Chapter 13

Author's Note: I post this chapter now I won't be posting till Sunday so sorry since I am not feeling well so if any mistakes are there in this chapter do point it out. I also had readers ask me about Jacob is better for Bella well he is a shapeshifter even if he somehow becomes Bella's boyfriend, there are chances of him imprinting on another person also even though Edweird left Bella, he mainly thought about her safety and future even it is an idiotic move he still was thinking about her.

Matt's POV

After Edweird moved away with most of his family Bella went into depression for a month I along with Dad and Rosalie were able to bring her out of it quickly.

I saw Bella sitting table just poking her food I asked her "What are you up to today I know you are not going to school."Bella replied while not looking at me "I don't know what to do when I go to school I remember Edward."

I sighed and said, "Why don't you go hang out with Angela she has been worried about you."Bella looked at me and nodded.

I said to Bella"I know you are hurting but there are other people who care about you here dad, Angela, Rosalie, and me."Bella looked down slightly fidgeting and replied, "Yes I know I will go out with them."

Bella started to get better I was sure she was not going to cling onto Jacob as a lifeline now. I mostly patrolled the woods since Sam was taking care of the Quileute territory while Rosalie and I were on Cullen's side watching if victoria comes through the spy probes.

This doesn't mean I am leaving Edweird off the hook I just give him mental visions or images of Bella and Jacob being together every time Bella shows suicidal tendencies.I saw Edweird literally broke the table when he first saw this.

I mentally thought "Just how Bella mentally sees your the illusions off you when she is in danger, you will see these visions or images this will be your tortu.. no I mean punishment."

I met Rosalie in the woods I saw her waiting for me. Rosalie saw me and asked: "So how is Bella doing"I replied to Rosalie"She is getting better Dad and I were able to bring her out of her depression now she is hanging out with Angela and her friends right now and you but I know she still missing Edweird."

Rosalie shook her head and said, "I don't know what he was thinking now and I am really glad she is getting better."I asked her "What is happening in Alaska anyway."

Rosalie sadly smiled and replied "Jasper, Alice, Emmett, and Sarah are living with Denali's while Carlisle and Esme are living at our house in Alaska and Edweird seems to go off on his own. From what I heard everyone misses both of us."

I can only sadly smile at that I really didn't want Esme or Carlisle to go through this but Carlisle is the coven leader he took Edward's opinions to greatly. But I am sure all the Cullens will be back together.

We both patrolled the woods not finding Victoria anywhere with my spy probes as well I try to pinpoint her location thought telepathy as training, I knew she was not coming to forks at least for now. I went to Rosalie's house in the woods its not too big it's cozy.

Rosalie asked me "Do you think Edweird will come back to his senses and return for Bella."I replied while stroking her hair "Yes he will let's hope it will be soon."

Rosalie whispered to me, "I just miss all of them."I replied back "I know I am sure they will be back."

I was thinking about all of the future events happening while I slowly went back to my house I reached the house and opened the door to see Bella who saw me and asked "Where were you."

I replied, "I went to check my car."Bella just nodded again she is projecting her thoughts she found out when she is in danger she sees a vision of Edweird. I also had Arthur check if she withdrew money from her college fund.

I asked her "So you are thinking of getting the dirt bikes you brought to Jacob to fix it."Bella looked at me accusingly and said "Did you read my mind."

I shook my head "You are projecting it so I heard them without even trying and I did want to talk about Jacob."Bella looked at me replied, "What about Jacob."

I said to Bella" Since his massive crush on you and he will probably see this as a chance to make you your girlfriend and I know you don't view him as such also don't give him false hope that he has a chance of being with you. You can be friends with him that's fine and but don't ignore Angela or your other friend okay."

Bella looked thoughtful and said, "I didn't think of him in that way and even if Edward is gone I am not over him it's hard to just forget him, and yes I will not give him false hope and I don't mind being friends with him."

I nodded my head and said, "I will come with you since I have to meet Billy."

Bella nodded while I went on my bike following her truck. we reached billy's house as I saw Jacob coming towards us and yelling "Where the hell have you been Bella" Jacob tried to hug her but was stopped by Bella's hands.

Jacob looked sad at that I smirked at that thought "This Bella will not give mixed signals to Jacob now will probably try to remind him she just sees him as a friend but I doubt he will stop trying though."

Bella replied smiling "I don't know "She went showed the two totally trashed dirt bikes and continued"I brought you something, something crazy."

Jacob looked at the bikes and joked"Wow scrap metal you shouldn't have." Bella replied still smiling"I saved it from the junkyard, They will probably cost more to fix than they are worth unless I had a mechanic type friend to help me "

Jacob looking at the bike said, "Me being the mechanic type friend right."Jacob definitely didn't want to be just a friend his thoughts are screaming that. Jacob looked at Bella and asked, "Since when are you into motorcycles."

Bella instantly replied, "Since now."

When I heard that yes now when you started showing suicidal tendencies to just see Edwards illusion or vision.

Jacob replied smiling "Cool but the parts are definitely going to be pricey."

I knew Jacob will not see me when focused on Bella so I went to see Billy. Billy who saw me at the front door asked: "What brings you here Matt."

I replied smiling at Billy "Nothing just Victoria is coming, again, and again, she doesn't, seem to enter Cullens territory since Sam's pack manages to somehow chase her away. We don't have to worry about her going to Volturi since she is mostly focused on killing Bella, Dad, or me."

Billy nodded sighed in relief and said "That's relief every time Sam's pack fails to get her we thought she will probably go to them now hearing that at least calms me down."

I asked Billy seriously "So anyone else showing signs of phasing."Billy replied while thinking "I remember Quil Altera and Embery are showing signs of phasing."

I said to billy "Make sure they meet Sam when it happens."Billy nodded and said, "we will make sure to tell them what's happening and make them a part of Sam's pack."

I chuckled and said to Billy"I see Jacob didn't listen to you about Bella did he."

Billy smiled and replied, "No he stubbornly believes he has a chance to make her his girlfriend and it worries me especially since he is a shapeshifter, and what happened with Sam and Leah can happen here if he does not listen."

I gave billy a vial of my blood mixed with water billy was confused when he got the vial I told him"This will help heal your legs you will be able to walk again."

Billy was stunned but replied, "I don't know if I can believe this since doctors said my legs were not healable."Billy drank it it took some time he was able to move his legs again.

I looked at Billy who was in awe and said "I think you should just tell people that your going through some new treatment and just act like you are making slow progress until you fully walk again."

Billy broke out from his stupor and replied "I don't think I can repay you for this Matt."I just shook my head and said "No you don't have to do anything."

Billy asked a bit reluctantly "Can I get some more of this for some people in the tribe."I shook my head and replied, "It takes quite some time to make this so sorry about that but I will try to make more."

Billy nodded his head in understanding then I said goodbye to Billy after a small chat and went see what Bella and Jacob were up to. I opened the door to see Jacob was working on the bike. I read Jacob's mind to see what's going on I really wanted to laugh the poor guy tried to flirt but Bella just ignores it or changes the subject. Jacob is still adamant he can make Bella his girlfriend I can sigh at that.

I know the movie or book Bella clung to Jacob as a lifeline when Edward was not here and Bella didn't want let go of the friendship with Jacob also the love she had for Edward. At least this Bella only sees Jacob as a little brother this changed mostly because of mine and dad's interference.

I spoke up for Bella to hear "Bella we need to go you remember you have to go to Angela's place."Bella remembered that and replied, "Shit I forgot about that thank you for reminding me about that Matt."

As we were both leaving Jacob asked Bella"You can visit every day to see how the repairs are going on the bike."Bella replied with a weak smile "Sorry I will come when I am free."

Jacob sadly nodded his head the guy really thought about using that as an excuse to spend time with Bella. As we were walking to the truck I asked Bella "So did you notice his flirting and behavior when he is with you."

Bella replied looking at me "Yes I did I never really saw him like that."

Bella is spending time with Jacob and most of the time with Angela or her other friends since she gets a little uncomfortable with Jacob's flirting and physical contact.

Rosalie and I spent time with each other mostly at her house she even learned to cook. It was her first try I ate a piece of it.

Rosalie asked in a worried tone "Is it bad."I replied by shaking my head "No definitely great for your first try I sure you will improve greatly."

Rosalie smiled at that we both at a small dinner together we both enjoyed it greatly. Rosalie asked me "So Bella is getting better right, "I replied to her "Yes she is returning to herself but I can easily see she still misses him and won't let go of Edward."

Rosalie sighed and said, "We cannot do anything we can only wait for Edward to come back and I am sure we can protect your family from Victoria till then."I replied to Rosalie "I am going laid down for while too much stuff to think about"

As I went to the bedroom I heard to door close behind me I turned to Rosalie I looked at her and asked: "what happened."

Rosalie replied while removing her clothes "You said you had too much on your mind right let's take care of that."I shuttered and asked Rosalie"Do...Do you really want to do this now?"

Rosalie nodded and replied, "I wanted to do this on your birthday and things happened now let's help you loosen up a little bit."

She sped towards me kissing I slowly caught her as we fished the kiss she started tearing my clothes off.... and now you guys can use your imagination for the rest.

After our little round, we had a broken bed there were cracks on the walls. I slowly went to the kitchen and got some coffee Rosalie came out of the room wearing only my shirt. Yup, I lost my virginity like this. We didn't want to go to school after that also as I was watching tv on the couch with Rosalie hugging me.

We enjoyed our time watching TV I went to make breakfast as Rosalie went to freshen up.I placed the breakfast on the table as I was waiting for Rosalie who still was wearing just my shirt we were eating breakfast, we just enjoyed each others company mostly talked about daily events,cullen's or Bella.

The next day I was watching TV while Rosalie seems to read a Top gear magazine.I suddenly had a call from Sam saying he wanted to meet me.

I told Rosalie "I have call from Sam so I will meet you after this for dinner."Rosalie smiled and kissed me on the cheek and said "No problem."

I went to Sam's house I reached there and knocked on the door to see sam open the door and asked me to come inside. I saw Embry and Quil I asked Sam "So they phased huh."

Sam replied to me "Yes they are the only ones for now."I said looking at him "With Victoria coming again and again chances of others phasing are there."

Embry and Quil looked at me and nodded I asked sam "Then what's the problem they don't seem to have anger problems."Sam replied looking at me "They have no problem but there was another person who phased this was an unexpected case since you know about shapeshifters much I thought I would call you."

I knew it was probably Leah but still asked "Who is it."Sam replied looking at me "Its Leah."

I said looking serious "So the first female shapeshifter how is she?"Sam replied, "Not good she is scared didn't want to tell her father about it so I didn't tell Harry about it."

I looked at him thinking and said "Call Leah here is Emily here as well."Sam nodded and called Emily who went to bring Leah who saw me and asked "What do I do to stop this I didn't know I could phase."

I replied looking at Leah "You must completely stop phasing by controlling your anger this will help you to go to your ordinary life but don't tell anyone about it but the pack but if you want to be a member of the pack and help them it is your call."

Leah thought for a while then looked at everyone and said with determination "I can't help you guys every time but I will be a member of the pack and as a member of the Quileute tribe I have to do my part but don't tell my family about this."

I saw everyone nod at that as Sam spoke: "Everyone has no problem with that you can come on patrol when you are free and we will keep it a secret from your parents."

I expected this from Leah. Sam and I were walking out when I asked sam "Looks like you and Emily made up and Leah also doesn't seem to have any problem with you."

Sam was smiling as he replied to me "It took some time for both of them to reconcile but they made up. Emily and I became a couple once she got to know me better."

I replied to Sam, "I am happy for you, and it was a good call to not tell Leah's family about her being a shapeshifter."

We both talked for some time. I got a call from Bella telling me she got into a slight accident I immediately went to her location to see she had slight bleeding on her head. I asked Bella "You went off the road in your bike didn't you."

Bella looked down and asked curiously, "How did you know that."I replied looking at her "It was just a guess."

I took her home it seems from Jacob's memories he did try to be a heroic trying to take his shirt off to stop the bleeding but Bella had already torn her sleeve to stop the bleeding when I saw that memory I almost laughed.

I did give Edweird another vision of Bella and Jacob kissing (Which is never going to happen) which caused him to destroy the TV and started cursing Jacob loudly.

I told her I won't tell dad about this and took her home. The wound wasn't anything great so there was no problem and dad didn't notice it. Bella came back from school the next day told me how Mike had invited her to a film and Jacob somehow invited himself in she asked me to come too.

I was waiting for Bella to get the tickets tuning out mike questioning of why Jacob was there. I heard Jacob asking me "So why are you here Matt."

I replied while looking at my phone "I just came because Bella asked me too."Then I totally ignored both of them Bella got us the tickets .we were watching the movie I was seeing both Mike and Jacob were keeping there hand out thinking of Bella will hold there hand.

Bella who saw this was looking at me for help while I was trying hard to control my laughter. I then saw Mike get out saying"I think I am gonna stop"

Every one of us went out to see what happened to him. Jacob seeing mike go to the bathroom to throw up said to Bella"What a marshmallow."Bella slightly laughed at that.

Jacob continued saying"You should hold out for someone with a stronger stomach someone who laughs at the gore that makes the lesser man vomit."

I mentally thought" you are just saying I am that man."

Bella replied jokingly "I will keep an eye out for that, I feel bad he has that food going around."While Jacob tried to hold her hand.

I instantly drew Bella's attention towards me by telling her "We should head back since we pretty much stopped watching the movie."

Jacob couldn't hold Bella's hand because she suddenly turned to look at me. Bella replied, "We will go once Mike comes out."

Jacob looked at me and glared then turned to Bella and asked: "Bella do you like me."

Bella replied smiling "Yes I think you are a great friend."I mentally yelled friend-zoned.

Jacob continued "Not like that do you find me beautiful." when I heard that I had an image of Jacob swaying his hair and asking me if he is beautiful. I shivered at that image and I thanked GOD profusely that the guy is obsessed with Bella and not me.

Bella said to Jacob, "Don't do this Jacob I don't want to lose our friendship because of this and I don't see you like that."Jacob replied "Well I got loads of time. I am not gonna give up."

I was like that's the problem dude girls find guys who can't take the hint annoying Bella may tolerate you at least for now.

Jacob tried to flirt more and tried to sit close to Bella who moved away. Jacob tried again and said"Bella look I know what he did to you, But Bella I will never ever do that. I will never hurt you I promise."

Bella was now looking at me with a face literally saying help me here, please. I gestured saying someone was coming Bella gave a slight nod. Jacob tried to go for a kiss with Bella slightly edging her head back but the moment got totally ruined by Mike.

Jacob seems to glare at Mike while Bella was doing thanking god gesture. Jacob was starting to phase.

Bella who tried to stop Jacob from hurting Mike saw his body temperature was high and told"Jacob I think you have a fever."Jacob started mumbling "What is happening to me sorry I have to go ."

I quickly called Billy "Billy Jacob is phasing you might want to call Sam to your house since he just went home."Billy who heard that instantly replied, "I will do it now thanks for the warning."

I dropped Bella home and went to Billy's house just there I saw both Sam and Jacob in there wolf form Sam having more experience easily subdued him. I went next to Billy and said"It seems Jacob has become shifter."

Billy sighed in resignation and replied, "This has to happen I am thankful Sam is the alpha he has done his duties wonderfully till now."

I nodded Sam has been doing a good job as an alpha.

I went to Rosalie's house to find her making dinner in the kitchen I went and wrapped my arms around her waist in a backward hug while I kissed her neck she smiled at that and said "Let me go I want to finish making our dinner."I shook my head and replied, "No can do and you almost finished it."

Rosalie somehow finished making dinner and we were eating dinner as Rosalie said: "I had called from Jasper today it seems Carlisle truly regrets his decision as a coven leader he should not go with Edwards decision so easily and from slight contact, they had with Edward it seem he is moping around about Bella but refuses to return it seems."

I replied, "Sooner or later he will want to come to see her."Rosalie nodded at that we went to the bedroom to just cuddle with each other we were just content with that.

The next day I had Arthur alerted me about seeing Bree tanner sleeping on a bench in the park in Seattle.I immediately took my car and went to the park to see the girl I atleast wanted to save her she never asked to be a vampire.

I read about her life Bree believed that her mother had left her abusive father when she was four but the truth was far from it, Bree's father murdered her mother. He buried the body in the desert, then packed up and moved to Idaho with Bree. Because of the abuse, Bree felt isolated from her peers. She was a quiet, withdrawn girl. No one ever noticed the signs of her abusive home life, despite some physical evidence.

Finally, at some point, Bree could no longer stand his abuse and ran away from home a few weeks before her sixteenth birthday. She had just enough money for a bus ride to Seattle, but nothing more than that. She tried unsuccessfully to get a job and began stealing in order to eat. She slept in parks and alleys—any place where she felt a little bit safe. Her biggest fear was that the police would catch her and send her home to her father.

I finally saw her the girl's life was rough I had a mother who didn't even care about me I could relate to her in a sense since she believed her mother abandoned her and ran away. But Bree's mother probably loved her and probably to stayed with an abusive father Just for her.

I went near her patting her to wake her up she woke up and was ready to run but I yelled: "Hey kid don't run I am here to help you."Bree stopped and looked at me for a while then said "How do I know I can trust."I read her mind this kid has good instincts she could tell if a person is going to harm her or not it seems that's what kept her alive in the streets.

I replied to her, "I know who you are a kid your Bree tanner right, and don't worry I am not taking you to the police or your father I swear."

Bree once again started looking at me to see any kind of deception not finding anything asked me "How do you know me and why are you not taking me to the police or my father."I replied looking at her "You probably didn't know this Bree but your father is arrested for the murder of your mother you do not have to be afraid of him anymore."

Bree was stunned hearing that and it took time to process what she just heard and started to cry her voice was cracking as she said"I always thought my mother abandoned me and ran away because of my father's abuse."

Since I can watch a person's past I watched Bree's past seeing what happened to her mother.I slightly gritted my teeth seeing that.

I replied softly "No she didn't kid she probably loved you to still live with your father. She could have run away anytime if she wanted but stayed with your father for you. She did not abandon you Bree she was killed by your father"

Bree who was hearing what I said couldn't stop crying I went next to her and patted her on the back. What I said was the truth I saw the love her mother had for her the beating she suffered for Bree's sake.

I told her with a soft smile "If you want I can contact my father who will make sure you are taken to a nice orphanage if you want he will help you I am sure of it."Bree just nodded her head

I called dad and told about Bree he told me to stay where I was we waited for some time and then dad came he made sure Bree made to the right people and even made sure she went to a nice orphanage I knew her future it was good she will be adopted by a couple who were unable to have children they loved Bree as there own daughter she will live a very good life.

It seems fate is with Bree she meets her mate Diego again but the only difference both will not be turning into a vampire.

I saw dad coming to me and sitting next to me and said"You know you did a very good thing there for that girl."I replied, "I saw her in the news somewhere I knew her story just wanted to help."

Dad looked at me with pride and said " You could just have ignored her and went your way but you helped her I am proud of you son"I don't know It felt good to know that I made my dad proud.

I went home to see Bella was sitting there in deep thought I asked "What happened why do you look so concerned." my voice broke her out of it. Bella just shook her head and replied "Nothing even though Jacob made me uncomfortable during our movie trip I called him to know if he was okay."

I said while smiling at her "I am sure he is fine."

Bella didn't think much about it and went to meet Angela and Leah. Once again Bella called Jacob to find out how he is since the guy called almost every day so this made her worry a little for him it seems.

Dad was going hunting today and told both of us "Hey both of you I will come back by 3 pm okay."Bella nodded and said, "Just be a careful dad."

Dad jokingly replied, "Don't act like my mom."I snickered at that. Bella warned harry Clearwater too but he replied: "I have a black belt in karate."

Bella said to me "I am going to check on Jacob just to see if he is fine okay."I nodded and replied, "You have your taser and pepper spray dad gave you right."Bella looked at me and said, "I have them and I don't think he would anything around his father."

After Bella came from meeting Jacob she is going to the spot she and Edward spent. I was alerted by Arthur that Laurent just checked if the Cullens were home it seems I immediately sped towards the location while mentally told sam "Sam we have a vampire in our territory and he is not a friendly one." I sent him a mental image of the place since he would know the place best Sam replied "I got it I know the place I will be there soon."

I found another one this one looked like victoria but slightly older and had the same hair color I knew who this was but she supposed to be dead did me being here change that. She is probably here to kill Bella they made Laurent the decoy.

I mentally asked Rosalie to come since I needed someone to look after Bella while I fight her. Since I saw another male vampire has also entered the territory but he seems to go after dad it seems but is just making sure Bella or I get killed."

I saw Laurent speaking to Bella "I went to visit the Cullens the house is empty I was really surprised they had left to you behind weren't you sort of a pet of theirs." Laurent said while circling her. Bella replied to him "You could say that."

Laurent asked "Do the Cullens visit often "Bella tried to sound convincing replied, "Absolutely I will tell them you stopped by I probably shouldn't since Edward is pretty protective."Laurent asked with a smile "But he is far away isn't he."

Bella changed the subject and asked, "Why are you here."Laurent looked thoughtful and said, "I came as a favor to Victoria and the Cullens kinda made it difficult for me to enter their allied coven what was there name ahh Denali coven if I remember correctly."

Bella asked " Victoria "Laurent replied, "She asked me to see if you are still under the protection of the Cullens Victoria feels its only fair to kill Edwards mate since he killed hers an eye for an eye and I know one of the Cullens tipped the Denali coven off me since they were looking at me with great distrust which was not possible since I didn't know them before."

He continued about how victoria will not be very happy about him killing her and also he wanted to hurt the Cullens for making it so that he couldn't enter Denali coven.

As he was coming to kill her Sam and his pack showed up Laurent ran in fear seeing them believing them to be children of the moon. As Sam and his pack chased after Laurent I saw the other vampire coming out of hiding and I ran towards Bella in human speed to make her think I am still human.

I stood in front of Bella who scared seeing the wolves but also confused seeing me here. Both of us saw the female vampire coming to the clearing I whispered to Bella "Run Bella Rosalie will find you."

Bella asked, "What about you".I told her "Don't worry about me go now." Bella ran towards the forest.

I saw the vampire who saw this smiled and said "Brave of you to sacrifice yourself for your sister but foolish of you to think she can escape me I will find and kill her after I am done with you."

I Knew who this is and I know my existence probably changed some things in this world I have stay alert killing her won't be hard since she seems to believe me to be a simple newborn, for now, that is.

[Authors note:I don't have an idea how to write fight scenes so it is probably going to suck]

Rosalie POV

Even though I was angry at Carlisle and Esme at first the anger slowly went away.I had forgiven them since they slowly started to understand what they did was wrong and also they are trying to stop favoring Edward.

I spoke to Esme and Carlisle who were happy that I had forgiven them but I did not regret staying with Matt one bit. Matt and I spent most of the time patrolling the woods or he spent time with me in our new house we just did everyday things cooking and stuff we just took pleasure in such small things.

I was thinking "How I am very grateful for having Matt in my life he just made it so much better."I was going to call him when I got alerted by Matt mentally telling me that Bella is in trouble I sped towards her location as I saw another vampire running towards Bella I easily tackled him.

Both of us recovered from it he tried to punch me I easily dogged it grabbed his arm and easily cracked it.

The guy was more of a brawler I mentally thanked Matt since sparing with Matt made me really proficient in hand to hand combat. He jumped away in pain even with an arm gone he just seems to get angry than scared and sped towards me tried to kick me I easily blocked his kick I then did a low kick which made him lose balance and fall I then held him in place with my leg on his throat and asked: "Who sent you here."

The guy replied while still trying to get out "Victoria she wanted to make sure the job gets done and wanted to kill there father."I replied with a smirk "Your lucky my boyfriend didn't get you."

I didn't want to risk it so I took out the laser dagger Matt gave me and cut his head clean off then started to break some branches then lit his body on fire.

I saw Bella who saw the fight look at me in shock I asked her "Are you okay."She just nodded and replied, "Matt is alone there he might need your help."I just shook my head and said "Its the vampire who needs the help."

I was able to calm her down but she suddenly asked "Matt is a vampire isn't he."

I replied while looking at her "Yes he thought its best to turn after James came after you seeing there can be chances of such things happening again and it seems he was right."

I know what Bella was thinking Matt had told me about how she wanted turn while Edward always changed the subject. I can understand in wanting to have her live a human life and all but what will happen after she dies Edward will pretty much go to the Volturi to die too.

The thing is Bella seems to have no problem in being a vampire or at least with the idea being one the longer Edweird delays it the higher the chances of vampires or Volturi finding out about Bella.