish anything in its path!"
"The only thing that's getting demolished is that machine once I'm through with it!" Bro retorted, drawing out his scythe and lunging at the machine.
He was intercepted by Umbrish, who fired his hands like rockets and knocked him out of the way. Zetal readied his machine and prepared to fire at the island, but a hit from Zaire caused the machine to tip over and change direction, now facing everyone else instead of the target.
As the machine hit the ground, it stared to fire a series of lasers. One hit a small plant nearby. The plant was split vertically, as if the world's worst lumberjack tried to cut a tree. Another flew into the tower and hit a workbench, splitting it (as well as the blueprint on it) in two. One hit a cloud which also split and begin to plummet towards the ocean.
Bro, Zaire and Umbrish looked over to the cloud crashing into the ocean, then looked back at Zetal who was trying to push his machine back upright.
What followed was a standoff between Umbrish and Bro and Zaire, the latter attempting to get to the machine to destroy it and the former blocking them from getting to it. In an attempt to defend, Umbrish fired his hands at Zaire, who was flying in the air. Bro saw an opening and transformed into a ball of light and ran into Umbrish, stumbling him. Zaire launched a burst of wind at him, and Umbrish was sent flying into a wall.
"There, henchman down!" Zaire chuckled. "Now let's take out that machine!"
"Yeah, too late, buddy!" Zetal laughed.
By now, he managed to get the machine to stand back up and was sitting in the cockpit, taking aim at Seal Island.
"Now, I wonder which half of your island will stay afloat..." he wondered.
"Oh, no you DON'T!" Bro yelled, diving in front of Zetal's machine just as it was about to fire. His body hit the laser it fired, and he was sent backwards and fell unconscious, his legs and his upper body separated from each other.
Both Zaire and Umbrish turned in shock to see the boy who was separated from himself. Even Zetal looked somewhat surprised at what he'd done.
Zaire ran over to Bro's top half, tears in his eyes.
"Sheesh, I didn't think that would actually happen!" Zetal exclaimed, turning his machine away from the island for a moment. "I thought he'd just be launched back and still be standing!"
An air of silence drifted through the top of the tower as Zaire knelt over his brother, and for once, Zetal almost felt bad for trying to destroy Seal Island.
"Anyway..." he resumed, turning his machine back to the island.
Furious, Zaire flew in front of the machine and pulled out a mirror. As Zetal fired, he pointed the mirror directly at the laser, sending it right back at the machine.
"Hey, you're using hammer space, THAT'S NOT FAIR!" Zetal complained.
He jumped out of his machine before it split itself apart and exploded.
Umbrish, who was just standing there watching Zaire from behind, approached Zetal and asked if he should finish off Zaire.
"Don't bother," he replied, "we took out the strongest of them, so we can stop the rest of those siblings without a single hassle. And soon, we can destroy Seal Island, and eventually, the entirety of Seallium Realm!"
He looked over at the wreckage of his machine, which was still sparking.
"That is, as soon as I get this thing running again. Give me a day or two," he added with a sigh.
The two villains walked back into the tower, leaving the mouse to think about what to do next.
"How am I ever going to explain this to the others?!" he cried.
Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a box with a chain nearby...
Seal Island, Siblings' House
The other three siblings were sitting in the living room watching the news.
"How much of that report do you think was actually true?" Porter asked. "Just get Bro over here, he'd totally lose it over a typo in a mainstream article!"
"Agreed. There's something oddly entertaining about Bro going on a tirade of 'how nobody takes journalism seriously'," Lily nodded.
"Hey, speaking of, where is he? And Zaire too?" Porter realized.
"They might be at the gym, but I'm sure they'll be back soon!" Amelia replied, though she knew where Bro and Zaire actually were.
"They've been gone for fourteen hours..." Lily pointed out.
There was a knock on the door followed by Zaire slowly opening it. He was also tugging a box inside the house.
"Hey Zaire!" Amelia greeted. "Where's Bro?"
"Huh? Oh, right! S-so w-we were there working out, chilling like family and all that, and-uh, Bro said he'd go to another part of the gym to exercise. I agreed and left him on his own for a few hours. When I finished my exercise, I walked around and found him unconscious on the ground! S-so I found a box, crammed him inside, and dragged him back home! Y-yep, that's what happened!" Zaire chuckled.
He put the box on the couch, near Porter.
"Something doesn't seem right," Lily stated, raising an eyebrow at the box. "Bro's the toughest one here, why would he just fall unconscious, even when working out?"
"Yeah, he's tough, but even exhaustion can take the fight out of the strongest warrior. He just needs a bit of rest," Zaire replied, patting the box.
And just like that, the box opened, and Bro's halves fell out and onto the couch, his lower half landing on the floor.
Everyone except Zaire screamed in shock and horror.
"What kind of exercise causes THIS to happen?" Lily yelled.
"Okay everyone, why don't we all just calm down and assess what's going on," Amelia suggested.
Everybody stayed silent for a moment, until they looked back at Bro's legs and began screaming again.
"What IS there to assess?! Our brother is in pieces! What more can be said than that?" Lily shouted.
Zaire groaned in frustration. "What are we going to do now?!"
"I could probably sew him back together, so he looks normal in public," Amelia offered.
"And if it rips..?" Porter questioned.
"How about we hide him in the closet and not mention anything to anyone?" Lily suggested.
"Do you know how bad that sounds? Do you have any idea what that makes us look like?" Zaire argued. "It was taxing enough dragging him here from Klepto- er, the gym to here, I don't need to look more suspicious than I already am!"
As the other three siblings argued between each other, Porter announced what he thought was a good idea.
"I say we bury him. That's the only logical thing to do, right?"
"WHAT?!" Everyone exclaimed. "Where are we supposed to bury him? We can't just bury him in the backyard, someone might see us!"
The four continued to argue about what to do with him, until they saw Bro stretch his arms.
"Hey, what's with all the yelling..?" he yawned.
"Oh good, he's not dead..." Amelia sighed to herself. "But how is he awake?"
"Bro, how are you feeling? You're not in any pain, are you?" Lily asked.
"Eh, sorta hungry," Bro replied, "and no, I'm fine. In fact, I feel sort of lighter than normal."
"Funny you say that..." Zaire responded in a nervous chuckle before pointing at Bro's legs.
"Yeah, about that..." Zaire added.
He explained what happened after Bro got separated from himself, namely stopping Zetal, completely ignoring the fact that Lily and Porter were also listening.
"Wait a minute, you were fighting Zetal?" Porter asked. "I thought you said you were exercising at the gym!"
"Exercising?" Bro questioned. "What kind of exercise causes THIS to happen?!"
"My thoughts exactly," Lily added.
"Anyway, big lie and odd predicament aside, things don't look that bad," Amelia admitted.
"Yeah, funny enough, I can still feel my legs!" Bro added.
The stray pair of legs got up and began to walk freely, which was entertaining to watch if not a bit eerie. Out of nowhere, they snuck behind Lily and kicked her in the rear.
"Hey! That hurt!" Lily shouted.
"I said I can still feel my legs, not that I could still control them," he shrugged. "Anyway, anyone else hungry? What's for dinner?"
Before anyone could reply, Porter pointed at the seemingly sentient pair of legs, tapping its foot as if it was waiting for something.
The five watched the pair of legs strut into the kitchen. The sound of cabinet doors slamming and pots and pans crashing against the floor could be heard resonating through the house.
"It's gonna be a long night..." Zaire sighed.
The Next Day
After a night of chaos caused by Bro's stray legs, the other four siblings regrouped back in the living room.
"Bro, we've got to get your body back in one piece," Lily complained. "I'm pretty sure your legs attacked me several times while I was asleep!"
"At least you didn't have to suffer them jumping on your back for a solid hour! Now I have to schedule an appointment with the chiropractor to get my back straight! Do you know how difficult that is when you're a talking mouse like me?!" Zaire ranted.
"You think that's bad?" Porter interjected. "I couldn't get a wink of sleep after those legs kicked me in the-"
"Okay, I get it," Bro interrupted. "Legs shouldn't be separated from bodies... obviously. Guess I'll try and reattach myself."
Bro used his arms to 'stand', hopping off the couch and onto his pair of legs.
"Uh, Bro? Your legs are on backwards..." Porter pointed out.
Weird as it was funny, Bro's body and legs were facing opposite directions. Right after noticing, Bro's body got tossed off by his own legs before running away.
"Quick, after those legs!" Zaire ordered.
The five were about to make a break for it when the doorbell rang. Porter took a look through the peephole and saw a particular neighbor on the other end.
"Hey, Lini's at the door..." he whispered.
"Ugh, NOW?" Bro growled. "Fine. Lily, let me get on your shoulders!"
On the other end, Lini rang the doorbell again and took a look at her bare wrist.
"They couldn't have left home this early, could they?" she asked herself.
She was about to ring the doorbell again when the door opened and Bro and Amelia appeared on the other side.
"Hi, Lini!" Amelia greeted. "What brings you here today? I see that clipboard in your hands!"
"Uhm, yeah..." Lini replied, "recently, the town hall organized an event, and I was recruited to keep track of..."
She paused to look at Bro's 'new' outfit.
"Bro? Not to sound rude, but you look as tall as Lily," she pointed out.
"Oh, this? Yeah, I haven't slept for so long, I'm starting to grow shorter. That's a thing, right?" Bro asked.
"Your legs aren't the same color as the back of your hands," she added.
"In my defense, my legs don't get a lot of sunlight..." He replied, clearly aware he's not convincing her.
"You're wearing Lily's skorts."
"I thought I'd wear something different for once!"
"Porter has several pairs of shorts and you chose not to wear those..?"
Meanwhile, the stray legs were causing trouble in the kitchen again, much to the annoyance of Zaire and Porter.
"Alright, legs! You've got nowhere to run! Just give up now and we'll reattach you back to Bro... somehow," Zaire warned.
The legs turned to face Porter, then back at Zaire, and then simply tapped its foot, as if waiting for something.
"What's it doing? Is it waiting for something?" Porter asked.
"No, it's just standing there CLEARLY waiting for one of us to drop our guard!" Zaire replied sarcastically, turning his head to look at him.
And drop his guard he did; he was drop-kicked by the legs a second after he looked away from them. His scream was also cut off when his face hit the ground.
Lini heard his screaming and asked Bro and Amelia what was going on.
"Uh, that's Zaire and Porter in the kitchen!" Amelia answered, "Someone probably forgot to put on oven mitts before touching the stove...!"
"Aren't you two the only ones that can cook, though?" Lini asked, still unconvinced of everything going on.
"W-which is exactly why we're teaching them, Lin! Come on, you're sharper than this!" Bro replied in a disappointed tone. "Matter of fact, Amelia, go check on those two and hope they haven't set anything on fire."
"Right, gotcha!" she nodded and hurried into the hallway leading to the kitchen.
Meanwhile, Bro's other half was running out from that same room. As soon as it felt Amelia's presence, it turned and legged it back into the kitchen.
Porter was helping Zaire back to his feet when the legs knocked both of them back down and ran to the door, kicking it repeatedly.
"Hey, stop!" Zaire ordered. "You're gonna leave a dent in those, and door replacements aren't cheap!"
He ran towards the legs, who sent him flying backward with a kick. He crashed into Porter and Amelia, who just so happened to arrive in the kitchen. They could only watch as the legs finally kicked the door down and ran outside.
"Ooh, this can't be good..." Zaire muttered.
Back at the front door, Bro was still looking for a way to get Lini to leave, but every piece of awful logic he used was met by skepticism and more questions.
That is, until Porter interrupted the two, telling Bro that there's a fire in the sink.
"Well Lini, I hate to cut our little chat short, but something happened in the kitchen, and we gotta split!"
Bro tried to close the door one more time, but Lini stood in front of the doorway, visibly annoyed.
"Hold on, you're acting weird," Lini pointed out. "You're shorter, you're avoiding the questions I ask, and you're quickly trying to get me to leave. What are you hiding from me..?"
Bro was about to answer when Porter pulled on his arm.
"We don't have time to keep this going, let's go!" he shouted.
Porter yanked on Bro's arm too hard, causing Lily to lose grip of Bro and drop him, revealing the truth and leaving Lini horrified.
"Is that..?! Are you..? How did..? Ohh, no..."
Overwhelmed with shock and fear, she fainted.
"Well, that could've ended better," Lily frowned.
"It could've ended with me closing the door before she saw this mess..." Bro replied as he got up. "Ugh, anyway, drag her in and set her on the couch. We need to get my legs back from the kitchen."
"Yeah, about that..." Porter mentioned.
After bringing Bro up to speed, the three ran into the kitchen, where a bruised Zaire and Amelia lay on the wall.
"We've gotta find them before they damage something or hurt someone else!" Lily announced.
"...or traumatize..." Bro added.
After helping up Zaire and Amelia, the five ran out to the backyard. Bro's legs were nowhere to be seen.
"Oh, great!" Lily grumbled. "Those legs could be anywhere at this point!"
Just then, Bro's eyes widened as he fell over, writhing in invisible pain.
"They're in the city!" Bro announced.
"...and how do you know this?" Porter asked.
"Remember, I can still feel my legs, no matter where they are. And right now, I'm pretty sure they just kicked a fire hydrant!" he groaned.
With that knowledge, the four immediately ran off to the city. It would take longer for Bro to catch up, as he was using his arms to run.
In the city, the four looked around completely lost and with no idea on where to start searching. Even without the cars, the crowds of people easily overshadowed their target.
"This city is huge, where are we supposed to start looking first?" Porter asked.
As if on cue, a wave of citizens fled from one corner of the street. Curious, the four ran over to investigate. On the other side, the city looked like it was in complete disrepair. Windows of some buildings were busted, cars looked like they been victims to a crusher, and several more citizens were running from everyone's least favorite sentient pair of legs.
One woman carrying her toddler was running from them, when she was tackled and her baby sent flying through the air. Upon 'spotting' the siblings though, it immediately made a break in the other direction.
"Hang in there bud, I gotcha!" Zaire shouted, jumping up into the air and catching the baby before it could land on the ground.
"Here you go, ma'am," He stated, handing the baby back to their mother. When she got up, she grabbed her kid and hugged Zaire.
"Why thank you, young man, I-"
The woman took one look at him and began running the other way, screaming her lungs out.
"I bet if a seal saved her kid, she wouldn't have ran off," he sighed. " Why am I such a freak of nature..?"
"Hey, you're not a freak of nature; you're not a freak at all!" Amelia argued. "Everyone is different for a reason, and our looks and personalities are what make us unique, you know? My point is, everyone has a bit of weird in them whether they know it or not, and you shouldn't feel bad just because you aren't like anyone else. Remember, it's not about the looks, it's about the heart."
Zaire looked at her and sighed again. Despite how cheesy she was being, she did have a point.
"Right, let's keep going," He stated with a nod.
The four continued to pursue the legs, but the more they chased them, the more they noticed the city looked like it was ready to fall apart.
"Sheeesh, the city's a wreck!" Lily exclaimed. "How long have these legs been here for?"
"About 5 minutes?" Porter replied.
"If that's the case, I'd hate to see what it could do in 10!" Zaire added.
Eventually, they managed to corner the legs in an alleyway.
"Alright, legs! NOW you've got nowhere to run! Just come with us and we'll get almost everything back to normal," Zaire suggested.
"Almost everything?" Lily turned to look at Zaire, confused.
"Yeah, the city has its own problems. We're not fixing those," he replied.
The legs turned to face him, then the other three, followed by tapping its foot like before.
"So, is that a yes?" Porter asked.
In response, the legs simply walked up to Zaire and tapped his leg with their foot.
"...Guess so," he shrugged. "Glad this didn't get any worse than it already has. Anyway, let's go home and finally get you patched up with your other half-"
In that moment, he was kicked straight in the back. The legs jumped over him and knocked aside Porter and Lily, escaping the alley. They also knocked Bro out of the way, who just happened to finally get to everyone else.
"We've got to catch those legs before they cause even more trouble!" Zaire yelled, getting up and running after them. The other four followed him, with Amelia carrying Bro's top half.
Strangely, for the several minutes they chased them, the legs caused no further damage to the city. Instead, they ran all the way out of the city straight to Softener Coast, where a fishing competition was taking place.
"What are we doing here, exactly?" Lily asked.
"I think I know why, actually," Bro replied.
With that, he hopped out of Amelia's arms and followed his legs. Together, they silently snuck past a set of stalls with fishermen showing off their prize catch. As the halves hid behind one of the stalls, Bro saw a line of boats sprawling across the shore.
"Wait, you're trying to get to Kleptopolis, right?" Bro whispered.
His legs replied with a small bow - probably the closest a pair of legs could get to saying yes without talking.
"And you plan to get there by stealing a boat?" he added.
In response, the legs pressed their shoe against Bro's face and pushed him to the ground. They then took off towards the boats, Bro trudging along. Together, they jumped into a speedboat, where his legs were pointing at the motor.
"By the way, can you explain to me the reason for all that damage you caused? Because sooner or later, it's all gonna be traced back to me," Bro addressed.
The legs crossed themselves and pointed to the motor again.
With a sigh, Bro began tugging on the starter cord a number of times.
"You know, you're a real drag, but I really want to be back in one piece again. So, you know what? Whether we like it or not, we're working together," He announced.
With a final tug on the cord, the motor hummed to life. It didn't take long before the two were leaving the shore and cruising their way to Kleptopolis. Though, the lone boat didn't escape the vision of a few chefs and competitors.
One chef caught sight of the speeding boat and got the attention of a woman who was competing.
"Hey, Claire? Isn't that your speedboat?"
The woman looked at the boat putting away- its motor resembled a music note, its hull was brass colored, and the stern had the name 'Rhythm Ripper' on it. Yep, it was hers.
"Oi, get back here!" she yelled.
The calls for her boat back went as well as a man looking for his car in a crowded, noisy parking lot. The boat disappeared into the horizon not too long after.
"Once I find whoever's responsible for this, their brass is grass!" she growled.
Meanwhile, Bro and his pair of legs were slowly approaching Kleptopolis. A group of Clones spotted the two as they ditched the boat and set foot on the island.
"Hey, we've got trespassers!" one pointed out. "Or is it trespasser? It looks like one person, but.. not? Ah, let's get him, or them..."
As Bro and his legs wandered around the city, he saw the enclave of Clones making a beeline for them.
"Hey, legs, we've got some goons on our tail," Bro announced, pointing at the goons rushing towards them. His legs responded by stomping his foot and being ready to run.
"What's your call? As long as you remember that we're trying to get to Zetal's tower, I'll be fine with whatev-"
He was interrupted by his legs kicking him up in the air and landing straight on them, looking almost normal again. They took off running, and Bro had to hold on to his belt to stay attached.
"...Oh, see?! I told you it was just one person!" a Clone called in the distance.
The two halves ran through the streets of the city, barely evading the sight of the island's civilians. That is, until Bro walked into a building full of Clones playing cards. They all focused their eyes on him.
"Oh, hey guys, whatcha' playin'? Poker? Blackjack? Go Fish?" he asked, trying to confuse them long enough for him to back out of the building. It didn't work.
"GET HIM!" they all yelled.
Within a moment, everyone burst out of the building, chasing Bro. Through city and the dockyard the two were chased, until Bro ran into to a building to escape them.
The inside was dark, the only light being from the windows. Shelves lined the interior, objects of some sort, but Bro wasn't sure what they were. All that mattered to him right now was that he had a place to hide and catch his breath.
The Clones caught up with them soon enough, the door slowly opening behind him. He rushed over and propped himself against the door. Given how many Clones were after him though, the door began to slowly slide open.
The legs threw him off and stomped on the ground near him.
"Are you kidding?! You're my legs! My LEGS! I'm not leaving without you!" Bro protested.
He tried to hop back on his legs, which responded by kicking him away and stomping harder. The space from the door was wide enough for someone to fit through.
"Ugh, fine! But if something happens to you and we can't be put back together, I'll never forgive you... me... US!" he warned.
With that, Bro used his arms to run away from the impending disaster. He managed to reach a door on the other end of the building, but because he believed the Clones were all around the building, he decided to choose another way out. Eventually, he managed to get to the roof of the building by climbing a ladder leading outside.
All he could do now was wait for his legs, the only thing that signified they weren't caught yet was the feeling of the footsteps as they ran.
While waiting for his legs to return to him, he wondered if he could ever get used to life like this. Sure, his siblings probably won't think any less of him, but what will everyone else think? Will anyone take him seriously? Can he protect anyone like this? HOW will he use the bathroom?
He felt his legs stop moving for a moment and feared the worst. However, he found his legs standing right behind him, tapping their foot.
"Oh, what a relief..." he sighed. "Wait, how'd you get up here? Ah, I guess it doesn't matter.."
He hopped back onto his legs and began to to make his way to Zetal's tower. He heard the clamoring of Clones in the building, and being curious, he pressed his ear down against the roof.
"Hey, have any of you found that guy yet?" one Clone asked.
"What do you think? It's too dark in here, and there aren't any lights on!" another Clone replied.
"Guess we'll have to make do with this candle I found!"
"Hey, the wick on this candle is running out really fast! Where did you get this?"
"It was in this box labeled 'Dynamite'. It had a fire icon, so I thought it'd be perfectly fine to light up. Why? You think something bad is going to happen or something?"
Hearing this set off alarms in Bro's head and he began to run. He was sent flying into the sky when the building exploded. Fortunately, he landed straight on top of Zetal's tower, where he, Umbrish, and several more Clones were also playing cards.
"Sir, you have a visitor," Umbrish stated, pointing at Bro. Everyone focused their attention on him.
"Oh, hey, you're still alive!" Zetal said with a smile "And in one piece! I gotta say, you've made it here just in time! I just repaired that machine- the one your brother destroyed, and this time, neither you nor anything else is going to stop me-"
"Yeah yeah, split apart the island spiel," Bro interrupted. "Look, can you put me back in one piece before I send you and your machine flying?"
"What are you talking about?" Zetal asked, confused. "Are you saying you're not back to normal? Because you look perfectly fine to me.."
At that moment, Bro's legs bucked him off and revealed his halves were separate, like an unsettling party trick. Everyone, save for Bro was shocked and horrified by the scene in front of them. In fact, all of the Clones who were watching fainted from fear.
The only two people who didn't faint were Zetal and Umbrish.
"Wow, you really need better minions," Bro pointed out, hopping back up to his legs.
"You think I don't know that?!" Zetal shouted, running towards his machine. "After I destroy Seal Island and you, I'm getting less cowardly henchmen..."
Bro began running towards Zetal, but was intercepted by Umbrish, being knocked back. Bro ran towards Umbrish, splitting up with his legs and running ahead. Umbrish grabbed Bro by his hands, but wasn't keeping track of his legs and got struck in the side. Staggering back, Umbrish launched his hands again and caught Bro's legs only to get slugged by Bro's top half.
What followed next was a series of coordinated attacks against Umbrish, leaving him completely dazed. Bro regrouped with his legs and pointed at him.
"Alright legs, let's finish this off. You distract, I attack!" he ordered.
The two ran towards Umbrish again, Bro right behind his legs. By now, Umbrish was clearheaded enough to focus on his surroundings again and saw the legs running straight at him.
Instead of running up to kick him, they slid right between his legs. Confused, Umbrish looked over at the legs running toward Zetal and then turned around only for his face to meet Bro's fist. He was sent right into a wall and knocked out for a time.
"There we go, legs! That's how we do it!" Bro cheered, hopping back up to his lower body.
"Wow, that was actually entertaining to watch," Zetal clapped slowly. "Almost distracted me from splitting your island in half! Shame no one else is going to see what just happened."
With that, Zetal fired his laser, which was reflected back and hit Bro, sending him backward. He woke up faster than before and realized he could move his legs freely again.
"Sure, no one will see it, but you're not destroying our island either."
That statement was from Zaire, who had reflected the laser at Bro with a mirror.
"AGAIN with the mirror, seriously?!" Zetal shouted. "Don't tell me I'm losing to that stupid mirror again!"
"You're not losing to a mirror," Bro replied, springing up and knocking Zetal out of his seat. "You're losing to us."
Bro aimed Zetal's machine at Zaire's mirror, which was pointed straight at the base of the tower. One single blast and the tower began to crumble.
"Well, Zetal, since my work here is done and I've no reason to be here anymore, I'll just leg it and be on my way!"
After saying that, Bro ran, jumped off the tower and grabbed Zaire's legs. Together, they began their flight back to Seal Island.
Meanwhile, as the tower tumbled to the ground, the machine shot one final laser into the sky before it was smashed by the falling rubble. Zetal sat of top of the remains of his tower, injured.
"Ain't this just dandy?! Another plan ruined, those stupid siblings are still alive, and NOW I've got to rebuild my tower! Could this day get any more worse?!" he screamed.
One Clone blacked out in ash approached him.
"Uhh, sir? One of the warehouses just so happened to explode again. We don't know what happened," he announced with a smile on his face.
"I don't even know WHY I keep trying with you guys..." Zetal grumbled.
Seal Island
"Nice to see you back in one piece!" Zaire commented.
"I'm glad to be back in one piece!" Bro replied.
The two of them landed at the front door, where the other three siblings were waiting for them.
"Hey, you're back!" Amelia waved.
"And back together!" Bro added, "but it wouldn't have been possible if it wasn't for Zaire here! How did you know hitting me with the laser would put me back together?"
Zaire stammered in response. In truth, he didn't know what would happen if Bro was hit again with the laser. For all he knows, he could've split Bro again.
"I-I don't know, I guess the split split itself when you got hit, and it got cancelled out or something..?" he stammered.
"Speaking of not knowing, what should we do with Lini?" Porter asked. "She's been in our house for hours!"
"Oh, right. Well, let's check on her and see if she's okay," Bro replied.
As they were about to walk inside, Bro was hit by another laser. That last laser the machine shot had managed to hit a satellite from space. It hit an array and ricocheted all the way back to Seal Island.
His top half broke down the door from the force. After his legs realized they were sentient again, they kicked Zaire and Porter in their knees and made a break for the city.
"Oh boy, here we go again..." Lily sighed.