Matt watched as both his children looked at the Avatar in fascination as he spoke up"You are going to be trained by Dr.Grace Augustine in everything from Na'vi language to traditions.This whole project is a cooperation between the two companies."
Matt and Rosalie took the twins to LINK ROOM contains a dozen psionic link units, which look like Pods crossed with MRI scanners.
Rosalie explained"Grace Augustine is a good friend of ours. She's the head of the Avatar Program, and she wrote the book on Pandoran botany.She has been working with us for while now."
DR. Grace augustine sits up in her link, stretching and cracking her neck after a long session. She's fifty, with a strong face and fiercely intelligent eyes.
Grace was very good friend of Rosalie and Matt,they trusted her so much that they showed her the Medical Bed,which was something that stunned Grace who decided to use her better her health since she was addicted to smoking.
Grace was younger than before,she didn't use it to make herself too young since that would cause herself to draw too much attention.
Grace stands, scowling, as Matt,Rosalie,Elijah,Gabriella and Carlisle approach. Grace seeing Matt and Rosalie gave each other hug,while saying"Your Link units are thousand times better than the RDA once."
Grace smiled a little seeing both Elijah and Gabriella,while saying"So your children arrived."she studied both of them and continued"Your father talks about you a lot,if he is not exaggerating both of you are genius since you know everything about Pandora,only thing you would need is first hand experiences and some information about Na'vi traditions."
Gabriella and Elijah nodded,while Grace looked at Matt with a sigh and said"You know,I really wished to be in your company after the last fiasco."
Matt and Rosalie nodded with grim look remembering how some Na'vi students under Grace were almost killed and among them waw Sylwanin te Tskaha Mo'at'ite who was the daughter of Eytukan and Mo'at and the older sister of Neytiri. She was a member of the Omaticaya clan and a Tsahìk-in-training.She was a student of Grace Augustine after the establishment of her school house, along with her sister, Neytiri. Grace described the pair as her two best students.In 2152, Sylwanin stopped going to school because she was angry about the RDA's work on Pandora, and one day she and a few other young hunters set a bulldozer on fire and fled to Grace's school.
The whole thing was because RDA crossed a region which was marked by the Futuretech as no go zone. When RDA soldiers came to the school and attached if not for Matt and Rosalie being there and the defensive measures around the school provided the students would have been killed and Sylwanin being the daughter of the leader of the Omaticaya clan would have caused huge isssues.The whole the thing caused a huge backlash back on Earth when the new leaked,whole govt pretty much pressured RDA to not involve heavy weaponry attack unless needed.
This was mainly because Matt was able to proved that Eywa the guiding force of life and deity of Pandora and the Na'vi really existed how the Na'vi can upload or download memories from it using their queues and it can even be used for mind transfers in certain cases.The Tree of Souls grants the Na'vi access to the psychic essences of their deceased, which is how the Na'vi communicate with their ancestors.
This had caused a enormous support for not causing Na'vi issues and many wanted a peaceful relationship with the Na'vi which was proven possible by Matt through his method.But this incident did cause slight issue with the Na'vi and human relationship,Matt,Grace and Rosalie once again had to do damage control with Eytukan te Tskaha Kamun'itan the patriarch of the Omaticaya clan, and his mate of Mo'at,it was tense.But thanks to Matt protecting his daughter he came to an agreement that RDA would enter the lands they marked as sacred,it was huge hit to RDA who had to agree with the demands because for the pressure from govt and the public.
Grace really was trying to transfer to FutureTech after the incident it was in progress because her whole research was funded by RDA and also her contract was not easy to be called off.But she was able to stay with FutureTech since they decided her connections with Na'vi should be better use with FutureTech than RDA.
They talked for while as Grace asked"Should we give the Twins a test run on their Avatar?"
This excited both of the as Matt was thoughtful and replied"I guess they should get started."
The next day everything was set up and they were soon taken to the pods or Link units Rosalie helped Elijah settle in the unit,while Matt helped Gabriella.
Gabriella settles into the warm fluid gel packs lining the unit.It seems to enfold him. Grace adjusts his biometric sensors,then lowers the upper clamshell.
Matt with small smile said" Just relax and let your mind go blank."
As Gabriella nodded then Matt lowers the hood down.Carlisle seeing Matt gesturing them to go nodded and said"Initiate link." The LINK TECH touches some controls on a large monitor a 3D SCAN of Gabriella's brain appears.Matt was regions of activity flow with complex shifting colors.Carlisle smiled and said"That's good. Nice activity."
Grace nodded and replied looking at Matt and Rosalie"Alright, I'm going in are you coming too"
Matt and Rosalie smiled and nodded they walked to their respective pods.Tech looking at the monitor said"Phase-lock at forty percent.She's in transition,both of them are."
Carlisle watches a display showing the avatar's nervous system aligning with Gabriella two ghostly networks of light merging.
Carlisle seeing this muttered"Now it's your job to find your way home."
Inside the link unit.Gabriella eyes move under the lids, like a dreamer in REM sleep as inside Gabriella's mind radiant streamers coalesce into a pulsing tunnel of light and then ZZZWHAP! resolving into an overexposed, out-of-focus image two blurry faces wearing masks, looking down.It was Gabriella's two very intense eyes, the pupils contracting. Golden irises pulse with life.