Chapter 26

Matt POV

I watched as Jasper got ready to fight as told "Emmett? Don't hold back." Emmett grinned and replied," Not in my nature."Emmett charges Jasper at full speed ad tackles Jasper who tries to stop him as emmet throws Jasper who quickly recovers and once again both lunges at each other as Jasper dodges Emmet's punch and chokeslams, Emmet, into the ground as jasper stops long enough to say " Never lose focus."

Then it was Carlisle and Edward's turn both wrestle with each other Edward can read Carlisle's mind which gives him the advantage. He twirls beyond Carlisle's grasp, then SLAMS into him delivering a vicious body blow to Edward who faster than Carlisle was able to take him down but because of his overconfidence he looked away from Carlisle who was able to get back up and take him down as Jasper who walked by rolled his eyes and said"One more thing... Never turn your back on your enemy. "

I was amazed by Jasper's skill. The guy was a seasoned fighter with the amount of experience he had during the wars the only way to defeat him is through someone taking him by surprise, overpowering him with numbers or using offensive special abilities like that of Jane.

It was mine and Rosalie's turn as a violent but extraordinary dance as Rosalie beautifully dodges by kicks and punches both of us had spared a lot as I caught Rosalie and slammed her into a tree as from fight it turned into a passionate makeout session as we heard Jasper cough and say "You guys are great but please in private."

We soon went back stood next to the others avoiding their looks as I was hugging Rosalie from behind wrapping my arms around her waist as kissed her neck and whispered"You know it's your fault for turning me on this morning."

Rosalie purred and replied, "Okay when we get back we will settle it."

I watched Alice and Jasper spar, spiraling, twisting. Jasper launches at her but with her eyes glazed over, not looking at him, she sees his moves before he makes them. Out of nowhere, Alice is perched on his back; she kisses his neck as she yelled" Gotchya."I looked at the two with a smile and thought"They needed each both have horrible past. While one doesn't remember it and the other wishes to forget it."

Well, another thing I noticed is that Bella avoided Jacob like he was a ghost and that's when Bella questioned Jasper how he knew so much about newborns. Jasper didn't hesitate as he told Bella everything about his past Maria and he was part of the southern vampire war.

After taking everything in I couldn't help but pity him if it wasn't for Alice I bet Jasper would have killed himself.We all got back home as things got heated between Rosalie and me let's just say we broke the bed again.

The next day I saw Edward entering the Cullen household with Bella on his heels as I heard Bella say" I'm not just gonna hide, while you're taking all the risks for me?" Edward sighed and replied"If it's Victoria involved... I need to keep you as far away from the fight as possible." Bella in irritation said," Jasper said that I could be of help."

Edward patiently explained" We won't need your help. With the wolves in this, it's an easy win. The rest of us, aren't gonna have enough to do."

Bella in frustration asked"Okay, either it's so dangerous that I have to hide... Or it's so easy, that you're gonna beside blind, which is it?"I grinned and said, "She does have a point you have to make up your mind Edward also no matter what Victoria will find a way to get to Bella."

Edward ignored me and said"It's dangerous for you. It's easy for us." Bella in irritation replied" I think it's dangerous for us to be apart. How many times we have to prove that? I'll be worrying. You'll be worried. And we'll both feel more horrible."

Edward sighed and said," Okay, you're right." Bella thought Edward understood the matter as she asked" So, I'm coming with you." Edward in confusion said," No, we've got to stay away together." Bella shook her head and said" I can't make you choose between me and your family, it's..."

Edward cut in" The only way I can protect you, is to be with you."I stopped both of them as I said"Stop both of enough drama. Now here is how it is going to be Edward is going to be with Bella away from the fight.Got it"

This got a nod from Bella and Edward as I rolled my eyes and muttered"I have never seen a couple be so much of a drama queen."

Everyone heard this jasper, Carlisle, and Esme was having a hard time keeping straight face while Alice and Emmet were laughing as both Edward and Bella looked away in embarrassment as I looked at Bella and said: "I will give you clothes to make sure scent and temperature are not a problem."

Bella nodded as I was thinking about Riley bier's the idiot is far too gone as things went as planned the day of the battle arrived and well Jacob didn't like the fact he couldn't accompany Bella.