I Am Not A Traitor

Vikram snorted. "Who says? No one can even touch your strand of hair, much less kill you! Don't you trust your elder brother?"

"Brother, I am not talking about what happened at the Paradise bar." Sarah looked up at his handsome face.

After Rudra, Vikram was the most reliable and trustworthy person on whom, Sarah could believe with her eyes closed. Even though he was younger than Rudra and Rahul, Anant had assigned all the important work and responsibilities of the family to Vikram as he was often busy in his experiments and research.

It was predestined that in Absence of Rudra, the next family head would be Vikram. Everyone had trust in Vikram as they obeyed his every command and respected his every decision.

"Since yesterday morning, I am observing you. You look troubled, even mumbling something in your dreams. Is there something bothering you?" Vikram asked while smoothening her elflocks.