Chapter 52

Matt and Rosalie made sure get their children through the physical test and even introduced them to rest of the AVATAR programme members.

In the AVATAR longhouse ,Gabriella sits on a wooden bed in a long hut of tropical-style construction beamed ceiling, open sides covered by screen.Around her were Elijah and the other avatars are bedding down for the night,pulling insect netting around their cots. In one hand,Gabriella

holds the end of her long braided QUEUE of hair. Gabriella the queue the ends of the hair writhe slowly with

their own life, like tendrils of a sea creature.

Matt seeing this said"Don't play with that,I know

they look kinda freaky.But they ate important."

Gabriella nodded as Elijah explained"They are very Important.Most Pandoran life forms possess one or two queues, encased in a "neural whip", they are actually extensions of the Pandoran creature's nervous system.When a creature connects these tendrils with that of another being, it enables mental communication between the two entities and the sharing of information, including memories, emotions, and sensory input." 

Gabriella eyes lit up in fascination,she was really getting into studying everything related to Pandora.Elijaha db Gabriella knew practically everything related to Pandora they both were really looking too getting their own Dire horse and Banshee.

Grace switches off the overheads and said

"Lights out amigos. See ya' at dinner."

Gabriella sits in the twilight, listening to the screeches and hoots from the forest. Finally she lies down, closing her eyes.

In the LINK ROOM Gabriella eyes open,she blinks, disoriented, as Carlisle opens the upper clamshell of his link unit.In the next chair Grace sits up, yawning and muttered"Now the paper work."

Gabriella and Elijah struggles was also very tired,as Matt and Rosalie came next to them and asked"Both of you begin your classes tomorrow."

The next day after breakfast both Gabriella and Elijah were studying about Na'vi traditions.It was surprise when Jasper,Alice,Gigi,Emmet,Esme and Carlisle walked in.Carlisle and Esme actually had a boy named Jonathan he was actually working with Carlisle as doctor.

Elijah was close to Jasper and Emmet,while Gabriella was super close to Gigi and Alice.

Matt seeing the reunion asked Jasper"How was the negotiation with the Metkayina clan go?"

Jasper smiled and replied"It went good,you know Alice as way with getting into people's hearts."

Rosalie chuckled hearing that and said"Thats he does."

The Metkayina clan, an oceanic group of Na'vi who have evolved to an aquatic lifestyle by developing fin-like arms and legs, broad, paddle-shaped tails, greener skin with more watery stripes, and blue eyes.

Alice came and hugged Matt and with excitement said"The Reef was so beautiful,you should have see it.The ocean is filled with so may enchanting plants and animals."

Matt looking around asked"Where is Caroline,Theo and Jonathan?"

Jasper answered"He had went to get the new batch of Direhorse,probably settling them in."Alice had a huge smile remembering about her so.

Carlisle added"Jonathan and Caroline is working with Dr.Grace they have an issue with their Avatar Project member he died.So there is an issue of getting a new body,RDA is saying they can't waste the AVATAR body and they have substitute,their is talks about the AVATAR driver having a twin."

Jasper,Alice,Emmet,Gigi,Carlisle and Esme all seem proud of their respective children.

Matt nodded and looking at Jasper and Emmet asked"So everything went well."

Emmet who had huge smile said"Yeah we had to tame some ilu to travel."

Elijah was hearing about the ilu for the first time asked"What is an ilu?"

Carlisle having research the creature after Jasper sent him a pic explained"ilu is a large plesiosaur,they are like the direhorse of the Pandoran ocean. With multiple fins/flippers and a long, streamlined shape, this aquatic pack animal serves the reef clans like direhorses serve the Na'vi clans of the forests, jungles and plains."

Jasper brought up his communicator and it should a holographic image of ilu it was sleek and lithe aquatic reptilian specimen with a long neck, six flippers and rudder-like tail. Four eyes and two kuru/queue antennae-like neural whips extending from its temples.

Jasper added"They are very much like horse so I live them very much."

Gabriella was intrested in this new clan asked"What about the Metkayina clan,I haven't heard about them."

Rosalie smiled abd said"Pandora is filled with species and sub species we haven't recorded."

Gabriella and Elijah nodded as Jasper explained "Metkayina live along the shores of the Pandoran oceans, on islands or near the mainland,primarily in villages called marui which are built into the roots of mangrove-like trees spanning the islands.There homes hang directly above the water presumably for easy access for swimming. Massive seawall terraces, similar in appearance to travertine terraces, guard the villages from strong waves and provide an easy place for the clan to fish. The Cove of the Ancestors is an area sacred to the Metkayina."

Emmet showing a Tattoo added" The clan practices the art of tattooing."

Emmet and Jasper easily go along with said clan they decided make both honorary members of the clan.It was mainly because Alice was able for tell many future events,they were obviously suspicious at the start.But they soon saw everything thing she foretold came true.

All of the Cullen's loved Pandora as this place was new and enchanting,it was also provided them with a feeling of being mortal again.

It didn't take long as Theo,Caroline and Jonathan came by all of them were close with Gabriella and Elijah.