There Is No Place Like Home..

Samar closed the door behind him and walked into Sarah's bedroom. He saw an IV drip inserted into Sarah's vein while she slept soundly.

He went near her bed and sat beside her.

As he stared at her, he realized how she had lost her original chubby appearance. Her arms had become bony and thin like bamboo sticks. There was no flesh on her body...

"Drugs.." He mumbled to himself and sighed by shaking his head to clear his mind.

He gently pinched one of Sarah's flushed cheek and whispered, "Little dinosaur, when you will grow up and stop shaking the earth by your childish deeds? When you will make us stop worrying for you?"

He then touched her forehead to check her temperature. It wasn't subsided for a little bit.

He frowned and a rare look of worry appeared on his handsome face.

He glanced at the bowl filled with cool water which was kept on the bedside cabinet along with cotton strips and hand towels and reached out to pick it up.